Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Revelation 12:1 (with Daniel 4:10-17): The Seven Times

Shalom friends,

The next installment of Thus Say The Prophets is now up.

This time we conclude our look at Revelation 12:1 as we explore what is going to take place in Israel during the coming Tribulation Period.

To read, hear and/or watch this episode go to: http://jewtoo.org/prophecy/rev12c.html

To watch the video on YouTube go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvSbnLxHue8&feature=youtu.be

To read, hear and/or watch the entire series go to: http://jewtoo.org/prophecy

As always, if you have any questions of thoughts feel free to ask.

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Here's the video of the current episode

Welcome to Thus Say the Prophets!

The Revelation of Navi Y'shua HaMoshiach:
A Study in Authentic Messianic Judaism and Biblical Prophecy
By Rabbi Yochanan Levine � 9.19.09 (last update: 04.23.2012)

Revelation 12:1 (with Daniel 4:10-17)

The Seven Times

Go to the index page for: The Revelation of Y'shua HaMoshiach

Audio Version:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Revelation 12:1 continued Israel Reborn: The Key Sign of the Times

Welcome to Thus Say the Prophets!

The Revelation of Navi Y'shua HaMoshiach:
A Study in Authentic Messianic Judaism and Biblical Prophecy
By Rabbi Yochanan Levine � 9.19.09 (last update: 04.17.2012)

Revelation 12:1 continued

Israel Reborn: The Key Sign of the Times

Shalom friends,

The latest episode of Thus Say The Prophets is now online. This is Revelation 12:1 b: Israel Reborn.

In this episode we look closer at Revelation 12:1, focusing on the maternal lineage of "Jewishness," why this traditional matters, and how Israel was reborn. From the rebirth of modern day Israel the Kingdom of HaShem will one day flourish.

This episode can be viewed, read or listened to at:
The entire series can be viewed, read or listened to at http://jewtoo.org/prophecy

Those who are not yet members of Yeshiva Beth HaShem are invited to begin your free studies at:


As always, if there are any questions or thoughts on this or other Messianic topics your comments are invited.

Shalom Alaikum,

~ Rabbi Yochanan

Go to the index page for: The Revelation of Y'shua HaMoshiach

Audio Version:

We pray to HaShem, the Holy One of Israel, to fill our hearts with wisdom and understanding as we continue this study into the Revelation of our chief rabbi, Navi Y'shua haMoshiach. We ask for the strength to stand always with Israel.

The Eternal Covenant Passes Through Jewish Mothers

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Passover Rhapsody - A Jewish Rock Opera

Passover Rhapsody - A Jewish Rock Opera

Also: A Pesach Tale by the members of Temple Beth HaShem: