is unique!
At I share numerous studies into the world's religions based on my personal quest for Truth. Over the years this research has led me to embrace Judaism. That is now the main focus of the domain.
On my blogs I share many of these studies and invite your questions and comments.
Also see my Xanga Blog.
Todah veShalom,
~ John of AllFaith
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The End of the War Against the People of Iraq?
Tonight marks the end of the American combat mission in Iraq.
As a candidate for this office, I pledged to end this war responsibly. And, as President, that is what I am doing.
Since I became Commander-in-Chief, we've brought home nearly 100,000 U.S. troops. We've closed or turned over to Iraq hundreds of our bases.
As Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, our commitment to a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq continues. Under Operation New Dawn, a transitional force of U.S. troops will remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces, protect our civilians on the ground, and pursue targeted counterterrorism efforts.
By the end of next year, consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, these men and women, too, will come home.
Ending this war is not only in Iraq's interest -- it is in our own. Our nation has paid a huge price to put Iraq's future in the hands of its people. We have sent our men and women in uniform to make enormous sacrifices. We have spent vast resources abroad in the face of several years of recession at home.
We have met our responsibility through the courage and resolve of our women and men in uniform.
In seven years, they confronted a mission as challenging and as complex as any our military has ever been asked to face.
Nearly 1.5 million Americans put their lives on the line. Many returned for multiple tours of duty, far from their loved ones who bore a heroic burden of their own. And most painfully, more than 4,400 Americans have given their lives, fighting for people they never knew, for values that have defined our people for more than two centuries.
What their country asked of them was not small. And what they sacrificed was not easy.
For that, each and every American owes them our heartfelt thanks.
Our promise to them -- to each woman or man who has donned our colors -- is that our country will serve them as faithfully as they have served us. We have already made the largest increase in funding for veterans in decades. So long as I am President, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that sacred trust.
Tonight, we mark a milestone in our nation's history. Even at a time of great uncertainty for so many Americans, this day and our brave troops remind us that our future is in our own hands and that our best days lie ahead.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
Monday, August 30, 2010
NTEB: Anti-Obama Sign Holder Assaulted by Alaska Police
NTEB: Anti-Obama Sign Holder Assaulted by Alaska Police
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Poll: Palestinians will still seek Israel's destruction, even after peace
Sunday, August 29, 2010 Israel Today Staff SOURCE |
Poll: Palestinians will still seek Israel's destruction, even after peace The most recent poll of Palestinian Arabs revealed that even if US President Barack Obama gets Israel and the Palestinians to sign a peace deal, the violent efforts to destroy the Jewish state will not end. Obama is set to host the renewal of direct peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in Washington on Thursday. Based on the Obama Administration's view that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas and most of the Palestinians living under his rule are "moderates," a true and genuine peace is within reach. But the Arab World for Research & Development (AWRAD) based in the de facto Palestinian capital of Ramallah showed in its August 8-14 survey that Obama's view is way off base. AWRAD asked a random sampling of Palestinian Arabs to rank various aspects of the peace process from "essential" to "unacceptable." Nearly 73 percent of respondents said it is either essential, desirable or acceptable to use violence against Israeli Jews in order to obtain an independent Palestinian state. That view is a direct violation of the Israeli-Palestinian peace accords. Furthermore, an overwhelming 78.2 percent of respondents said that eventually establishing "Palestine" from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea (which includes all of Israel) is "essential." Another 12.5 percent said that goal is "desirable." Only 17.7 percent said a two-state solution is "essential." Regarding Jerusalem (presumably before the full takeover of Israel), 84.1 percent said it is essential and 10.3 percent said it is desirable for the entire city (including the Jewish-dominated western half) to be surrendered to the Palestinians. Seventy-five percent of respondents said it is "unacceptable" that a future Palestinian state will be demilitarized as Israel is demanding. Even if Israel meets all the Palestinian demands and conditions, a 42.3 percent plurality said Palestinians and Israelis will not coexist in peace. That makes sense, considering that most Palestinians will still be seeking the destruction of the Jewish state. |
Saturday, August 28, 2010
How Significant is the Bible to World History and Culture?
- Is the Bible much more than a religious significance but a historical, cultural and social heritage of the people?
Here's my answer, what's yours?
Regardless of how one looks at the Bible it stands unique in its importance.
It has guided the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish people for thousands of years. It established and maintained their culture, their customs and holidays, their calendar, their legal system, their dealings with other peoples -- hence facilitated their survival -- it led to the re-establishment of the Nation of Israel in 1948, it records their history and is the most accurate of any ancient works in what it records bar none. Its manuscript sources dwarf all other ancient works into comparative insignificance in terms of sheer volume of the texts and consistency of content. There is no area of life on this planet that has not been directly shaped and/or influenced by biblical (and/or biblically based) religion and culture.
The Christian faith emerged from the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible or "Old Testament") and the paradigms it establishes and that faith has set the course of world history for the past 1700 years. Through the Christians and Jews the Bible inspired the creation of the US Constitution and our form of government. Because of biblical (ie Jewish and Christian religion) untold numbers of hospitals, medical centers, food banks, orphanages, emergency services, abused and battered women's shelters, have been built; charities of all sorts, the Red Cross, the Christian Children's Fund, Salvation Army, etc. etc. have flourished for the good of humanity. Languages and even the printing press were advanced or created to convey the Bible (the Bible was the first book even printed with a printing press!). Because of the Bible women were gradually elevated in society above their historically accepted lower status to the point that today in Jewish and Christian lands they are approaching complete social equality. Slavery was outlawed and equal rights bestowed regardless of race, ethic heritage etc.
Paul's statement that in Christ there is neither male nor female, Jews nor Gentile etc. did more towards this development toward equality for all than any other factor (Galatians 3:28).
Most everything good about the modern world you can think of came to us through or because of our shared faith in the Bible.
And of course so did much of what is wrong with the world. Wars have been fought and justified based on biblical doctrinal differences. Some Christians and Jews still use the Bible to condemn others and to deny their religious and secular equality and civil rights. Prior to modern times many cited the Bible to justify racism, slavery etc. and groups like the KKK were regarded as Christian coalitions by many. Many Christians (and some Jews) still use the Bible to attack certain minority segments within our societies. Extremes include people like Fred Phelps however milder versions of his views are heard throughout much of the Christian world. The Bible is often abused although its own teachings are inclusive of God's love for us all.
Islam plagiarized and fundamentally altered the Bible (and other works including the Indian Vedas and Zoroastrian Avesta) and has ruled much of the Eastern world based on that usurped biblical authority for the last thousand plus years.
The Deen of Islam (the religious aspect of Islam) is now the largest single religion on earth (when Catholicism and Protestant Christianity are viewed separately) and it is growing and spreading fast.
The Ummah of Islam (the political aspect of Islam which bases its authority on the Deen or religion of Islam) appears to be successfully conquering Africa and Europe and establishing itself firmly in the US and other Western countries as it seeks to transform our once Judea-Christian lands into Sharia compliant caliphates/dictatorships.
Sharia Law (Islamic law) is now a serious global threat to freedom everywhere on earth. It is based on the falsely-claimed biblical authority granted to Abraham through his son Ishmael -- Jews and Christians accurately trace their authority through Abraham's son Isaac.
So, the Bible forms the very heart of world history, politics, art and culture and has even modified religions like Hinduism (with the introduction of the Bhakti sects etc), Buddhism (to a lesser degree through teachings like "Pure Land Buddhism") etc. By its authority most Pagan (nature based) religions/cultures have ceased to exist (despite the modern Neo-Pagan movements).
The Bible is THE foundation stone of the world quite literally. As John wrote: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God... John 1:1 The Word (the Torah) is the essence of what is revealed in the Bible, the Word of God.
As that Word is now being progressively dismantled and rejected (for the past 100 or so years) our societies are crumbling into materialism and becoming devoid of real meaning.
I hope this isn't too much information for you, but the significance of the Bible is immense in all areas of life. If you have further questions feel free to write back.
~ John of AllFaith
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
'Israel a scum state,' says top Amnesty Int'l official
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Israel Today Staff SOURCE: |
'Israel a scum state,' says top Amnesty Int'l official The head of Amnesty International's Finnish branch, Frank Johansson, wrote in Finland's third largest newspaper this week that he views Israel as a "scum state." In his column for Iltalehti, Johansson recounted that during a recent visit a friend who works in Israel told him that Israel is, in his eyes, "a scum state." Johansson then wrote that "based on my own visit[s], which occurred during the 1970s and for the last time in the 1990s, I agree." When questioned by The Jerusalem Post, Johansson stood by his remarks, and said they were based on what he called Israel's "repeated flouting of international law," and his own personal experiences with Israelis. Israel has long maintained that organizations such as Amnesty International and the people who run them do not give the Jewish state a fair shake due to personal biases and politicized views of the conflict. |
Rosh Hashana: What's Love Got to Do With It?
Rosh Hashana:
What's Love Got to Do With It?
Micah 6:6 "With what can I come before ADONAI to bow down before God on high? Should I come before him with burnt offerings? with calves in their first year? 7 Would ADONAI take delight in thousands of rams with ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Could I give my firstborn to pay for my crimes, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?" 8 Human being, you have already been told what is good, what ADONAI demands of you - no more than to act justly, love grace and walk in purity with your God.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Iran taunts Israel, US
Monday, August 23, 2010 Israel Today Staff |
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday taunted both Israel and the US in an interview with Al Jazeera, insisting that neither nation had the stomach for a military showdown with the Islamic Republic. "Israel doesn't have the courage to do it," said Ahmadinejad when asked about the possibility that Israel would strike Iran's nuclear facilities. "Israel is too weak to face up to Iran militarily." The Iranian leader said the US had failed to beat even a small insurgency in Iraq, so was also afraid of starting a war with Iran. Ahmadinejad was bolstered by the weekend activation of the Bushehr nuclear reactor in southern Iran, and the inauguration of Iran's new long-range bomber aircraft, which he called an "ambassador of death." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu long warned that without a viable threat of force, the international sanctions against Iran would never succeed in convincing Ahmadinejad and his regime to back down. |
Islamic terrorism against Coptic Christians
My friend Ahoovati has this one up HERE
Its a powerful video so I thought I'd share it as well since several of my friends are not connected with her often informative site. Make sure your speakers are on for the cries of Allahu Akbar!
