The Next to the Last Great Awakening
The Essence of Contemporary American Religion
Part Two: The Merovingians By John of AllFaith © 1989 (updated July 18, 2008)
(Originally named The Fourth Great Awakening)
The Merovingian House
Part Three Coming Soon!The expansion of the religion-based kingdom of Mohammed Mustafa was finally halted in 732 at Tours in central France, by the "stout hearted army of Franks' and their leader Charles Martel" (grandfather of Charlemagne). Charles "The Hammer" Martel" ("Carolus Martellus," ca. 688 – 22 October 741) was directly associated with the Merovingian House from which many of us are convinced the soon coming Illuminati Rex Mundi (the Illumined Global Ruler) will soon arise. I discuss this elsewhere in various detail in my prophecy section, but the Merovingian House is the true rulers of the planet and have held this position for a very long time. ![]()
The Early Merovingian World
In brief, Merovech (Meroveus or Merovius in Latin and Mérovée in French) founded the Salian Frankish Merovingian dynasty. According to tradition, Merovech was born of a sea god (his mother was raped by a "bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis;" mero is the root of "mermaid"). This beast is known as a Quinotaur, which is to say, a five-horned sea bull. I share much more information on this essential House elsewhere, however in brief Merovech's son Childeric I (who reigned c.457–481) brought the House to prominence with his defeat of the Visigoths, Saxons, and Alemanni. The family name was latinized and harmonized with the Old High German proper name Marwig, which means "famed fighter." The Merovingian House is the principle seat of global Luciferian power on the earth. Consider that the Hebrew word 'Satan' (ha Satan) and the Arabic "shaitan" both stem from the Northwest Semitic root "śṭn" meaning "to be hostile" or "to accuse." It is through the House of Merovech that Lucifer carries out his accusations against humanity. The Merovingian bloodline is the royal lineage of most European royal families and many American political and financial movers and shakers. The Bavarian Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, the Federal Reserve and so on all serve the pleasure of the Merovingian Elite. All the world serves their goals and soon they will announce the implementation of their Novus Ordo Seclorum. The Merovingian House has wrestled with the Islamic Ummah for a very long time and are now once again seeking to conquer and control Islam in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and so on. More on this later. This vitally important Battle of Tours in 732 that brought the Merovingians to power determined the religious and political future of Europe, the U.S. and the world. Because of Martel's defeat of political Islam and the subsequent globalization of their influence within and without the Roman and offshoots Churches, the West was given into the hands of the Nicean Christianity and, moreover, that of the Merovingian financial House while much of the East remained the domain of Islam (PWB 445). For clarity, political Islam is the "Ummah" and religious Islam is the "Deen" of Islam. From the Battle of Tours until the present time, Nicean Christianity has remained the indisputable religious, social and legal authority in Western society since Tours. However, both the traditional powers of Rome and the Merovingians have been competing to control Nicean Christianity ever since. This is not the place to go into this, however these two factions are preparing to combine their forces. Again, this is discussed in more detail elsewhere at this web domain. The struggle for control of western religion is therefore religious, political, cultural and economic. For this reason many of the Awakenings that have taken place have occurred within the west and within the United States, the country this study is primarily concerned with (RNA 10). By this I mean that for the most part the awakenings have been manifested as reform movements within Christian communities. There are, of course, exceptions to this. The Jews in galut (or exile, i.e. the Diaspora) have manifested remarkable spiritual achievements throughout the Christian era as well. Elias del Medigo and his disciple Picus de Mirandula, in the fifteenth century, were quite influential in the development of Jewish Theosophy. In 1485 the De Substantia Orbis was released (note 6 ). These texts foreshadowed the great Kabalistic Scripture known as the Zohar, which, between about 1500 to 1800, established itself as an essential source of Jewish doctrine and revelation equal in authority to the Bible and Talmud. No other Jewish writing can make such a claim (Z 7).
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