Sunday, November 16, 2008

An Excellent Commentary on the refused COLB and what Obama's wins means for Israel

I've always had mixed opinions about Hal Lindsey every since his best seller, The Late Great Planet Earth but one thing is for sure, he knows the prophecies and he knows Israel.

In this video Mr. Lindsey discusses the Supreme Court's order that Barack Hussein Obama release his COLB (Certificate of Live Birth -- Lindsey misspeaks and calls it his birth certificate) and then discusses what a President Obama plans for Israel.

Obama has NOW called for the division of Jerusalem and for East Jerusalem to become the capital of a new "Palestinian" Arab state. For those who love Israel this is a nightmare. For who love Islam it is in keeping with their prophecies that say Madhi will appear in East Jerusalem with Prophet Y'shua (Lindsey doesn't get into this part of it).

It is a good commentary of the situation.

What comes next?

Stay tuned!

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