There are other powerful videos posted in comment section of her page as well.
The video is a series of Egyptian Muslim attacks on Coptic Christians. Its worth nothing that Egypt is the home of al Ikhwan (the Muslim Brotherhood), the folks who are seeking to build the ground Zero Mosque and who bankrolled "Husein Obama."
These scenes WILL be happening throughout the US and Europe if the Ummah of Islam is not forcefully and decisively stopped.
Islamic terrorism against Coptic Christians
in Farshout, upper Egypt
Monday, August 23, 2010
More Israeli media focus on Messianic Jews
Israel's largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, ran a feature story on Messianic Jews in Israel in its weekly magazine insert last week.
As with most other media coverage of Messianic Israelis of late, the article was generally positive.
First, the headline for the article (in Hebrew) used the full name "Yeshua" instead of "Yeshu" - an acronym meaning "may his name be blotted out" that is typically employed by Jews hostile toward Jewish belief in Jesus.
Second, while it did not say so outright, the article strongly suggested that Messianic Jews are in fact Jews. It noted that Messianics in Israel are indistinguishable from other Israeli Jews, besides the fact that they believe they know who the Messiah is. This shift in mindset is a pretty major victory for Israeli Messianics, after decades of the Orthodox-influenced establishment telling them they are no longer Jews because of their faith.
The article even reached back into history to explain that Jesus was in fact a Jew, and that his earliest followers were not seen as being part of a religion separate from the rest of Judaism or from Israel. Only in subsequent generations, when the established Gentile-dominated Church began demonizing the Jews, was there a clear split between two faiths.
The article was translated into English on Yediot's website Ynetnews, though in some areas certain concepts were translated poorly, and were presented in a more positive light in the Hebrew version.
The article can be found here: Jesus Lives on in Jerusalem (Hebrew title was "Yeshua Superstar")
Friday, August 20, 2010
It Springtime For Hitler Again!
Netzer- Shabbat Shalom! (full quality)
Wherever You Are!
We Stand With You!
Shabbat Shalom Lecha Dodi
Thank You IDF
Thank You Israeli Army!
IDF Documentary
Netzer- Shabbat Shalom! (full quality)
Wherever You Are!
We Stand With You!
Shabbat Shalom Lecha Dodi
Thank You IDF
Thank You Israeli Army!
IDF Documentary
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tell President Obama NO mosque at Ground Zero
You strongly oppose plans to build an Islamic mosque at the site where thousands of Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists.
But President Obama still doesn't get it. When it comes to an Islamic mosque on the sacred site of Ground Zero, he's out of step with the American people.
In fact, he's weighed in on the issue, too -
- ignoring the views of the majority of Americans and clearly endorsing the misguided project that is deeply offensive to thousands of people who lost family and loved ones in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He's even said he has ''no regrets'' about his comments of support for the Ground Zero mosque!
Tell President Obama: NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO! Add your name to the ACLJ's nationwide PETITION OF PROTEST TO THE WHITE HOUSE now!
You understand, I understand - the majority of American citizens understand:
This is NOT AN ISSUE OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM! The issue at hand is the construction of a mosque at this sacred site.
Now, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is speaking out - saying that those who OPPOSE the mosque ... people like you and me - are the ones who should be investigated! This is outrageous.
As you know, the ACLJ is front and center in this debate:
- We're at the New York State Supreme Court, representing our client Tim Brown - a firefighter and first responder who survived the Twin Towers' collapse and lost nearly 100 friends - working to prevent this mosque from being built on sacred ground.
- We're standing up to Hillary Clinton and the U.S. State Department, demanding that they remove the Ground Zero mosque Imam from his global ''goodwill'' journey, promoting Islam at taxpayers' expense.
Stand with us today - and use our website's forward-to-friend tool to get others involved too - to demand that President Obama REVERSE COURSE and reject this sacred location for an Islamic mosque on behalf of the fallen victims of 9/11 and the majority of the American citizens he serves.
BREAKING NEWS! - Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi / Muslim "Plant" in the White House?
The information on this video should not be a surprise to anyone, but here is yet another source confirming that "Obama" is an al Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) operative (this evidence focuses on his Saudi connections). It also quotes a high ranking Saud official (the Egyptian foreign minister) on the Egyptian channel "Nile TV" on January 19, 2008 as saying that he had a one-on-one meeting with "Obama" who swore to him that he IS Muslim and that "once I finish with health care you Muslims will see what I will do for Islam regarding Israel."
Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi / Muslim "Plant" in the White House?
Gary Stearman welcomes back Avi Lipkin. from J.R. Church on Vimeo.
CLICK HERE! LISTEN LIVE! Streaming ONLINE "Freedom Fridays" with Carl Gallups 1330 WEBY AM - Northwest Florida's Talk Radio - HOME WEBSITE
Some Qur'an, etc. references:
From al Qu'ran:
Sura (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a
Sura (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves."
Sura (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who must "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.
Sura (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts."
Sura (66:2) - "Allah has already ordained for you, (O men), the dissolution of your oaths" Bukhari (52:270) - Recounts the murder of a poet, Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, at Muhammad's insistence.
The men who volunteered for the assassination used dishonesty to gain Ka'b's trust, pretending that they had turned against Muhammad. This drew the victim out of his fortress, whereupon he was brutally slaughtered despite putting up a ferocious struggle for his life.
Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or
saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.
Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permissible in order to deceive an "enemy."
From Islamic Law:
Reliance of the Traveler (p. 746) - "[it is] obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory...
Whether the purpose is war, settling a disagreement, or gaining the sympathy of a victim legally entitled to retaliate... it is not unlawful to lie when any of these aims can only be attained through lying. But is is religiously precautionary in all cases to employ words that give a misleading impression..."
The book "The spirit of Islam," by the Muslim scholar, Afif A. Tabbarah was written to promote Islam. On page 247, Tabbarah stated: "Lying is not always bad, to be sure; there are times when telling a lie is more profitable and better for the general welfare, and for the settlement of conciliation among people, than telling the truth. To this effect, the Prophet says: 'He is not a false person who (through lies) settles conciliation among people, supports good or says what
is good."
Taqiyyah goes beyond mere lying for propaganda purposes. The word comes from a root meaning "to guard against, to keep (oneself)". It thus also includes dissimulation by the Muslim to give the appearance of not being religious, so as not to arouse suspicion. In this vein, a Muslim, if necessary, may eat pork, drink alcohol, and even verbally deny the Islamic faith, as long as he does not "mean it in his heart". If the end result of the lie is perceived by the Muslim to be good for Islam or useful to bringing someone to "submission" to Allah or to be defeted in a "holy war"-battle, then the lie can be sanctioned through taqiyyah.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wear My Firefox Persona
I had not done this before but I just made my first Firefox persona (the optional image at the top and bottom of Firefox browsers).
It looks like this:

The bottom bar says:
Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One
The bottom bar shows up when the "Find" option is on.
If interested, Firefox users can add it here:
Just thought I'd mention it :-)
SALT IN THE WOUND: This is one insult too many!
SALT IN THE WOUND written by Rita W. Jones
"This is one insult too many!" -- Pat Condell
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Brigitte Gabriel On Islam
The TRUTH About
Muslim Expansion
From Lebanon to the USA
Muslim Expansion
From Lebanon to the USA
Brigitte Gabriel part 2
Brigitte Gabriel part 3
Brigitte Gabriel part 4
Brigitte Gabriel part 5
Personally I disagree with her about the Patriot Act, FBI searches of our homes etc. The US government is part of the problem we would be fools to place our trust them. Abandoning our few remaining Constitutional protections is not the answer! Her comments are born of her knowledge of what Al Ikhwan (the Muslim brotherhood) and the Ummah of Islam ARE doing.
Brigitte Gabriel part 7 (FINAL)
Muslims Will Rule America, Britain
Having Done All To Stand
Stand NOW!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Shabbat Shalom! SHALOM ALEHEM (Yom Kippur War 35 years ago )
(Yom Kippur War 35 years ago )
(Yom Kippur War 35 years ago )
"And so all Israel shall be saved" -- Romans 11:26
- -- Romans 11:26
Shabbat Shalom Everyone!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
US State Department Paying For Ground Zero Imam To Raise Funds For Mosque!
SOURCE: New York Post
The imam behind a plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero is set to depart on a multi-country jaunt to the Middle East funded by the State Department -- raising concerns that taxpayers may be helping him with the controversial project's $100 million fund-raising goal.
Feisal Abdul Rauf is taking the publicly funded trip to foster "greater understanding" about Islam and Muslim communities in the United States, the State Department confirmed yesterday.
"He is a distinguished Muslim cleric," said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley, when asked about the journey, reportedly to include stops in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar.
"I think we are in the process of arranging for him to travel as part of this program, and it is to foster a greater understanding about the region around the world among Muslim-majority communities," he added.
Crowley said no fund-raising for the mosque and cultural center during the trip would be permitted. "That would not be something he could do as part of our program," he said.
Abdul Rauf said funds for the center will come from Muslims and members of his congregation.
But a London-based Arabic-language newspaper that interviewed Abdul Rauf reported that he says he also will collect money from Muslim and Arab nations around the world -- raising the possibility his goodwill mission could help him build contacts in oil-rich states.
