Monday, December 01, 2008

The Jewish Version of Arafat’s "Phased Plan"

Eretz Israel is in Jeopardy.

Bush and Olmert reportedly still plan to divide Jerusalem before (if) Bush surrenders his throne in January.

Dear John, 

I shared my deep concerns about President-elect Obama's Chief of Staff
with an Israeli diplomat friend from Jerusalem. His response to me
was, "Don't worry about that now. Secretary of State Rice was just here;
your friends the Prime Minister and President Bush want to divide

Jerusalem before they both leave office." I was horrified.
From Mike Evans the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team

What's the solution?

Personally I support a one-state solution: Israel keeps all the Land it has (including ALL of Judea and Samaria) and gains control over all the Land promised them by HaShem in the Torah. Israel declares itself a Jewish State (rather than a secular democracy) and expels everyone who refuses to accept the legitimacy of Jewish Israel.

OK, not likely to happen until Moshiach arrives in a few years...

In the mean time...
Here's a proposed "phased plan" that is supported by various Jewish leaders. What are your thoughts?

The Jewish version of Arafat’s “Phased Plan”

By Ted Belman

Visit Israpundit Online:

Judea and Samaria activist Yechiel Leiter is promoting a plan that calls for immediate steps that will lead to the annexation of some 50% of Judea and Samaria. “There are those who fear talking about annexing 50%, because that means giving up the other 50%,” he told.

Manighut Yahudit is one of those opposed.

I’m with Leitner. In fact, three years ago, I recommended that Israel Divide and Conquer

    The US is seeking to divide and conquer by isolating Hamas in Gaza and reinforcing Fatah in Ramallah. I go one better. I propose that Israel erect a fence around Area “A”, as delineated by Oslo, and annex the rest of the West Bank. Israel would thus divide the West Bank Arabs into two groups, those within Area “A” (1,000,000) and those (300,000) in the annexed land. Gaza with its 1.1 million Arabs would revert to being part of Egypt or at least would look to Egypt. All terrorists in the annexed lands and their families would have to be expelled to Gaza. The rest would have to be given the option over time of becoming Israeli citizens. These Arabs would be polled on whether they want to stay in Israel under those conditions. Assuming that they would overwhelmingly so elect, that would change everything. There would be more Arabs living in Israel then in Area “A”. It would strengthen Israel’s claim to all of Jerusalem. Borders and Jerusalem would no longer be negotiable.

    Area “A would be given autonomy and would be connected to Jericho and Jordan by a land link. These Arabs would be given the choice of good or bad relations including economic relations. The same choice could be given to the Arabs in Gaza.

    Sounds good to me but what are the impediments?

    First of all, this plan would attempt to divide the Palestinians. The 300,000 would in effect be doing what’s in their best interests without regard to their brothers in Area “A” and Gaza. Over time, I believe their self interest would trump their unity. Furthermore, any violence would result in expulsion. As long as we salve their conscience by offering a good economic deal to their brothers, they would accept the division. After all, they already accepted the idea that only a token number of refugees could return to Israel.

    Secondly, it would mean the end of their dream of Palestine. This may seem like a big deal, but is it? Fatah always believed in the destruction of Israel by phases. Palestine didn’t drive them, otherwise they would have compromised to achieve it. Hamas also rejects the idea of Palestine and prefers to destroy Israel instead. The “Palestinians” in Israel and Jordan are conflicted. The issue for the Arabs of the Middle East has always been the destruction of Israel rather than the creation of Palestine.

    The US and the EU would accept this solution if the “Palestinians” did. After all, this plan would ensure that the problem is solved without the creation of a failed state which would also be an economic basket case and be prone to trouble making.

    Many would point out that it isn’t fair that Israel leaves only 40% of the West Bank for 80% of the West Bank Arab residents. Once they accept that they aren’t getting their own state, this won’t matter. What matters is that what is left is economically viable.

    The task for the West would be to solve the statelessness of the refugees in Syria and elsewhere, get Gaza integrated with Egypt and get Jordan to work with the Palestinians in Area “A”. If these countries didn’t want to annex these territories and offer the inhabitants citizenship then the West could devise a system where they could be accorded passports. Either a state would be created for this purpose or the West would recognize passports issued by them though they didn’t declare a state. No biggy. Let’s call it a provisional state.

    The beauty of this Plan is that it doesn’t depend on a peace process or the agreement of the PA. There is no land to be conquered. Its like a security measure. Just build the fence in a different place and annex the land. Of course legislation would have to be passed to remove the jurisdiction of the HC of Israel. Kadima has stated their intention to unilaterally set the borders of Israel. This Plan does just that but selects borders more advantageous to Israel. In both cases only Israel would recognize those borders. It would take years if ever before the world recognized such borders. Israel has lived for over fifty years without recognized borders. Many countries have border disputes. Life goes on.

    For this plan to succeed, Israel has to make it clear that Palestine, Jerusalem and the “right of return” are off the table. The PA would be given the choice to govern Area “A’ and if they decline to do so, Israel would disband the PA and work through local Mayors like they did before Oslo. Israel would be able to create good government in Area “A” whereas the US is failing to do so in Iraq. In comparison, it’s a piece of cake.

    Divide and conquer.

Not mentioned in this proposal is the idea of offering compensation, to any Arab in Israel who is not a citizen, to leave.

Manighut Yahudit wants to keep it all which means that a way has to be found to induce the Arabs to leave. To annex all but area “A” now wouldn’t preclude annexing the rest later. It would be the Jewish version of the “phased Plan”.

No New Shoah!
Defend Israel!
No Division of Jerusalem!


If the Muslims give up their weapons
There will be peace

If the Jews gives up their weapons

There will be genocide

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