Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm not the only seeing more demons lately! "The Devil is living in the Vatican," says the Pope's chief exorcist

Demonic activity has hit all time highs (or lows!). The US Secretary of State is literally demon possessed (she has been for several years) as are numerous other US and other national officials, as well as many others in positions of power in churches, corporations, banking interests etc. Countless others are so oppressed (or demonically overshadowed) that they might as well be possessed.

Now the Chief Exorcist of the Catholic Church says Vatican City and the upper echelons of the Catholic Church is ripe with demons! More of my thoughts on this topic follow this UK Press release:

The Devil is living in the Vatican, says the Pope's chief exorcist

CHILD sex scandals rocking the Catholic Church are proof of the Devil living in the Vatican, the Pope's chief exorcist claims.

Father Gabriel Amorth, 84, who has carried out more than 70,000 exorcisms in 50 years, said that Pope Benedict "fully agreed" with him in "casting out evil".

In the last few months, the Catholic Church have been rocked by a series of sex scandals in Ireland, Holland and, most recently, Germany.

Even the Pope's brother, Father Georg Ratzinger, has admitted he hit choir boys.

Italian priest Fr Amorth said: "His Holiness fully believes in casting out evil.

"The Devil lives in the Vatican. Naturally it's difficult to find proof but the true consequences are visible.

"We have cardinals who don't believe in Christ, bishops connected with demons.

"Then we have these stories of paedophilia. You can see the rot when we speak of Satan's smoke in the holy rooms of the Vatican."

Fr Amorth was speaking yesterday during the launch of Memoirs Of An Exorcist, written by Italian journalist Marco Tosatti.

Fr Amorth, the basis for the priest in hit horror movie The Exorcist, said he had "six or seven assistants" to help him hold down possessed people while carrying out exorcisms.

He thinks the 1981 attempt on the life of the late Pope John Paul II and the recent attack on Benedict were the work of the Devil.

He also criticised JK Rowling books, saying: "Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the king of the darkness."


I discussed the absolute evil of the Harry Potter books and movies when they began emerging from the Pits of Hell.
Now Universal Studios Orlando is announcing the Harry Potter Theme Park! If you have ANY love for your children do not bring them into this Hellish zone! Seriously!

I completely agree with Father Amorth on this!

"Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the king of the darkness."

Harry Potter is different. It is EVIL and countless children who have been exposed to this series have been oppressed and in some case possessed while reading the books or watching these movies. They are EVIL. Now the evil will be placed at Universal Studios Orlando!

So serious has the problem of demonic activities become that Bishops of the Catholic Church established the International Association of Exorcists in 1993. This association was established by the world-famous exorcist of Rome, Father Gabriele Amorth and Father Jeremy Davies. Demonic activity is epidemic today. That's the point.

Now the Chief Exorcist of the Catholic Church is speaking out publicly about the clear and present danger of demonic activities including possession. As of the year 2000 there were over two hundred Bishop authorized Catholic priest/exorcists. There are also hundreds if not thousands of Protestant exorcists and others. I have witnessed and/or participated in scores if not more over the past 40 years.

70,000 Exorcisms in 50 years by One Priest Alone

Father Gabriel Amorth alone has overseen more than 70,000 exorcisms in 50 years of this ministry. Consider this: before performing the Catholic Rite of Exorcism the Catholic Church requires its priests to pass very specific qualifications for their clients. The person must undergo standard medical and mental health professional examinations first in order to rule out "natural causes" for the symptoms. Then the priest must convince a Catholic Bishop that an exorcism is called for and a doctor must be present during the rite

-- And still 70,000 exorcisms in 50 years by this one exorcist alone.

I Timothy 4:1,2 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

The New Health Care Top Ten Laws

Here's a list of ten things you need to know as a forced member of the US Socialist Health Care System.

All emphasis' mine

10 Ways the New Healthcare Bill May Affect You
by Katie Adams
Friday, March 26, 2010

SOURCE: Yahoo! Financial
provided by Investopedia

The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act, more commonly referred to as the "healthcare bill", has taken over a year to craft and has been a lightning rod for political debate because it effectively reshapes major facets of the country's healthcare industry.

Here are 10 things you need to know about how the new law may affect you

1. Your Kids are Covered

Starting this year, if you have an adult child who cannot get health insurance from his or her employer and is to some degree dependent on you financially, your child can stay on your insurance policy until he or she is 26 years old. Currently, many insurance companies do not allow adult children to remain on their parents' plan once they reach 19 or leave school.

2. You Can't be Dropped

Starting this fall, your health insurance company will no longer be allowed to "drop" you (cancel your policy) if you get sick. In 2009, "rescission" was revealed to be a relatively common cost-cutting practice by several insurance companies. The practice proved to be common enough to spur several lawsuits; for example, in 2008 and 2009, California's largest insurers were made to pay out more than $19 million in fines for dropping policyholders who fell ill.

3. You Can't be Denied Insurance

Starting this year your child (or children) cannot be denied coverage simply because they have a pre-existing health condition. Health insurance companies will also be barred from denying adults applying for coverage if they have a pre-existing condition, but not until 2014.

4. You Can Spend What You Need to

Prior to the new law, health insurance companies set a maximum limit on the monetary amount of benefits that a policyholder could receive. This meant that those who developed expensive or long-lasting medical conditions could run out of coverage. Starting this year, companies will be barred from instituting caps on coverage.

