Saturday, September 06, 2008

FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry

This is very interesting....

Robert Greenwald is a good man with a very determined progressive political agenda. I've spoken with him and I respect him. His Fox Attacks series and similar videos aim at exposing corruption and moving forward the progressive agenda. With this video his intention has to be to show how Fox (and by extension "the media") is attacking Husein Obama and making unfair attacks on him.

But there's a problem with this video!

With FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry we have another great documentary and piece of political information.

BUT wait... Watch the video!

Knowing Robert I've got to believe its not intentional, but this video clearly demonstrates that Husein Obama, like John Kerry, are seriously out of step with the American people and, in its closing remarks the statement is succinctly made that the Democrats seem to also run people they KNOW can't win...

Watch: FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry

BUT then...

We must consider that Bush was so despised that Al Gore won the election!

He willing threw away the presidency of the United States in exchange for making a movie, An Inconvenient Truth, a Nobel Prize and an Academy Award!

Gore sold his soul and his nation to the Bush-Clinton-Bush junta arm of the New World Order for these few pieces of silver!

We must also consider that Kerry beat Bush too!

Had it not been for the rigged voting machines even Kerry would have beat Bush!!! The evidence is now established.

Two complete Losers and they BOTH beat Bush!

Not that it mattered...

What does this mean?

Would Americans actually place a man of questionable origins, a man who declares himself and We the People to be "global citizens," who has stated his intention to establish a domestic youth army, who already has his global redistribution of the wealth in place in the US Congress, who supports infanticide... Would Americans actually place such a man in the White House?


Enter the debates...

But this video is telling us the truth,

Whether Robert Greenwald intended it too or not!

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