"Does the State Department have any idea they are sending a guy to the Middle East who is going to be fund-raising perhaps among the very same people he will be meeting with?" asked Debra Burlingame, a 9/11 family member.
"We know he has a fund-raising association with Saudi Arabia," Burlingame said, noting that the Saudis have contributed money to underwrite programs by the American Society for Muslim Advancement, a not-for-profit that Abdul Rauf runs with his wife and that is one of the sponsors of the Ground Zero mosque. "He's going to the well, and how can they say they do or don't know what he's doing?"
Meanwhile, state regulators said the sale of an adjacent Con Ed building needed to complete the Ground Zero mosque -- as disclosed by The Post on Sunday -- might be subject to review after all, even as Mayor Bloomberg insisted the project has "nothing to do with Con Ed."
Public Service Commission spokeswoman Anne Dalton said state law requires the agency to sign off on the "transfer or lease" of any property a utility owns within its franchise area.
The question is whether Con Ed satisfied that requirement nearly four decades ago, when it granted a 99-year lease on the former substation site at 49-51 Park Place.
Additional reporting by Tom Topousis and Sally Goldenberg
NYC Ground Zero Mosque Founder Exposed
What Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Believes
Hannity- Newt Gingrich on Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf LIAR.mp4
NYC Ground Zero Mosque Founder Exposed
What Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Believes
Hannity- Newt Gingrich on Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf LIAR.mp4
Monday, August 09, 2010
Please Consider Adding My Rabbi
My rabbi, Larry Levine, has just started a blog here.
Please check out his site and consider adding him as a contact. He's a great guy and a very learned Messianic rabbi!
He was raised in an Orthodox Jewish yeshiva and is now a Messianic Jew. He founded Temple Beth HaShem in 2006: in Magalia California.
His Multiply site is at
~ John of AllFaith
Sunday, August 08, 2010
More questions about Barry Soetoro and where he went to school
Another Obama puzzle: 3rd grade in 2 countries?
Photo at Hawaii school doesn't line up with State Department info, registration
Posted: August 07, 2010
10:35 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
� 2010 WorldNetDaily
Scott Inoue says this photo shows him with Barack Obama Jr. as classmates at Noelani Elementary School in Honolulu in 1969. |
The indication Obama attended third grade in 1969 at Noelani Elementary School in Honolulu comes from an old photograph made public by classmate Scott Inoue. The informal photo shows Obama and Inoue against a background of what appears to be Christmas drawings by schoolchildren posted on a classroom bulletin board.
"The photo shows Barack Obama's arm around me in the third grade at Noelani in 1969," Inoue told WND. "My mother wrote that inscription on the bottom of the photograph at the time the picture was taken."
The inscription reads: "Scott & Barry 3rd grade 1969."
(Story continues below)
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WND asked Inoue how Obama could have been with him in Hawaii in the third grade, contrary to the accepted narrative placing Obama in Indonesia at the time.
"I don't have any explanation," he said.
Obama's Honolulu kindergarten class |
"Truthfully, I didn't even remember that Barack Obama was in my class at Noelani until that 1966-1967 kindergarten class photo surfaced, showing Barack and me in it," Inoue said. "Then my mother found the picture of the two of us together in third grade, in 1969. Otherwise, I probably would never have remembered."
How many times did Obama leave Indonesia?
The State Depatment Freedom of Information Act documents establish Obama must have accompanied his mother in October 1967 when she flew on Japan Airlines to Jakarta, Indonesia. Dunham filed a form with the State Department Oct. 21, 1971, to obtain an exception allowing her to enter the United States on her then-expired 1965-issued U.S. passport No. 777788.
As WND has previously reported, Obama was included as a child on his mother's passport until Aug. 13, 1968, when Dunham applied to the State Department to exclude him, identifying him with an Indonesian name as Barack Hussein Obama II (Soebarkah).
Arriving in Indonesia in October 1967, Barry Soetoro was registered for school immediately and started classes in January 1968.
As WND reported, the Associated Press published a photograph of Obama's registration card at Indonesia's Francis Assisi school in Indonesia. The document showed "Barry Soetoro" was enrolled with serial number 203 to begin school in the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School, in Jakarta Jan. 1, 1968, and that he was enrolled in Class 1B. It also identified him as an Indonesian citizen whose religion was Muslim.
An AP spokesman affirmed to WND that the photograph of the registration card was authentic.
"In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school, two years at the Catholic school," Obama wrote on page 154 of his autobiography "Dreams from My Father," establishing he had been in Indonesia from 1968 to 1971, from the age of 6 until 10.
Obama also wrote on pages 53-54 of "Dreams from My Father" that he traveled back from Indonesia alone late in 1971 to arrive in Honolulu before his father was scheduled to visit during Christmas and New Year's 1971.
The Oct. 21, 1971, exception request filled out by Dunham to regain entry to the United States on her expired 1965-issued passport documents she traveled from Jakarta to Honolulu on Pan American Airlines Flight 812, leaving Oct. 20, 1971, and arriving in Honolulu Oct. 21, 1971.