5. You Don't Have to Wait

If you currently have pre-existing conditions that have prevented you from being able to qualify for health insurance for at least six months you will have coverage options before 2014. Starting this fall, you will be able to purchase insurance through a state-run "high-risk pool", which will cap your personal out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare. You will not be required to pay more than $5,950 of your own money for medical expenses; families will not have to pay any more than $11,900.

6. You Must be Insured

Under the new law starting in 2014, you will have to purchase health insurance or risk being fined. If your employer does not offer health insurance as a benefit or if you do not earn enough money to purchase a plan, you may get assistance from the government. The fines for not purchasing insurance will be levied according to a sliding scale based on income. Starting in 2014, the lowest fine would be $95 or 1% of a person's income (whichever is greater) and then increase to a high of $695 or 2.5% of an individual's taxable income by 2016. There will be a maximum cap on fines.

7. You'll Have More Options

Starting in 2014 (when you will be required by law to have health insurance), states will operate new insurance marketplaces - called "exchanges" - that will provide you with more options for buying an individual policy if you can't get, or afford, insurance from your workplace and you earn too much income to qualify for Medicaid. In addition, millions of low- and middle-income families (earning up to $88,200 annually) will be able to qualify for financial assistance from the federal government to purchase insurance through their state exchange.

8. Flexible Spending Accounts Will Become Less Flexible

Three years from now, flexible spending accounts (FSAs) will have lower contribution limits - meaning you won't be able to have as much money deducted from your paycheck pre-tax and deposited into an FSA for medical expenses as is currently allowed. The new maximum amount allowed will be $2,500. In addition, fewer expenses will qualify for FSA spending. For example, you will no longer be able to use your FSA to help defray the cost of over-the-counter drugs.

9. If You Earn More, You'll Pay More

Starting in 2018, if your combined family income exceeds $250,000 you are going to be taking less money home each pay period. That's because you will have more money deducted from your paycheck to go toward increased Medicare payroll taxes. In addition to higher payroll taxes you will also have to pay 3.8% tax on any unearned income, which is currently tax-exempt.

10. Medicare May Cover More or Less of Your Expenses

Starting this year, if Medicare is your primary form of health insurance you will no longer have to pay for preventive care such as an annual physical, screenings for treatable conditions or routine laboratory work. In addition, you will get a $250 check from the federal government to help pay for prescription drugs currently not covered as a result of the Medicare Part D "doughnut hole".

However, if you are a high-income individual or couple (making more than $85,000 individually or $170,000 jointly), your prescription drug subsidy will be reduced. In addition, if you are one of the more than 10 million people currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan you may be facing higher premiums because your insurance company's subsidy from the federal government is going to be dramatically reduced.


Over the next few months you will most likely receive information in the mail from your health insurance company about how the newly signed law will affect your coverage. Read the correspondence carefully and don't hesitate to ask questions about your policy; there may be new, more affordable options for you down the road.

-- I -- AM -- ISRAEL --

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat Shalom

    Genesis 2:1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

    And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

    And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Dry Bones: All Together at the Table

All Together

the four sons at the Seder table: Dry Bones cartoon.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What Can We Learn From Passover (Pesach)?

This is good...

Rabbi's Commentary: What Can We Learn From Passover?

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

March 25, 2010

Dear Friend of Israel,

The Jewish holiday of Passover - in Hebrew, Pesach - begins next Monday at sundown. The holiday commemorates the most significant event in Jewish history - the Exodus of the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land.

The story is familiar to anyone who knows the Bible. Joseph's brothers and their families moved to Egypt due to the famine in Canaan. Years later, a new pharaoh arose who enslaved the Israelites and caused them much suffering. But the Jews cried out to God, who heard their prayers and sent Moses to Pharaoh with the message to "let my people go." When Pharaoh repeatedly refused, God brought plagues upon the Egyptians. After the devastation of the final plague, the killing of Egypt's firstborn, Pharaoh ordered the Israelites to leave. Later, God hardened Pharaoh's heart and Pharaoh's armies pursued them into the desert.

Before fleeing Egypt, God tells the Jews to sacrifice a lamb, one of the many Egyptian gods at the time, and eat it hastily. They were also instructed to sprinkle lamb's blood on the doorposts of their homes to show their faith in God and their willingness to defy the Egyptian deity. The angel of death, seeing the blood on the doors of the Jewish homes "passed over" them and spared the children inside. And so, the name of the festival, and the sacrifice offered, became known as Passover.

The Jewish people have come a long way from the biblical days. There is now a Jewish state the sovereign nation of Israel, a place where Jews can live proudly as Jews, and experience all the joys - and responsibilities - of self-determination.

And yet, in some ways the Jewish people and the Jewish nation are still seeking the liberation they sought when they made their torturous trek through the wilderness in biblical times. Israel is still embattled, surrounded by enemies that refuse to accept her existence. Many nations apply a double standard to Israel, scrutinizing and criticizing her more harshly than they would another country. The belief that the Jews are not entitled to a state in their historic homeland has again become acceptable, even in polite circles. Anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world.

It is easy to get discouraged. But in the Passover story we are given a hopeful message: God hears the cries of His people in need and delivers them from their oppression. This Passover, let all of us Jews and Christians alike hold fast to the words uttered by Moses as he led the Israelites from the pursuing Egyptian armies: "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today" (Exodus 14:13). And let us continue to lift up Israel, the Jewish people - and indeed, the entire world - in our prayers.

With prayers for shalom, peace.

