Bill Clinton on Obama: A Big Fairy Tale
Now he's all...
U.S. Politics Is One Big
Hypocritical Freak Show! is unique!
At I share numerous studies into the world's religions based on my personal quest for Truth. Over the years this research has led me to embrace Judaism. That is now the main focus of the domain.
On my blogs I share many of these studies and invite your questions and comments.
Also see my Xanga Blog.
Todah veShalom,
~ John of AllFaith
Now he's all...
U.S. Politics Is One Big
Hypocritical Freak Show!
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal denounced on Thursday an Israeli offer of a demilitarized Palestinian state as a "big prison" and said only armed struggle could restore Palestinian rights.
In a speech this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supported the U.S. goal of a Palestinian state but said it should be demilitarized and the Palestinians must accept Israel as a Jewish nation.
"The state that Netanyahu talked about, with control on it by land, sea and air, is a freak entity and a big prison, not a country fit for a great people," Meshaal said in a speech in the Syrian capital to supporters of Hamas, which won Palestinian elections in 2006.
[What "great people?" There is NO Palestinian people other than the Jews!]
Meshaal said the notion of an exclusive Jewish nation was anathema to the Palestinians because it means giving up what he described as the right of six million Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland in what is now Israel.
"We warn against any Arab leniency on this issue. The calls by the leaders of the enemy for the Jewishness of Israel are racist, not different to Italian Fascism and Hitler's Nazism," said Meshaal, who lives in exile in Syria.
His speech also aimed to reply to the June 4 speech by U.S. President Barack Obama to the Muslim world in which he re-affirmed the U.S. objective of a Palestinian state alongside Israel on land occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War.
Obama also wants a halt to all Israeli settlement building, a point of disagreement between him and Netanyahu.
Meshaal said Hamas appreciated what he termed Obama's new language, which could be the start of an "unconditional dialogue" between Washington and the Palestinian Islamist group.
[I bet he did!]
"Dealing with Hamas and Palestinian resistance movements must be based on respecting the will of the Palestinian people and its democratic choice, not through putting conditions, such as those of the quartet," he said.
He was referring to the demands of the United States, Russia the United Nations and the European Union for Hamas to renounce armed struggle, as well as accept past peace agreements.
Hamas, which took control of the Gaza strip in 2007 after routing forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, has repeatedly rejected these conditions.
Meshaal also repeated the Hamas line of calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state within 1967 borders.
"The minimum we accept is a Palestinian state with (East) Jerusalem as its capital, full sovereignty, removal of settlements and the refugees' right of return," he said.
[OK then, Now Israel can get busy and establish the One State Solution! Right?]
He said Hamas, which is mainly supported by Syria and Iran, sees no alternative but to continue armed struggle to liberate Palestinian land after decades of Israel flouting international resolutions to withdraw.
"There is no alternative," Meshaal said. "Peaceful resistance works for a civil rights struggle, not in front of an occupation armed to the teeth."
[True, AND that's why Israel needs to get busy and expel EVERY Muslim from Israel and establish a truly Jewish State.]
(Editing by Charles Dick)
� Thomson Reuters 2009. All rights reserved.
June 23, 2009 ... Anti-Israel activists are waging a campaign against Trader Joe's, demanding the company remove Israeli products from its store shelves.
Trader Joe's has assured the Anti-Defamation League that they will not acquiesce to this boycott demand and will continue to sell Israeli products.
They issued the following statement:
"Our response is that we sell products, and do not use our products as political tools or to make any statements about any political causes. We have no intention of removing any products based on pressure from any group, no matter what they support or don't support. As always, we believe our customers are smart, and they are capable of making decisions about what they purchase."
In the face of the boycott effort, Trader Joe's has acted commendably by standing up against this organized campaign and in responding quickly to concerns from ADL and others in the Jewish community.
Now it can be revealed: The question that ticked off the whole Galaxy!
Meesa Jar Jar Binks and meesa in this goodly picture at the end! Dey been savin' the goodliest part for the last, dat be me! Meesa gotted killeded but meesa not bein mad 'bout dat!
For more information go to the official Website:
ABC's Diane Sawyer: 'We don't do infomercials'
Posted by Bobby EberleThis is the week that we get our full dose of health care "news" on ABC. The special which airs on Wednesday is a townhall format in which Barack Obama will answer "tough" questions from the audience as picked by ABC News.
