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Welcome to Thus Says the Prophets!
The Arrival of 666
Rev. 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.Over the centuries many people have debated what this Mark of the Beast will be. The theories have often centered around the idea of tattoos. During the Third Reich some people believed the ID numbers the Germans forced prisoners to accept might be it. Thanks to IBM they were not that far off as you will see below! However now we have greater clarity. Now the world is ready to receive the Rex Mundi and his Mark.
Is this an egotistical thing to say? That we can now see more clearly than those living before us?
Why should we know when the others were mistaken? Are we better than they? Are we more enlightened? No, indeed in terms of spiritual development the opposite is true! However truth is now right before our eyes! It never was before.
Consider this:
Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.Prophet Daniel was shown some of the most detailed prophecies of any prophet living during this age (ie the last 6000 years) and yet he didn't understand what he had received so he asked for understanding. HaShem replied that the meanings and interpretations of these things would remain sealed and that no one would fully understand them "even to the time of the end"... when "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
In the Book of Prophet John's Revelations he was given greater insight into these things than Daniel, but the knowledge made him ill (Rev. 10:10). His mind could not conceive of the world he beheld during his Sabbath Day visions.
It was not until the advent of the microchip that the fulfillment of this prophecy was even possible. It was not until our generation that words of the prophets even could have been fulfilled. The required conditions simply were not right. Consider what it says again:
Rev. 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.It is only now, for the first time in recorded human history, even conceivable for a government to force every human on earth to accept anything, let alone to prevent every individual person on the planet who refuses that order from buying or selling. That ability now exists for the first time in history with the V-Chip.
And thousands of people have already accepted the implant!
As the following videos will show, we now have the technology, we now have the political and economic will and structure, and we now have the intention to utilize this technology.
The North American Union, REAL ID and the Coming World Government In this video you will see absolute proof that the tracking and economic control technology now exists to fulfill this prophecy and that the powers-that-be are already actively pursuing the goal to implant every man, woman and child on earth. You will also see documented evidence that United States government has already been nullified in favor of a North American Union complete with its own currency, the Amero. Further research will demonstrate that the Amero, the Euro and other new currencies are all completely chip compatible.
IBM, Verichip, and the Fouth Reich In this excellent video you see the American/IBM orgins of Hitler's human numbering technologies as well as the way the present incarnations of the IBM Hollrith machine system will be used to tract and control all who accept it. This includes its use in health care, driver's license, bank information, educational information, security clearances and really, all areas of life -- just as the prophets foretold. As with the IBM Hollrith machine, this system exists for the express purpose of:
Seeing Everything With Punch cards
Or todaySeeing Everything With V Chips
They Are Still Watching:
For more info on this topic, visit their website: http://www.noverichipinside.com
The Illuminati and the New World Order This info-filled video explains how the Bavarian Illuminati Elite are manipulating everything in order to destroy personal freedom and establish control over all. Its a very good presentation.
Unfortunately, like many of the truth seekers who are trying to understand and expose the Elite, the authors of this video include a couple of potentially anti-Semitic references and imply unjustified conclusions from them. I will discuss why so many sincere truth seeker believe the lie of a vast Jewish conspiracy elsewhere, but for now I want to simply acknowledge that some important Jewish symbolism, including the Star of David, is to be found among Illuminati iconography. The presence of such symbols however in no way demonstrates Jewish complicity with the Novus Ordo Seclorum anymore than Hitler's use of the Swastika implied Hindu complicity in his Bavarian Illuminati controlled Third Reich. Rather, even as Hitler used one of Hinduism's most sacred symbols, the Swastika, the Elite blaspheme the Star of David and other holy symbols hoping to unleash their innate power. There is NO Jewish Conspiracy. There are however vast anti-Jewish conspiracies!
The Jews are the KEY, the only hope we have.
The Swastika, by the way, comes from the Aryan Hindu Swasti (Su-a-sat-i). Su and Asati combine as Swasti: "Su" meaning "goodness" and "Asati" meaning "to exist." Hence the symbol is invoking a blessing of goodness and success. Hitler believed he could manipulate such yantram to empower his globalist agenda.
The point is:
- The technology now exist.
- These implants are already being accepted by at least thousands of people.
- It is VITAL that you reject the Mark of the Beast
The only question remaining is at what point does an implant become the Mark of the Beast itself?
Unfortunately there is no absolutely correct answer to this question.
It appears to me that "receiving the Mark of the Beast" entails two things: First, the taking of a vow or loyalty oath to the Rex Mundi and then the acceptance of the implant itself.
As the Mark is OF the Beast I don't think it can be taken prior to the revelation of the coming Rex Mundi. I therefore conclude that those who have thus far received the V-Chip implants have not yet "received the Mark" (although I would certainly encourage them to have their chips removed if possible). It is quite likely that those Illuminatim currently privy to personal association of the coming leader may have already accepted his Mark.
The prophecies are not clear about the exact timing of when accepting the implant will be "accepting the Mark" however. A large percentage of pets in the United States are now chipped. Does this means Fluffy has the Mark of the Beast? Of course not. But Fluffy has unwittingly received its precursor and has thereby assisted in its technical development and general acceptance.
Will all the world be "marked" before the Rex Mundi rises onto the world stage? That could be! We just don't know. Don't assume implants are "safe" just because he has yet to appear on CNN.
As a couple of the above videos show, including a "kill switch" in the implant whereby it could be shut down is a likely component of the final product. Those who refuse to submit may simply be shut off, economically and socially but perhaps even physically. The prophecies show 2/3 of the people on the planet will die during the final seven years of the age. This ability would make such staggering death much easier. No more messy gas chambers! Simply the release of an previously implanted toxin. This possibility is only theory, but its one that works well with the basic scenario presented by the prophets and current technology.
It could be that the Mark will be released gradually (or abruptly) and that to continue using it (or avoid being "discontinued") one will be required to take a loyalty oath to the Novus Ordo Seclorum and its Rex Mundi. This isn't clear. The prophecies do not say the Rex Mundi will implement the Mark himself, only that his False Prophet will employ it to control the Sheeple.
What to do?
There is a growing movement of people around the planet who are determined to reject and resist all further released forms of ID and government intrusion as best they can. If and when the REAL ID or the modified Social Security card program begins many plan to reject it, even though doing so will effectively make us non-persons. The REAL ID cards will not be the Mark. It will "merely" be another precursor of it. Each individual must decide at which point to make his/her stand.
However UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should ANYONE accept ANY implant. PERIOD. That would be cutting it too close, even if the initial implants are not themselves technically the Mark.
Personally, I plan to reject REAL ID but I will see exactly what it is before making an absolute decision about it. Under no circumstances however will I EVER accept ANY implant. Period. They will have to kill me first.
The beginning is near!
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