Yechiel Eckstein

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Visit the Stand For Israel Website:

Obama Says NO to Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

From Mike Evans the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team

Dear John,

Following two lengthy meetings at the White House on Tuesday between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama, including a second unscheduled meeting, relations between the two nations remained icy. The White House refused to release the normal photos or briefings that would accompany such an event, leading observers to wonder if the silence was intended to punish Israel for the "insult" to Vice President Biden of announcing the construction of homes for Jewish people on Jewish land during his visit.

Observers had hoped that the high-level meetings would begin to repair the relationship, but that does not appear to be the case. The sticking point appears to be the Obama Administration's insistence that Jerusalem is an issue that must be negotiated rather than acknowledging the ancient City of David as the rightful and eternal capital of Israel.

But despite the pressure, my friend Benjamin Netanyahu is standing firm. "Jerusalem is not a settlement--it is our capital!" he proclaimed at a dinner prior to his meeting with President Obama. He further told Secretary of State Clinton that Israel's policy toward building homes in Jerusalem has remained unchanged for more than forty years and that it will not be changing, despite the protests of the United States.

In a piece published in The New York Times, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren made it perfectly clear that Israel does desire peace with its neighbors and that the real obstacles to peace do not come from Jerusalem:

"Indeed, while maintaining the longstanding Israeli position on Jerusalem, the Netanyahu government has unilaterally frozen new construction projects in the West Bank and has removed dozens of roadblocks to allow Palestinian transportation and commerce. The Israeli government acknowledges that the Palestinians have their own stance on Jerusalem, which they will surely raise at the negotiating table.

Unfortunately, Palestinian leaders have balked at face-to-face negotiations, insisting on new preconditions, including the annulment of Israel's Jerusalem policy. Recently they have encouraged violent demonstrations in the Old City, and have named a square in the West Bank city of Ramallah in honor of Dalal Mughrabi, a terrorist who in 1978 killed 38 Israeli civilians, among them 13 children, and an American photographer, Gail Rubin. Israel expects the Palestinians to stop such incitement and to cease sponsoring attacks against Israel's legitimacy, like the deeply slanted Goldstone report on the Gaza war."

Israel is America's ally and friend, and both politically and biblically we need to stand firm in support of Israel. Sign our petition today telling Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that she does not speak for you.


"You have consistently demonstrated the moral clarity that is necessary to defend Israel from the lies and distortions of its enemies." (Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu)

The Bible declares that we are to be a witness unto the Lord in Jerusalem. It is the only city God claims as His own. It is called the "City of God" and the "Holy City."

"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch." (Isaiah 62:1)

"In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever:" (2 Kings 21:7b)

God has put His Name in Jerusalem. He promises a curse upon the nations that come against Jerusalem.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." (Zechariah 12:9)

Yet today America is coming against Jerusalem! This is a tragedy and we must speak out!

... Please forward this email to your list after you sign and ask your friends to stand with Israel today!


"Mike Evans has been a dear friend and supporter of Jerusalem for more than two decades...International opinion is being swayed in favor of two capitals in one city. We know this is not the solution and that two capitals in Jerusalem will lead to a redivided city. It is more important than ever that we rally support for Jerusalem." (Teddy Kollek, former mayor of Jerusalem)

If you remain silent, the Obama administration will put Israel through unspeakable hell. Jerusalem has never been the capital of a Palestinian state. Our silence will be consent of support for Hillary Clinton, the UN, the EU, and Russia to boycott Israel and encourage them to instigate indescribable pain and suffering on Israel.

For over 2,000 years, the Jewish people have prayed, "Next year, Jerusalem." For many, it was the last words spoken before they were thrown into the ovens during the Holocaust. To tell 1,600 Jewish families they cannot live in Jerusalem is racism. If a political leader in America were to say that African-Americans could only live in half of Washington, DC, he or she would be out of office before sunset.

Please sign the petition, forward it to your entire list, and ask them to do the same. Please keep it going so one million will sign. I am asking one thousand members of the Jerusalem Prayer Team to invest $100 to allow us to reach our goal of one million voices raised against this great evil.


"Mike Evans is a true ambassador to Jerusalem. His efforts at peace conferences and the UN have earned him great respect and admiration." (Ehud Olmert, former mayor of Jerusalem)

Anti-Defamation League National Director Abe Foxman said the current US criticism of Israel was "especially troubling." "We cannot remember an instance when such harsh language was directed at a friend and ally of the United States," his statement continued. "One can only wonder how far the US is prepared to go in distancing itself from Israel in order to placate the Palestinians in the hope they see it is in their interest to return to the negotiating table."

We must raise our voices in support of Israel and turn America from the path of cursing the Chosen People and coming against Jerusalem. The consequences of God's judgment will be severe if we do not act immediately.


I need to hear from you today so that we can rush your statement to Secretary Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Your Ambassador to Jerusalem,

Dr. Michael Evans

Your Jerusalem World News:

Your Jerusalem Prayer Team:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Arab-Israeli War of 1967 Video Presentation

The Arab-Israeli War of 1967

1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 1/6

1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 2/6

1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 3/6

1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 4/6

1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 5/6

1967 Arab-Israeli War - part 6/6

May HaShem Bless, Enlarge and Protect Israel

May Moshiach Come!!

How could a country almost 100% Catholic elect such a monster? He talked like an American politician...

What Happened in Germany and the USSR
Is Happening Here...