Conservatives and other media critics have been up in arms ever since ABC News announced the format. Diane Sawyer, co-host of ABC's "Good Morning America" recently went on the air to defend the program and deny that it was a glorified infomercial. She actually said she is proud of the program, because it's important to have a debate on this serious issue. Note to Dianne... it might just be me, but I thought it takes two opposing sides to have a debate. Right?
First a little background. The health care issue is heating up, and the Democrats in Washington, because of their success over the last two election cycles, are seeing this as their golden opportunity to move for more government control over health care. Here's just a sampling of what Obama's plan would do according to analysis by the Heritage Foundation:
* It Undermines Parental Authority: Instead of empowering parents, President Obama's health care plan will chip away at the fundamental rights parents have in key health care decisions for their family by centralizing crucial health care decision-making over plans and benefits in Washington.
* It Puts Federal Bureaucrats in Control of Health Care Decisions: The President's health agenda would result in a major transfer of regulatory authority over health insurance and the kinds of benefits and medical treatments that families get in their health coverage. This could also compromise the rights of families to secure the kind of health coverage that is compatible with their ethical, moral, or religious convictions.
* It Shackles Families with Unknown Costs: President Obama promised American families that under his health plan the average family would save $2,500. But independent analysis shows that less than 11 percent of American families would actually see that level of savings with the reforms proposed by the Administration.
As noted in a story from The Hill, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released a report "estimating the cost of a leading healthcare reform proposal at more than $1 trillion, but that figure looked only at a portion of the bill."
As The Hill explains, "The analysis falls just within the most expensive cost scenario sketched out by Democratic leaders in recent days, but does not include an estimate for a highly contentious government-run insurance plan that would compete with private insurers." So, even without the Democrats' dream of government controlled insurance, the plan is unbelievably expensive. And yet, they are pushing this even as our debt soars and spending skyrockets.
Republicans are finally fighting back on this issue. Sen. Mitch McConnell said this week:
"Throughout this debate, the administration's central argument has been that America needs health care reform for the sake of the economy," McConnell said. "Yet according to independent estimates, every health care proposal Democrats on Capitol Hill have offered would only hurt the economy."
In addition, Democrats are looking at forcing every American to purchase health insurance. This is where their idea of a government-run insurance provider comes in. I thought this was a free country, where we can make our own choices. The federal government is going to force us to buy health insurance? Is that something the Founding Fathers consider a core role of government? What about those who can't afford this forced insurance? Oh right, other people will pay for that in the form of higher taxes. Got it.
So, now along comes ABC News with its interest in helping educate Americans on the health care debate. Here is their promo:
So, ABC News is taking us into "his house." Interesting. It almost sounds as if I should use a capital H for "his."
Even in this short promo, there is obvious bias. The fact that the promo says Obama will "answer all your tough questions about your health care" is not significant. What is important is the fact that Obama is the only one talking. This promo advances the idea that there is only one solution to health care: the Obama plan. Now, Americans may or may not understand the plan, but that's ok, because good President Obama will answer your questions and all will be clarified.
Here's what Diane Sawyer has to say:
So proud? Tackle a serious issue in a serious way? By giving only one side of the story? By assuming that Obama's plan is the right plan and giving him an hour to defend it?
Yes, the audience can ask questions from "every single vantage point," but the responses are just coming from Obama. There are no alternative voices being heard.
I do agree with Sawyer that there should be a "great debate" on health care. Too bad ABC News isn't giving that to the American people.
Here's what John of AllFaith has to say:
Shame on ABC-Disney!
The aim is to see whether any traces of water will be revealed by the disruption caused to the planet's surface. Nasa will analyse the space cloud caused by the explosion for any sign of water or vapour.
Scientists expect the impact to blast out a huge cloud of dust, gas and vaporized water ice at least 6 miles high - making it visible from Earth.
If the search is successful it could provide vital supplies for a moonbase. The moon is mostly dry desert but ice may be trapped in craters which never see sunlight.
The unmanned Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission (LCROSS) will fire a Centaur rocket into the surface at twice the speed of a bullet.
An accompanying spacecraft will orbit the moon for a year looking for possible landing sites for astronauts. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will spend at least a year creating the most minutely detailed map of the moon's surface ever seen.
