is unique!
At I share numerous studies into the world's religions based on my personal quest for Truth. Over the years this research has led me to embrace Judaism. That is now the main focus of the domain.
On my blogs I share many of these studies and invite your questions and comments.
Also see my Xanga Blog.
Todah veShalom,
~ John of AllFaith
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Finding Mr. Right in a World of Mr. Wrongs
She believes in Y'shua.
And she decides its time to begin serious dating.
What's you advice?
Please share your advise in the comments section below.
Here's a few of my thoughts:
There are several important things to consider when dating.
# 1 Is he a Believer? We are commanded in Scripture to only marry (hence date) in the faith (II Corinthians 6:14).
# 2 Is he serious about his faith? Will he encourage you in your faith?
If the answer to either of these is no then you should not date him, regardless of his appearance, social standing, money etc.
# 3 It is your life and at this point your options are probably pretty much wide open.
If you wish to marry a person with certain looks that is your choice. Discretion and high standards are certainly not a sin.
HOWEVER consider why you want this. Looks fade with time and some very evil people have been very physically appealing while some wonderful men have been less appealing. The person's integrity, faithfulness to God, devotion to you and your possible children should you choose to marry is far more important than fleeting looks.
My advise is to step back a bit and consider the larger picture. You are no longer a teenager. Having a good looking guy on your arm for the prom is one thing, but at 21 you are probably considering something more real and permanent.
Is the prospective man dependable? Does he respect you as a person (beyond the early relationship "blind adoration")? Do you share the same basic world views (or are you at least compatible in your differences)? Will he take responsibility to provide for the family as a good husband and father? Do you have similar life views (where you want to go in the future, compatible hopes and dreams, do you both want a family? How about living in the country, the city, etc. Compatibility of future goals). How about his temper and self control? Do you believe he will be faithful to you?... These are the sorts of questions to focus on in my opinion. You will be far happier with a less attractive man who truly loves you than you will be with a stud who truly loves himself.
Also consider that even as being attractive does not one a good person neither does being unattractive. If you are repulsed by someone's looks it will be difficult to develop a relationship. So... the point is... find Mr. Right but consider broadening your definitions a bit. Love is a many faceted jewel.
And pray for God to lead you always.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Shabbat Shalom en espa�ol --- Pray For Israel as They Again Defend Their Right to Exist!
We had dinner with our rabbi and his family this afternoon (Friday) so I'm a bit late with my Shabbat video. But we still have Saturday!
Shabbat Shalom everyone!
Please Be In Prayer that HaShem will Protect the Soldiers of Israel as they Defend God's People and the Land HE Gave Them!
PLEASE be in prayer for Israel!
Again US funded Muslim terrorists have been attacking Southern Israel and firing Katyusha rockets at Israel's cities. Again the brave Israeli soldiers are actively defending God's people and their Holy Land.
Pray for Israel and her citizens against their enemies in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Nancy Pelosi: Sweatin' With the Socialists
Time to lose that extra weight!
- Its Nancy Pelosi: Sweatin' With the Socialists:
Saturday, July 24, 2010
No lie: The truth won't set you free
North State Voices: No lie: The truth won't set you free
A torrent of lies fall into my ears and spill out of my mouth every day.
Everyone is lying to me. Advertisers lie to me. Politicians lie to me. Religions lie to me. My family lies to me. I lie to me.
We live in a world where no one can be trusted to tell the truth.
Politicians lie. Political ads disgust me. If you taught a class about lying, the bulk of the coursework would involve political ads and politicians. The month before an election, the political machines pump raw sewage filled with floaties of half-truths, slanders and ad hominem attacks into our homes.
Retailers lie. Think about the word wholesome. Wholesome is another nice term that means ... well, it's kind of a 1950s, Rockwell paintings, family goodness sort of word. There is a fast-food restaurant here in Chico that on its website describes its ingredients as wholesome. Really? Its fries have trans-fats and a medium order will give you 60 percent of your daily saturated fat. Its main sandwich offers half of your sodium for a day.
Salespeople lie. Not to pick on any specific group, but do you believe anything a car salesman tells you? They will tell you anything you want to hear so you will buy the car. As for cell phone salespeople, I need a shower to clean that filth off of me.
People lie about religion. It's just simple logic. If everyone is claiming that their religion is the way, well that makes everyone else a liar. I guess you're lucky you found the right
The idea that honesty was useful went out the window when humankind developed a frontal cortex. That's the part that allows you to lie. Parenthetically, it also lights up when you are problem solving. Does that mean lies can solve your problems? Maybe.
A lie could get you a job and help feed your family. A lie could keep your boss from firing you. A lie could make someone feel better about themselves.
I love lying.