This is a must-see video by a woman who lived under both Hitler and the USSR. Go to my friend Tyranny Vigiant's site:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Health Care Bill passed... Let's the kvetching begin...

The Health Care Bill passed... Let's the kvetching begin...

Drybones: the Romance between the US and Israel

Our Romance

Rocky relations between the Obama administration and the  Netanyahu government : Dry Bones cartoon.
Rocky relations between the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government ...or something deeper? There are only three possible outcomes to this bizarre conflict over Jerusalem; Netanyahu is damaged politically, or Obama is damaged politically, or both are damaged politically.

Your thoughts?

"Obama" will meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu in DC

On Sunday, Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated that
Israel will continue to build in eastern Jerusalem.


May HaShem bless and empower
Prime Minister Netanyahu as he stands up for Israel and the God of Israel!


March 21, 2010


Obama and Netanyahu to meet this week

President Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Tuesday night.

Until Sunday, it had not been clear whether Obama would meet Netanyahu, who will be in Washington this week for the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Netanyahu's visit comes at the heels of two weeks of tension between the United States and Israel over Israel's announcement of plans for 1,600 new housing units in a Jewish neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem while Vice President Joe Biden was visiting Israel.

Following the announcement, U.S. special Middle East envoy George Mitchell delayed a planned trip to Israel.

The two sides dialed down the tensions last week amid a flurry of phone calls, and Mitchell came to Israel this week and conveyed the White House invitation to Netanyahu on Sunday, according to a spokesman for the prime minister.

During his visit to Washington, Netanyahu is also scheduled to meet with Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

On Sunday, Netanyahu reiterated to his Cabinet that Israel would continue to build in eastern Jerusalem. "Construction in Jerusalem is like construction in Tel Aviv," Netanyahu said, noting that his government's policy on Jerusalem construction follows that of all Israeli governments since 1967. That is something "we have made very clear to the American administration," he said.

Visit JTA's politics blog for more on Netanyahu's visit and this week's AIPAC conference.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hamas TV Puppets Encourage Children to Liberate Jerusalem!

Here is what the peace loving Muslims occupying Eretz Israel are teaching their children via a TV puppet show!

Religion of Peace in Gaza Training Kids for Terror!!!

Jihad : The Children's Club
(Financed by the US!)

American Jews turn against Obama as Israel rift deepens

American Jews have historically been more on the liberal end of the political spectrum in part because Jews as a people tend to embrace freedom and are wary of what appears like drifts towards fascism (and with good cause!). As a result most American Jews voted for Obama and most are Democrat -- even though the Democratic Party has largely become the party of Stalinists and of Islam in America (is that going too far? maybe... but by not much).

But finally American Jews MAY be waking up! Let's pray ever more do!

American Jews turn against Obama as Israel rift deepens

By Nathan Guttman, March 18, 2010

As the row over new building plans in east Jerusalem evolved from a diplomatic embarrassment to a major crisis between Jerusalem and Washington, the American Jewish approach to the conflict shifted as well.

Initially, Jewish groups chose to sit out the dispute, knowing no good could come of taking either side in the debate. Support for Israeli settlement activity was never part of the mainstream Jewish community thinking in the US. Backing Israel on this issue would be even more difficult than in previous cases, since Mr Netanyahu had already acknowledged that the announcement of a new building project in Ramat Shlomo was a mistake.

But as the dispute deepened and after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slammed Mr Netanyahu in person and in public, Jewish groups decided it was time to jump in.

Leading the way with his characteristic fiery rhetoric was the Anti-Defamation League's Abraham Foxman, who issued a statement saying he was "shocked and stunned at the administration's tone and public dressing down of Israel".

Hawkish groups such as the Zionist Organisation of America and the Orthodox Union followed suit, but it was only when the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) weighed in on Sunday that the shift in mainstream Jewish opinion was complete.

In its statement, Aipac called the administration's handling of the dispute "a matter of serious concern" and urged Mr Obama's White House to stop making demands of Israel. It was followed by a letter to the group's 100,000 members in which they were asked to call their representatives in Congress and urge them to contact Secretary of State Clinton in order to "immediately defuse the current tension with Israel".

[Note: I have this posted on my blog here:]

Aipac's stance surprised many in Washington. The group rarely gets into a public dispute with the administration and praises itself on having the best of ties with any president sitting in the Oval Office. The move was also unusual in its timing. Aipac will be holding its annual policy conference next week and an open conflict with the administration would not reflect well on the lobby's bipartisan image.

But Aipac's action and the statements by other Jewish groups did seem to have an impact. Within days members of Congress began expressing their support for Israel and issued calls to put an end to this conflict. For Republicans it was an easy target and a good opportunity to attack the Obama administration, but Democrats also made their voices heard, stressing not their criticism of the administration but their wish to return relations to normal.

But within the Jewish communal world, some felt Aipac had crossed the line in favouring Israel's view over that of their own government. The two doveish Jewish groups, J-Street and Americans for Peace Now (APN), came out in full support of Mr Obama. APN even launched a campaign calling on supporters to state that Aipac did not represent them.

But a statement issued on Tuesday by the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organisations made clear that most of the Jewish organisational world does see Aipac's view as a true representation of their own. The statement praised Israel's handling of the crisis, came out against the administration's continued criticism and argued for Israel's right to build in east Jerusalem.

This statement, which concluded a week of Jewish rallying for Israel's cause, put the American Jewish community squarely in Israel's corner, even if that meant turning against an administration widely supported by the community.