The vessel swill be the first American spacecrafts to make a lunar trip since 1999.
Astronomers have long thought that a rain of comets brought water to the arid, lifeless moon over billions of years.
In the past few years, at least two American spacecraft reported the presence of water by detecting hints of hydrogen and oxygen - the constituents of water - frozen deep in the darkest recesses of craters around both the north and south lunar poles.
The Marin County, Calif., Pacific Sun:
When NASA was preparing for the Apollo project, they did some astronaut training on the Navajo reservation. One day, a Navajo elder and his son were herding sheep and came across the space crew. The old man, who only spoke Navajo, asked a question, which his son translated: "What are the guys in the big suits doing?"
A member of the crew said they were practicing for their trip to the moon. The old man got really excited and asked if he could send a message to the moon with the astronauts. Recognizing a promotional opportunity for the spin doctors, the NASA folks found a tape recorder. After the old man recorded his message, they asked the son to translate.
He refused.
So the NASA reps brought the tape to the reservation, where the rest of the tribe listened and laughed, but also refused to translate the elder's message to the moon. Finally, NASA called in an official government translator. He reported that the moon message said, "Watch out for these guys; they've come to steal your land."
Little did he suspect they be bombing the moon! Alabama Judge
America the beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride;
I'm glad they'll never see.
Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand.
Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine
choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain
From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's love
and a need to always pray
We've kept God in our
temples, how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.
We've voted in a government
that's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges;
who throw reason out the door,
Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.
You think that God's not
angry, that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?
How are we to face our God,
from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?
If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:
Then God will hear from Heaven;
and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.
But, America the Beautiful,
If you don't - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee.
~~Judge Roy Moore~~
Remember Our recent History
Janet the Butcher Reno directly stated the Globalist intention:
"The prohibition of private firearms is the goal."
Then she and Hillary Clinton proceeded to burn 74 innocent men, women and children to death in their church!
We should trust these terrorists to defend our rights?
Obama won't prosecute CIA for waterboarding
The Associated Press reports that the Obama administration will not prosecute CIA agents who used waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics on terror suspects authorized by President George W. Bush.
Attorney General Eric Holder will issue a statement today confirming President Obama's intent to exonerate CIA officials for their actions, as long as they resulted from legal advice at the time, according to unnamed senior administration officials.
Update at 3:12 p.m. ET: Here is Holder's statement.
He states that although CIA officials will not face federal prosecution, the Justice Department would provide "legal representation to any employee, at no cost to the employee, in any state or federal judicial or administrative proceeding," and would "take measures to respond to any proceeding initiated against the employee in any international or foreign tribunal."
Holder goes on to say that to "the extent permissible under federal law," the government will "indemnify any employee for any monetary judgment or penalty ultimately imposed against him for such conduct and will provide representation in congressional investigations."
On a related note...
Cheney says he never saw ANY EVIDENCE linking Osama bin Laden to 9-11!
(He also says he support same sex marriage)
When Bush the never-elected was dictator I seldom missed an episode of the Daily Show With Jon Stewart. Since lord Barry became dictator I seldom watch him because he is soooo biased in his support of this interloper. However the following is a good segment!
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Dick (Uncut) | |||| | ||||
| The oldest & largest free Q&A service on the Internet. |
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Not to be outdone Prof Steven Plaut presents his own thoughts
The Silly and Harmful Fantasy of "Two States for Two Peoples"
By Steven Plaut
Those who support the "Two States for Two Peoples" doctrine, and I suppose that now one must even include Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in that category, no matter how reluctantly he joined it, have a very simple position. Indeed, the entire "Two States for Two Peoples" doctrine can be summed up in one simple idea, in fact in one simple sentence. It is this: maybe after the Palestinians get their own state, then they will agree to live in peace with Israel. No matter how complex and "scholarly" is any article or position paper that supports "Two States for Two Peoples" doctrine, once one clears away the verbiage it all boils down to that one simple idea.