I lie to my children. (Daily, like their Flintstones). I lie when I write this article each month. I lie to my bosses, my wife, my dogs, my friends, my parents, and I try not to neglect my neighbors.
I'm certain I'm not the only one. I think most people lie at least ... oh, let's say 20 times a day. And that is a conservative estimate. So why do we, as a people, pay lip service to honesty? Honesty is not the best policy. The only time it's the best policy is when you're caught in your lies and you may as well give up anyways.
We don't like the truth. It's generally unpleasant and usually makes us feel bad about ourselves.
You are fat because you eat too much and don't exercise. You smoke because you don't have enough self-control to quit a habit that's killing you. There is an island in the Pacific the size of Texas made of our trash. Bigfoot is an alien. Green is actually red.
Lies are the ultimate social lubricant, even more effective than alcohol.
Try to go through the day with no regard for facts. You will be admired, well-thought of, idolized and maybe given the key to the city.
Try to go through your day without lying. You will be fired, beaten, Tasered and alienated by your family and friends.
This decision is simple. Give the truth a rest.
Josh Brechtel is a Chico resident and columnist for North State Voices, which appears each Thursday. He can be reached at
Friday, July 23, 2010
I've Got a Feeling (The Shabbat Song)
!!! Have A
Saturday, July 17, 2010
An Interesting Israeli News Story on Israeli Messianic Jews
Shalom and have a great week my friends!
This is a TV documentary on Israeli TV (In Hebrew with subtitles):
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Billboards Can Speak Louder Than Words!
All Hail Lord Barry!
All hail the messiah
Obama, Obama
The path to the new socialist motherland
Our savior, our savior
Obama, Obama
The leader more famous than Lindsay Lohan
Bow down and praise the one
Give him your money and your guns
Give us a country
That makes your wife proud
Lord Barry heal the bitter ones
White and Clinging to faith and to guns
Hope for the change of the hope of the change!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 09, 2010
Famous Antisemite and Holocaust Denier mel Gibson Gets Dumped
Mel Gibson has been dropped by William Morris Endeavor Entertainment.
Earlier this week, the agency's Patrick Whitesell informed the actors' representatives that he would no longer be represented by the agency.
Gibson's longtime agent, Ed Limato, died July 3, and a funeral will take place in New York next week.
WME partner Ari Emanuel had previously expressed hostility toward Gibson after the actor made anti-Semitic remarks and made remarks implying skepticism about the Holocaust.
An agency source said the only reason the agency had represented Gibson in the first place was his association with Limato. "Mel was really important to Ed," an agency source said. "He was with him for 32 years and I think Ed saw him as a son." But he added, "The world knows how Ari feels and he has never changed that opinion."
Gibson's troubles have only increased in recent weeks with allegations of bigoted tirades against blacks and Latinos and reports that he is under investigation for assaulting his ex-girlfriend. Several studio executives have said in the wake of these disclosures that they consider the troubled actor to untouchable in the industry. "I'd rather get engaged to Lindsay Lohan than have anything to do with him," one studio chief said.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
What About the Complete Jewish Bible? Is this a good version?
"The Earth Belongs to HaShem and the Fullness Thereof." What About the Complete Jewish Bible? |
Of Noah | |
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Tuesday, July 06, 2010
New priorities For NASA: Muslim Outreach!
What is the purpose of NASA?
Space Exploration?
Encourage the Sciences?
NO: Its all about Muslim Outreach!!!!
The Muslim al Ikhwan operative living in the White House has just ordered the head of NASA to focus on making the Muslims feel good about themselves!
Hear it in his own words!!!
(If this is pulled let me know, I have it backed up.)
Still think Husein is not a Muslim?
Still think he cares ANYTHING about the American people or our once great republic?
Think again!
The Book is called: The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim.
Barry Sotero Is Reading "The Post-American World"
The name of the book Obama is reading is called:
The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim.
Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach: The Seven Noahide Laws
"The Earth Belongs to HaShem and the Fullness Thereof." The Seven Noahide Laws |
Of Noah | |
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Friday, July 02, 2010
Shabat Shalom-Am Israel Chai-Heveinu Shalom Aleichem-Shal
I love this version of this song (so I post it for Shabbat fairly often) and this video has some wonderful graphics with it.
May HaShem bless Israel and keep all His people safe, Jews as well as all others who call upon His Name, as we celebrate another Shabbat as Adonai commands us.
Obama: being an American is not a matter of blood or birth.
According to Barry Sotero (the Muslim Indonesian al Ikhwan operative running and destroying this country) his place of birth nor anyone else's matters! We're ALL Americans!
So this is why he is so angry about the Arizona Immigration law! Mexicans are Americans, Palestinians are Americans, Egyptians are Americans... everyone is an American! So lets shut down the country, establish the Global Union and force everyone to accept Sharia!