Please sign this petition to Secretary Clinton now.

From Mike Evans the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team

Dear John,

Despite Vice President Joe Biden's recent pledge of unswerving support for Israel during his recent visit there, the recent pressure by the Obama administration against Israel more resembles the behavior of an enemy than a friend!

In a blistering 45 minute phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rebuked the prime minister and government of Israel for authorizing the building of 1,600 homes in Jerusalem.

Today, the so-called "Quartet group of Mideast negotiators" met in Moscow. Representatives of Russia, the EU, the UN met in the Russian capital with our own Secretary Clinton and George Mitchell--to discuss ways to punish Israel and force it to stop adding Jewish housing in East Jerusalem.

It's incredible that our own government would participate in such a meeting. We MUST let Secretary Clinton know that we support Israel and the rights of its citizens to live where they choose. To tell 1,600 Jewish families they cannot live in Jerusalem is simply racism!

Please sign the petition to Secretary Clinton now. We already have over 5,000 signatures. We need 500,000 and we can do it--if you will send this email to your entire email list--and ask each person to do the same--and no one stops it! This is URGENT.


God's Word promises a blessing on those who bless Jerusalem, and a curse on those who curse her. Jerusalem is God's dream; the title deed belongs to Him. When God made His eternal promise to Israel that Jerusalem would be its capital, there was no United States or United Nations--only pagan nations. God's prophetic time clock has been set on Jerusalem time. It is the only city for which God commands us to pray and promises a blessing on those who do so.

The Bible declares that we are to be a witness unto the Lord in Jerusalem. It is the only city God claims as His own. It is called the "City of God" and the "Holy City."

"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch." (Isaiah 62:1)

"In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever:" (2 Kings 21:7b)

God has put His Name in Jerusalem. He promises a curse upon the nations that come against Jerusalem.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." (Zechariah 12:9)

Yet today America is coming against Jerusalem! This is a tragedy and we must speak out!

Secretary Clinton told my dear friend Prime Minister Netanyahu that the United States considers Israel's attempt to build homes in East Jerusalem as extremely negative and demanded it be stopped. Please sign the petition now that will be sent to Secretary of State Clinton and let her know she does not speak for you. I will also place a copy in the hands of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Over the years I have spoken boldly confronting U.S. Secretaries of State face-to-face regarding this issue.


If you remain silent, the Obama administration will put Israel through unspeakable hell. Jerusalem has never been the capital of a Palestinian state. Our silence will be consent of support for Hillary Clinton, the UN, the EU, and Russia to boycott Israel and encourage them to instigate indescribable pain and suffering on Israel.

For over 2,000 years, the Jewish people have prayed, "Next year, Jerusalem." For many, it was the last words spoken before they were thrown into the ovens during the Holocaust. To tell 1,600 Jewish families they cannot live in Jerusalem is racism. If a political leader in America were to say that African-Americans could only live in half of Washington, DC, he or she would be out of office before sunset.

Please sign the petition, forward it to your entire list, and ask them to do the same. Please keep it going so that half a million people will sign. I am asking one thousand members of the Jerusalem Prayer Team to invest $100 to allow us to reach our goal of 500,000 voices raised against this great evil.


Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's assessment is that this crisis is the worst in US-Israeli relations since 1975. Oren was referring to the crisis that evolved when Israel refused to sign a treaty to withdraw forces from Sinai after the Yom Kippur War. Oren gave his bleak assessment when he convened Foreign Ministry consuls for an emergency briefing.

In his briefing to consuls, Oren said the crisis with the US is of "historic" proportions. The US reportedly wants Israel to announce that it's cancelling the Ramat Shlomo project, investigate how the project came to be announced when Biden was here, and make gestures towards the Palestinian Authority. The US also reportedly demands that Israel publicly announce that all core issues will be discussed during the peace negotiations.

On Sunday, Anti Defamation League National Director Abe Foxman said the US criticism of Israel was "especially troubling." "We cannot remember an instance when such harsh language was directed at a friend and ally of the United States," the statement continued. "One can only wonder how far the US is prepared to go in distancing itself from Israel in order to placate the Palestinians in the hope they see it is in their interest to return to the negotiating table."

We must raise our voices in support of Israel and turn America from the path of cursing the Chosen People and coming against Jerusalem. The consequences of God's judgment will be severe if we do not act immediately.


I need to hear from you today so that we can rush your statement to Secretary Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu and PLEASE forward this urgent message to your entire email list.

Your Ambassador to Jerusalem,

Dr. Michael Evans

Your Jerusalem World News:

Your Jerusalem Prayer Team:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why is Israel so important?


Israeli Flag

The modern State of Israel was established as the homeland of the Jewish people in 1948. Based on the basic tenet of Zionism-that Jews must have their own country to survive-Israel has served as a refuge for Jews the world over and has been built on the values of freedom and democracy, fulfilling both a political and historic imperative.

The Land of Israel had not been an independent political entity for the previous 2,000 years, and Jews suffered nearly two millennia of exile and persecution. Israel's creation allowed the Jewish people to control their own destiny in a sovereign state on the very land where ancient Jews had once established a great nation and built a thriving civilization.

Click here to view the Map History of Israel's Borders.

Dear Friend of Israel,

Why is Israel so important?

At some point or another, this question has likely been asked of you as a pro-Israel supporter.

While we all may have varying ties to Israel, there are common fundamental reasons why modern Israel's existence today is so important.