Obama also states on page 62 of "Dreams from My Father" that his father, Barack Obama Sr., traveled from Kenya to Hawaii two weeks after his mother traveled from Indonesia to Hawaii and that his father returned to Kenya and his mother returned to Indonesia after New Year's Day, Jan. 1, 1972.
There is nothing in "Dreams from My Father" to suggest Obama left Indonesia twice to return to Hawaii. The only trip back to Hawaii from Indonesia ever discussed by Obama in his autobiography is the trip home in 1971 to see his father.
As WND has reported, Noelani Elementary School has refused requests to release any records pertaining to Obama's school attendance.
No explanation
Inoue told WND he doesn't remember how long Obama was at Noelani Elementary in 1969.
"I'm not sure he was there the whole year. I just don't remember. It was a long time ago, and my memory that far back is not very clear," he said.
Still, Inoue is convinced the photo is authentic and the handwriting is his mother's, written in 1969.
"That's my mother's handwriting at the bottom of the photo," Inoue said. "She wrote that inscription at the bottom of the photo in 1969, at the time the photo was taken."
He doubted his mother would have been mistaken.
Tracing back from 1966-1967 as their school year together in Kindergarten, Obama and Inoue would have been in first grade during school year 1967-1968; second grade during 1968-1969; and third grade during 1969-1970.
This timeline would have made Mrs. Inoue's inscription the correct year for third grade, except that Obama left Hawaii for Indonesia in October 1967 and enrolled Jan. 1, 1968, at the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School, in Jakarta, for the first of his two years at that school.
After attending the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School, the official Obama school timeline has him enrolled at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki, a public school in the Menteng District of Jakarta.
The exact date Obama enrolled at the Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki public school remains unclear, as no school registration documents have yet surfaced.
But the official Obama school timeline remains that he left Hawaii at age 6, in 1967, and did not return to Hawaii until in 1971, at 10 years old.
Even Inoue remains confused.
In concluding the interview, he asked, "If you ever figure it out, would you please let me know?"
Inoue currently works as a chiropractor in Stockton, Calif..
The State Department released two separate batches of Freedom of Information Act documents July 29 relating to Dunham's passport records. The first set was released to Christopher Strunk. The second set was released to Kenneth Allen.
More questions about Barry Soetoro and where he went to school
Another Obama puzzle: 3rd grade in 2 countries?
Photo at Hawaii school doesn't line up with State Department info, registration
Posted: August 07, 2010
10:35 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
� 2010 WorldNetDaily
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Scott Inoue says this photo shows him with Barack Obama Jr. as classmates at Noelani Elementary School in Honolulu in 1969. |
The indication Obama attended third grade in 1969 at Noelani Elementary School in Honolulu comes from an old photograph made public by classmate Scott Inoue. The informal photo shows Obama and Inoue against a background of what appears to be Christmas drawings by schoolchildren posted on a classroom bulletin board.
"The photo shows Barack Obama's arm around me in the third grade at Noelani in 1969," Inoue told WND. "My mother wrote that inscription on the bottom of the photograph at the time the picture was taken."
The inscription reads: "Scott & Barry 3rd grade 1969."
(Story continues below)
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WND asked Inoue how Obama could have been with him in Hawaii in the third grade, contrary to the accepted narrative placing Obama in Indonesia at the time.
"I don't have any explanation," he said.
Obama's Honolulu kindergarten class |
"Truthfully, I didn't even remember that Barack Obama was in my class at Noelani until that 1966-1967 kindergarten class photo surfaced, showing Barack and me in it," Inoue said. "Then my mother found the picture of the two of us together in third grade, in 1969. Otherwise, I probably would never have remembered."
How many times did Obama leave Indonesia?
The State Depatment Freedom of Information Act documents establish Obama must have accompanied his mother in October 1967 when she flew on Japan Airlines to Jakarta, Indonesia. Dunham filed a form with the State Department Oct. 21, 1971, to obtain an exception allowing her to enter the United States on her then-expired 1965-issued U.S. passport No. 777788.
As WND has previously reported, Obama was included as a child on his mother's passport until Aug. 13, 1968, when Dunham applied to the State Department to exclude him, identifying him with an Indonesian name as Barack Hussein Obama II (Soebarkah).
Arriving in Indonesia in October 1967, Barry Soetoro was registered for school immediately and started classes in January 1968.
As WND reported, the Associated Press published a photograph of Obama's registration card at Indonesia's Francis Assisi school in Indonesia. The document showed "Barry Soetoro" was enrolled with serial number 203 to begin school in the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School, in Jakarta Jan. 1, 1968, and that he was enrolled in Class 1B. It also identified him as an Indonesian citizen whose religion was Muslim.
An AP spokesman affirmed to WND that the photograph of the registration card was authentic.
"In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school, two years at the Catholic school," Obama wrote on page 154 of his autobiography "Dreams from My Father," establishing he had been in Indonesia from 1968 to 1971, from the age of 6 until 10.
