From the Official Star Wars Made Me This Way web site:
As my sons came of age I played them the VCR tapes of the Original Trilogy and they loved them. For Episode One we spent 16 hours on the streets of Santa Cruz to buy the tickets and another day and a half for the first midnight showing; we saw Episode One six times in the first week as I recall. We loved it (other than the casting for young Anakin). At the time I was pastoring a small church in Santa Curch and did a sermon on the movie, its at
For episodes 2 and 3 we also waited in lines, though not for as long and loved them all (and loved Hayden Christensen's Anakin as well).
When I first saw Jar Jar Binks I loved him and still do. It seems to me that a universe with a Yoda and a Palpatine must have Jar Jars as well. He provides the balance needed for the films. I was happy to see the wide appreciation for my Jedi Jar Jar costume at C IV and plan to have better costumes for him to wear for C V and beyond. People can say what they will, but Jar Jar has a lot of fans!
I'd say my favorite characters are Yoda, Obi Wan, Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, Chewbacca, Luke and so on. I'm a Lightsider through and through.
I love all six movies (5,6,3,4,2,1), but my sons leave me in the dust as fans! They can quote almost the entire series word for word and also have a firm hold on the EU, something I haven't delved into much. I've probably seen the the Original Trilogy about 50 times, the prequels around 30. My younger son (18) has seen them all over 100 times, has read most of the books and comics, seen the cartoons etc. We are definitely a Star Wars family.
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