An Idea to Build a New Nation in an ancient land.

Most Jews were dispersed following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E., although Jews have maintained a presence in the Land of Israel for more than 3,000 years. Their yearning to return spawned Zionism-the idea that a Jewish state could be re-established in the historic Land of Israel. Read more...

The Holocaust: The Urgent Need for a Jewish State.

The murder of 6 million Jews demonstrated the vital need for a Jewish refuge. In 1947, the U.N. voted to partition Mandatory Palestine into two states-one Arab and one Jewish. The Jews in Palestine immediately accepted. The Arabs rejected the plan, and five Arab armies invaded Israel. Read more...

A Home for Immigrants from Around the World.

Israel has also faced the task of forging a unified nation from an incredibly diverse range of immigrants. Since its founding, the tiny state has absorbed millions of immigrants from more than 100 countries, including Jews from Europe, Ethiopia and those forced to flee from Arab countries. Read more...

A National Ethos: Repairing the World.

For Israel, it is not enough to serve as a safe haven for world Jewry. Israel has always strived to share its blessings with other countries that are less fortunate. Israel's government and people constantly strive to fulfill the principles of freedom, justice and peace. Read more...

A mere 60 years after its establishment, Israel has emerged as a thriving democracy, a global leader in the areas of technology, agriculture and medicine and one of the staunchest allies of the United States.

Read more about the importance of the Jewish State.

Thank You,

Jonathan E. Missner
Director of National Affairs and Development

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Support the Jewish Chaplains Council

Wanna help God's people as they continue to stand against all odds?
Bless Jewish freedom fighters by sending what you can to the Jewish Chaplains Council:

Did you knoJoshw that there are still thousands of Jewish soldiers stationed around the world - in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Korea, Germany, England, and Italy - to defend our country?
For more than ninety years, in times of peace and in times of war, JWB Jewish Chaplains Council has served the religious, social and morale needs of Jewish men and women in the Armed Forces, their families, and patients in VA hospitals.
Your contribution enables us to do this important work. It helps us send these Jewish soldiers all that they need to celebrate Jewish holidays during the year, reassures them that they have not been forgotten, and conveys respect and admiration for their service and the sacrifices that they and their families make while on duty in far away and dangerous places.

520 Eighth Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018 | Tel:212-532-4949

Please support our Jewish men and women by contributing today!

Thank you!

For more information, please contact Ziva Davidovich, director of annual funds, at or 212.786.5099.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jews Who Love Christians Who Love Jews (And The Christians Who Love Them)

One of the groups I belong to is Facebook's:

Jews Who Love Christians Who Love Jews (And The Christians Who Love Them).

Tomorrow is our group's 2-month birthday and as of today we have 2,318 members!

Why not join us?

Group Home page:

My Facebook page:!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=724180318

Group description:

First, there were Jews.

Then, a loong time later, there were Christians who loved those Jews.

Then, some Jews realized that there were these Christians who sincerely love Jews, so they thought that it's only right to love them back.

So this is a Facebook group for both of those types of people.

I hope that you will join us, we have plenty of things that differentiate between us, but oh so much in common, can't we just focus on those for a while, at least as long as we have this FB session open in our browsers?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Is Biden Hinting at a Justification for a US Invassion of Israel?

Welcome to Thus Say the Prophets!

US Junta Leaders Threaten Israel!

By Ben Ruach HaKodesh (John of AllFaith) © 03.12.10
The Illegal Junta Ruling the Former U.S.
is Just Begging for God's Wrath to Fall!

Genesis 12:1  Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Gen 12:2  And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Gen 12:3  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Will the U.S. invade Israel?

Probably not...

BUT the Vice US Dictator said:

''This is starting to get dangerous for us.... 'What you're [Israel] doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace."

As I posted on March 9 (, Vice Junta leader Joe Biden said: "I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem."

Now the illegal junta that is finalizing the destruction of the United States is claiming that Israel housing its citizens in its own capital city is undermining the continuing (and unjustified) occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan! If another country is "undermining" US efforts and "endangering" US troops as well as "regional peace" what does this say? Does it not directly threaten the government of Israel with intervention? Does it not say that the US may send its troops to attack Israel next? Sounds that way to me!

If the Indonesian US dictator declares jihad against Israel he declares jihad against the God of Israel and Jesus!

Will the American People finally stand then?

Probably not!

Green Light ?

Green Light ?

Joe Biden in Jerusalem, Jewish homes in Jerusalem : Dry Bones cartoon.

According to the Sidney Morning Herald:

"The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, was set to withdraw from all peace talks with Israel last night after the announcement this week that 1600 apartments would be added to Jewish settlements in occupied East Jerusalem.

The announcement enraged the visiting US Vice-President, Joe Biden, who has told the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, that it was liable to ''set the Middle East on fire''.

Mr Biden blames Mr Netanyahu for the decision, telling officials on Wednesday that the United States' close relationship with Israel was jeopardising its other bilateral relationships across the region.

''This is starting to get dangerous for us,'' he reportedly castigated Israeli officials. ''What you're doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace."

Are you preparing?

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Friend Rose's Fundraiser: PLEASE Consider Helping!

As I mentioned a while back... Our dear family friend Rose was involved in a terrible accident. Her uncovered medical bills now exceed a million dollars.
Sunday there will be a major fund raiser on her behalf. Following is a piece in her local news paper. Please consider doing whatever you can to help.