Obama also wrote on pages 53-54 of "Dreams from My Father" that he traveled back from Indonesia alone late in 1971 to arrive in Honolulu before his father was scheduled to visit during Christmas and New Year's 1971.
The Oct. 21, 1971, exception request filled out by Dunham to regain entry to the United States on her expired 1965-issued passport documents she traveled from Jakarta to Honolulu on Pan American Airlines Flight 812, leaving Oct. 20, 1971, and arriving in Honolulu Oct. 21, 1971.
Obama also states on page 62 of "Dreams from My Father" that his father, Barack Obama Sr., traveled from Kenya to Hawaii two weeks after his mother traveled from Indonesia to Hawaii and that his father returned to Kenya and his mother returned to Indonesia after New Year's Day, Jan. 1, 1972.
There is nothing in "Dreams from My Father" to suggest Obama left Indonesia twice to return to Hawaii. The only trip back to Hawaii from Indonesia ever discussed by Obama in his autobiography is the trip home in 1971 to see his father.
As WND has reported, Noelani Elementary School has refused requests to release any records pertaining to Obama's school attendance.
No explanation
Inoue told WND he doesn't remember how long Obama was at Noelani Elementary in 1969.
"I'm not sure he was there the whole year. I just don't remember. It was a long time ago, and my memory that far back is not very clear," he said.
Still, Inoue is convinced the photo is authentic and the handwriting is his mother's, written in 1969.
"That's my mother's handwriting at the bottom of the photo," Inoue said. "She wrote that inscription at the bottom of the photo in 1969, at the time the photo was taken."
He doubted his mother would have been mistaken.
Tracing back from 1966-1967 as their school year together in Kindergarten, Obama and Inoue would have been in first grade during school year 1967-1968; second grade during 1968-1969; and third grade during 1969-1970.
This timeline would have made Mrs. Inoue's inscription the correct year for third grade, except that Obama left Hawaii for Indonesia in October 1967 and enrolled Jan. 1, 1968, at the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School, in Jakarta, for the first of his two years at that school.
After attending the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School, the official Obama school timeline has him enrolled at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki, a public school in the Menteng District of Jakarta.
The exact date Obama enrolled at the Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki public school remains unclear, as no school registration documents have yet surfaced.
But the official Obama school timeline remains that he left Hawaii at age 6, in 1967, and did not return to Hawaii until in 1971, at 10 years old.
Even Inoue remains confused.
In concluding the interview, he asked, "If you ever figure it out, would you please let me know?"
Inoue currently works as a chiropractor in Stockton, Calif..
The State Department released two separate batches of Freedom of Information Act documents July 29 relating to Dunham's passport records. The first set was released to Christopher Strunk. The second set was released to Kenneth Allen.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Thursday, August 05, 2010
WHY Kagan Got her Seat On The Court: Kagan And Obama's birth certificate!
Ticked off about Kagan getting a seat on the once honorable US Supreme Court?
Wonder how she got herself appointed to the Court?
Here's the answer!
One hand washes another....
Elena Kagan tied to Obama's birth certificate
'It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it?
Posted: August 04, 2010
10:55 pm Eastern
SOURCE: WND: there's lots more on this there!
Emphasis mine
By Joe Kovacs
� 2010 WorldNetDaily
Just when you thought there couldn't be any more players in the ongoing soap opera over the hunt for President Obama's original birth certificate and his constitutional eligibility for office, there comes yet another name: Elena Kagan.
Yes, the same Elena Kagan nominated by the commander in chief to be the next justice on the U.S. Supreme Court has actually been playing a role for some time in the dispute over whether Obama is legally qualified to be in the White House.
Here's the connection. Kagan served as solicitor general of the United States from March 2009 until May of this year.
In that role, she legally represented the U.S. government in numerous cases coming before the Supreme Court.
A simple search of the high court's own website reveals Kagan's name coming up at least nine times on dockets involving Obama eligibility issues.
Docket No, 09-724, for instance, comes up with this in the search result:
Title: The Real Truth About Obama, Inc., Petitioner v. Federal Election Commission, et al. Reply of petitioner The Real Truth About Obama, Inc. filed. The Real Truth About Obama, Inc. Elena Kagan
Clicking on any of the dockets reveals who the original petitioners were, as well as what proceedings and orders were issued in each case. Here's another docket, with Jamal Kiyemba v. Barack H. Obama.
Elena Kagan's name is noted as solicitor general for cases involving Obama's constitutional eligibility. (Supreme Court screenshot with name highlighted by WND, Aug. 4, 2010) |
The fact Kagan handled these cases and is now Obama's first choice for the high court is raising some eyebrows.
"She was the solicitor general for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural-born citizenship," notes WND reader Carl Jorgensen of Farmingdale, N.J. "He owes her big time."