To put it even more strongly, no one who is currently promoting "Two States for Two Peoples" would still be promoting it if they could be persuaded beyond all doubt that the Palestinians would NOT live in peace after getting their own state under "Two States for Two Peoples," or if they discovered with certainty that the second of those states ("Palestine") would be used for nothing other than terrorist aggression. Well, almost no one would. In the increasingly anti-Semitic Left around the world and even at the margins of the Israeli Far Left there are already people arguing that Israel should agree to "Two States for Two Peoples" even if it is totally clear and obvious that "Palestine" will be used for nothing besides terrorist aggression against Israel. They support that idea because they think that creating a Palestinian state is the right thing to do no matter how destructive it will be and no matter how disastrous for Israel will be the consequences of its creation. The more honest far Leftists defend this position by admitting that they want Israel annihilated and all of its Jews thrown into the sea.
Today to promote "Two States for Two Peoples" requires a bit of cognitive dissonance. After all, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, turning it over to the "Palestinian Authority," and the whole world saw the consequences. They included 8000 rocket missiles aimed at Jewish civilians inside Israel. So those who insist that the Palestinians will desire to live in peace once they have their own state are about as consistent and credible as are people who argue that North Korea and Iran will seek genuine peace once they get nuclear weapons, or those that once insisted that Hitler would be satisfied once he gets the Sudetenland.
But more generally, the whole "Two States for Two Peoples" campaign is nothing more than a special case of the "Then Maybe they Will" doctrine. For the past 30 years the Israeli political establishment has been prisoner to the "Then Maybe They Will" doctrine. Every major policy decision made by the government has reflected the power of wishful thinking and faith in the make-pretend. Here is a brief recapitulation of the doctrine:
If Israel gives Sinai back to the Egyptians, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL stop the Nazi-like anti-Semitic propaganda in their state-run media.
If Israel agrees to limited autonomy for Palestinians, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL stop seeking Israel's destruction and the world will not try to set up an independent Palestinian Arab terror state.
If Israel provides the Palestinian Authority with arms and funds, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL not be used for terrorist atrocities against Israel.
If Israel grants its Arab citizens affirmative action preferences, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL stop cheering terrorists and seeking the annihilation of Israel and its Jewish population.
If Israel frees thousands of jailed Palestinian terrorists, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL renounce violence and not murder any more Jews.
If Israel agrees to hold talks with representatives of the PLO, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL put a stop to Palestinian terrorism.
If Israel allows the Palestinians to hold elections, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL not elect Hamas.
If the Palestinians elect Hamas, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL not pursue a program of aggression and terrorism against Israel.
If Israel holds talks with terrorists, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL renounce their genocidal ambitions and seek peace.
If Israel conducts a unilateral withdrawal from all of southern Lebanon and allows Hezb'allah terrorists to station rockets on the border, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL not launch any of them.
If Israel sits back while the Syrians exert their hegemony over Lebanon, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL rein in Hezb'allah and stop border attacks on Israel.
If Israel refrains from retaliating against Hezb'allah terrorists after they murder captive Israeli soldiers in cold blood, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL not seek to kidnap any more soldiers.
If Israel agrees to one cease-fire after another with the Arabs, THEN MAYBE THE ARABS WILL eventually comply with one.
If Israel allows Arabs in Israel to build illegally, including on public lands, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL become pro-Israel and moderate.
If Israel agrees to the stationing of UN troops in Lebanon, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL actually do something to stop terror attacks on Israel.
If Israel ignores Hezb'allah border violations, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL come to an end.
If Israel lets the Muslims control the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL respond with friendship and moderation.
If Israel expels all Jews from Gaza as a gesture of friendship to the Palestinians, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL reciprocate with friendship toward the Jews.
If Israel turns the Gaza Strip over to the Palestinians, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL not use it as a base for terror attacks against Israel.
If Israel turns the other cheek after Qassam rocket attacks from Gaza, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL stop being fired.
If Israel allows the Palestinian Authority to control parts of the West Bank, THEN MAYBE THE PALESTINIANS WILL not fire rockets at Jews the same way they do from Gaza.
If Israel returns the Golan Heights to Syria THEN MAYBE THE SYRIANS WILL seek peace and reject the idea of using the Heights to attack Israel again.
If Israel agrees to place its neck in the Oslo/Road Map/Saudi Plan noose, THEN MAYBE THE ARABS WILL not pull the rope.
If Israel officially agrees in principle to let the Palestinians have a state, THEN MAYBE THEY WILL abandon their agenda of annihilating Israel.