Santa Cruz couple slowly recovers after devastating wreck
From the Santa Cruz Sentinel:

By Jory John Posted: 03/10/2010 01:30:16 AM PST

Rose Sniatowski and Richard Grover get in their daily walk along West Cliff in Santa Cruz, California
(Shmuel Thaler/Sentinel, edited by John of AllFaith)

By Jory John
Posted: 03/10/2010 01:30:16 AM PST

For the second time in her life, Rose Sniatowski is learning how to walk.

Each morning, whether working with her physical therapist or slowly making her way along West Cliff Drive, the 28-year-old Santa Cruz resident is concentrating on walking correctly. Since she and her boyfriend, Richard Grover, were severely injured in a car accident in October, Sniatowski's physical abilities have progressed, albeit incrementally. Whereas she used to spend her days rock climbing or jogging along the cliffs, Sniatowski is now able to stay on her feet for a total of about 15 minutes.

At first, doctors were unsure she would ever be able to walk again at all. In a head-on collision on Highway 101 outside of Laytonville -- caused when a passing driver, who was uninsured, drifted into oncoming lane -- Sniatowski had suffered a fractured vertebrae, two broken feet, a broken arm, broken wrist, broken hand, fractured collarbone, displaced ribs and internal injuries.

After four surgeries and about a month in Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, Sniatowski returned home to the one-bedroom Westside duplex she shares with Grover, where she has continued to spend most of her time in bed. Even bed rest is painful, she said, though less so than sitting up. Shortly after the accident, Sniatowski could only sleep in five-minute bursts, as she was repeatedly awakened by nightmares.

Grover, who was driving when the couple was hit, suffered a compound fracture of his left knee, a compound fracture of his right heel, a broken left elbow and a broken right femur. He was flown to Mercy Medical Center in Redding, where he spent the next nine days. His femur was reconstructed, nine screws were permanently placed in his left knee and four screws were placed in his right foot. Grover returned to his childhood home of Arcata for about two months to recuperate. He came back to Santa Cruz in mid-December to rejoin Sniatowski.

While Grover had insurance that will cover much of his medical expenses, none of Sniatowski's previous jobs had offered health insurance. Her medical bills -- even after reductions from hospitals and doctors -- currently total about $600,000, putting her in extreme debt, Sniatowski said. The helicopter ride, alone, cost about $30,000 she said.

Sniatowski -- who said she has worked diligently to maintain good credit throughout her life -- is keeping an Excel spreadsheet of which bills are due, and she makes regular calls to collection agencies, explaining her situation and asking for leniency. Sniatowski is working with the state of California to pay for some portion of her bills, though it's looking like the majority of the $600,000 will be her responsibility, she said.

"It's almost like the bills are so big that they're not tangible to me," she said. "It's beyond my imagination."

While Grover is borrowing money from his family to cover their rent, living expenses have also skyrocketed, Sniatowski said.

"Now, added to our normal rent and utility expenses, we need assistance with physical therapy, special medical devices, special shoes, clothing, cooking, house cleaning, shopping and many other things."

Through it all, Sniatowski -- who is regularly assisted by Grover, as well as her mother, father, aunt, brother and friends -- has managed to maintain a positive outlook.

"I'm very limited, but I'm very hopeful," Sniatowski said. "Most people would say I'm always pretty positive. Even in the hospital, where I could barely move at all -- at that point, I was just thankful to be alive."

Sniatowski, a Felton native who graduated from UC Santa Cruz in 2008, planned to work in conservation biology, conducting field research in the tropics and eventually teaching courses in ecology and evolution. She has extensive lab experience and research projects under her belt, including a trip to Costa Rica to study bird seed versus bat seed dispersal.

"It's really different not to be working now," she said. "It's hard to think about not being able to do something that I can really take pride in. I had so many types of injuries. My hand and wrist and arm were broken, so writing is difficult for me, typing is difficult for me. There's no way I can sit through a lecture, or do any of those things that are associated with a job in my chosen field. I can't even sit at my computer for too long."

Grover -- a videographer and film editor, and the owner of Grover Videography -- is slowly returning to work, booking weddings for this summer. His recovery has been significant, he said, though he has lost about 20 pounds of muscle.

"As far as doctors' expectations, I've done amazingly," Grover said. "I was at the doctor in mid-January and I moved my knee for him and he just had this amazed look on his face. He couldn't believe my knee worked."

Sniatowski, who has faced a tougher recovery, said she thinks about the wreck daily. To help her sleep she listens to books on tape, which helped her drown out the buzz of the hospital machines in October. She has taken up a limited amount of gardening -- professing a love of orchids -- along with her short daily walks. She holds out hope that one day she'll be able to jog again.

"I really loved running," she said. "When I see people running on West Cliff, I wish I was capable of doing that -- that feeling of movement. I also miss painting and yoga. Those are things that I look forward to doing again. The ways that I've dealt with difficult situations in the past have been eliminated."

Danielle Gillett, a professional photographer and childhood friend of Sniatowski, is organizing a fundraiser to help with some of the medical bills. Gillett said people can get their family portraits taken at the event for $60 and all of the money will go to Sniatowski.

"I called my photographer friends and everybody was more than willing to help out," Gillett said. "One-hundred percent of the proceeds are going to help Rose. With all of her bills, I really wanted to think of a way that we could raise money for her."

While Sniatowski and Grover may both be uncertain about their recovery timelines, they are grateful to those who have stepped forward to help and are optimistic about what lies ahead.