"All of the requests were denied of course," Jorgensen continued. "They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It's all about payback time for those that compromised themselves to elect someone that really has no true right to even be there. We should be getting so sick of all of this nonsense. The USA has finally become the laughing stock of the world. God help and deliver us."
THE FULL STORY: See listing of more than 200 exclusive WND reports on the eligibility issue
WHY Kagan Got her Seat On The Court: Kagan And Obama's birth certificate!
Ticked off about Kagan getting a seat on the once honorable US Supreme Court?
Wonder how she got herself appointed to the Court?
Here's the answer!
One hand washes another....
Elena Kagan tied to Obama's birth certificate
'It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it?
Posted: August 04, 2010
10:55 pm Eastern
SOURCE: WND: there's lots more on this there!
Emphasis mine
By Joe Kovacs
� 2010 WorldNetDaily
Just when you thought there couldn't be any more players in the ongoing soap opera over the hunt for President Obama's original birth certificate and his constitutional eligibility for office, there comes yet another name: Elena Kagan.
Yes, the same Elena Kagan nominated by the commander in chief to be the next justice on the U.S. Supreme Court has actually been playing a role for some time in the dispute over whether Obama is legally qualified to be in the White House.
Here's the connection. Kagan served as solicitor general of the United States from March 2009 until May of this year.
In that role, she legally represented the U.S. government in numerous cases coming before the Supreme Court.
A simple search of the high court's own website reveals Kagan's name coming up at least nine times on dockets involving Obama eligibility issues.
Docket No, 09-724, for instance, comes up with this in the search result:
Title: The Real Truth About Obama, Inc., Petitioner v. Federal Election Commission, et al. Reply of petitioner The Real Truth About Obama, Inc. filed. The Real Truth About Obama, Inc. Elena Kagan
Clicking on any of the dockets reveals who the original petitioners were, as well as what proceedings and orders were issued in each case. Here's another docket, with Jamal Kiyemba v. Barack H. Obama.
Elena Kagan's name is noted as solicitor general for cases involving Obama's constitutional eligibility. (Supreme Court screenshot with name highlighted by WND, Aug. 4, 2010) |
The fact Kagan handled these cases and is now Obama's first choice for the high court is raising some eyebrows.
"She was the solicitor general for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural-born citizenship," notes WND reader Carl Jorgensen of Farmingdale, N.J. "He owes her big time."
"All of the requests were denied of course," Jorgensen continued. "They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It's all about payback time for those that compromised themselves to elect someone that really has no true right to even be there. We should be getting so sick of all of this nonsense. The USA has finally become the laughing stock of the world. God help and deliver us."
THE FULL STORY: See listing of more than 200 exclusive WND reports on the eligibility issue
WHY Kagan Got her Seat On The Court: Kagan And Obama's birth certificate!
Ticked off about Kagan getting a seat on the once honorable US Supreme Court?
Wonder how she got herself appointed to the Court?
Here's the answer!
One hand washes another....
Elena Kagan tied to Obama's birth certificate
'It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it?
Posted: August 04, 2010
10:55 pm Eastern
SOURCE: WND: there's lots more on this there!
Emphasis mine
By Joe Kovacs
� 2010 WorldNetDaily
Just when you thought there couldn't be any more players in the ongoing soap opera over the hunt for President Obama's original birth certificate and his constitutional eligibility for office, there comes yet another name: Elena Kagan.
Yes, the same Elena Kagan nominated by the commander in chief to be the next justice on the U.S. Supreme Court has actually been playing a role for some time in the dispute over whether Obama is legally qualified to be in the White House.
Here's the connection. Kagan served as solicitor general of the United States from March 2009 until May of this year.
In that role, she legally represented the U.S. government in numerous cases coming before the Supreme Court.
A simple search of the high court's own website reveals Kagan's name coming up at least nine times on dockets involving Obama eligibility issues.
Docket No, 09-724, for instance, comes up with this in the search result:
Title: The Real Truth About Obama, Inc., Petitioner v. Federal Election Commission, et al. Reply of petitioner The Real Truth About Obama, Inc. filed. The Real Truth About Obama, Inc. Elena Kagan
Clicking on any of the dockets reveals who the original petitioners were, as well as what proceedings and orders were issued in each case. Here's another docket, with Jamal Kiyemba v. Barack H. Obama.
Elena Kagan's name is noted as solicitor general for cases involving Obama's constitutional eligibility. (Supreme Court screenshot with name highlighted by WND, Aug. 4, 2010) |
The fact Kagan handled these cases and is now Obama's first choice for the high court is raising some eyebrows.
"She was the solicitor general for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural-born citizenship," notes WND reader Carl Jorgensen of Farmingdale, N.J. "He owes her big time."
"All of the requests were denied of course," Jorgensen continued. "They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It's all about payback time for those that compromised themselves to elect someone that really has no true right to even be there. We should be getting so sick of all of this nonsense. The USA has finally become the laughing stock of the world. God help and deliver us."
THE FULL STORY: See listing of more than 200 exclusive WND reports on the eligibility issue