"I've made really good progress," Sniatowski said. "I've been really happy to reach each new point. I'm so much more functional today than I even was two weeks ago, when I was wearing a back brace that was like a suit of armor. Before that, I was bed-bound in the hospital, where they were teaching me how to sit up. I've come a long way and I'm definitely focused on making each day positive and focused."

If you go

Fundraiser to help Rose Sniatowski
WHEN: 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday
WHERE: Mount Hermon Recreation Field, 37 Conference Drive, Mount Hermon
COST: $60 for family portrait; 100 percent of proceeds go to Rose Sniatowski
DETAILS: E-mail Mindy at To make a donation, contact Rose Sniatowski at 331-7360, by e-mail at or visit

As I posted Feb 7, 2010:

The daughter of a close friend was involved in a horrible accident. Her medical bills are through the roof and still mounting. We've known Rose and her family for many years. They are like family to us.

I've never asked for help like this before but if you can, please help Rose!

If you are in the Santa Cruz -- Mount Hermon area you have a special incentive to help this dear woman:

Rose's friend, Danielle, an award winning local photographer, decided to spearhead a family portrait fundraiser for Rose. If you are interested in participating, please visit the "Help Rose Website." It will be a great opportunity for the first 50 people who sign up. If you would like to help, email:

Please take a look at the "Help Rose website" and see if there is anything you can do to help:


Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Vice-U.S. Dictator publicly "CONDEMNS" Israel!!!!

Israel stands Guilty!!!

United States Illegal Junta "CONDEMNS" Israel!!!

Such a Horrific Crime!!!

What are these crazy JEWS thinking!!!

How dare Israel build apartments in their capital city!!!

That would be like Obama building apartments in DC or Jakarta or Nairobi...

!!!!!!Oh The Humanity!!!!!!

Oy vey!!!

March 9, 2010

Breaking news From JTA:

Biden says Israeli housing starts 'undermining' trust

WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Vice President Joe Biden denounced a decision to authorize new Jerusalem housing starts as "undermining the trust" that he needs to advance peace while in Israel.

"I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem," Biden said in a statement issued Tuesday, the second day of a visit that had been aimed at underscoring the closeness of the U.S.-Israel relationship. "The substance and timing of the announcement, particularly with the launching of proximity talks, is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now and runs counter to the constructive discussions that I've had here in Israel."

The "proximity talks" refer to a new round of Israeli-Palestinian talks the Obama administration had hoped to launch within the next few weeks.

Biden was referring to the announcement Tuesday by the Jerusalem District Planning Committee that it had authorized 1,600 units in Ramat Shlomo, an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood. The committee is jointly run by the Interior Ministry and the Jerusalem municipality.

A statement Tuesday evening by the Interior Ministry said that the authorization was merely "procedural," that the plan had been in the works for more than three years and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not have prior knowledge of the plan.

Under U.S. urging, Netanyahu has partially frozen settlement building in he West Bank, but has refused to include disputed parts of Jerusalem in the freeze. Palestinian spokesman called the announcement Tuesday "dangerous."

"With such an announcement, how can you build trust?" asked chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, the Associated Press reported. "This is destroying our efforts to work with Mr. Mitchell," a reference to George Mitchell, the U.S. special Middle East envoy [note by JoA: and high ranking member of the Bilderberg and similar globalist groups working for Israel's destruction] who is serving as intermediary for the talks.

"It's a really disastrous situation," Erekat said. "I hope that this will be an eye opener for all in the international community about the need to have the Israeli government stop such futile exercises."

Until Tuesday evening's statement, Biden's visit had been going as planned, and he had said that there was "no space" between Israel and the United States when it came to Israel's security.

Biden and Netanyahu made statements to the media Monday after their two-hour meeting in Jerusalem that reportedly focused on the Iran nuclear issue. The U.S. leader reportedly warned Netanyahu not to order a unilateral strike on Iran, and worked to get him on board with allowing U.S.-backed increased sanctions to have time to work.

Netanyahu called Biden "a real friend to me, and a real friend to Israel and to the Jewish people." [Note by JoA: What was he smoking!]

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Can DNA prove Jewish-ness? - jewish identity who/what is a jew?


Several people have asked me this question over the years. Here's a good answer from Ask Moses:


Is there a reliable DNA test for the Jewish race?

The Short Answer:

No, because Jews are not a race.

The Askmoses Answer:

Even a 100% accurate DNA familial match won't necessarily clarify someone's Jewish identity. For example, some people are 'Jewish DNA' positive but not Jewish; because for someone to be born Jewish, his or her mother must be Jewish. So a person can have three Jewish grandparents (and subsequently 'Jewish DNA') yet still not be Jewish, if the maternal grandmother wasn't.

On the other hand some Jewish people are 'Jewish DNA' negative, yet Jewish due to conversion. They were born of a completely non Jewish genetic background and later chose to become Jewish - a spiritual transformation that has not been proven to alter DNA in any manner.

So a genetic screening may indicate biological relation to Jewish people, or the absence of this. It cannot, however, prove whether a person is Jewish or not.1


  • 1. Many members of the Lemba tribe in Africa have the 'Kohen gene' common among Jewish Kohens that is passed from father to son. However, as explained, this gene cannot be proof of Jewishness. Geneticists may have used this to conjecture about a Jewish and Kohen male ancestor of the tribe hundreds of years ago.