Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rev. Manning: Oprah: Antichrist, Obama: False Messiah/Prophet and Jeremiah Wright:

OK... First I want to say at the outset that I am offering this video FYI (for your info) ONLY.

While I readily agree that NONE of us who study the prophecies have all the answers and that in the final analysis ALL of us will doubtless be off on various points of interpretation, I think we can dismiss this theory as literally accurate! I do not believe Oprah Winfrey is the Antichrist for the same reasons I don't believe Obama is. Neither of them fit the prophetic requirements. But it is interesting to think about and Rev. Manning does reveal some interesting info about the New Age Movement, Oprah Winfrey and Caliph B. Hussein Obama.

The Hon. James David Manning, PhD is a very interesting man with many unique ideas: some I agree with, some I don't and some I find interesting but have no set opinions on. I do admire the Pastor and his ministry. He is not alone in his concerns about the New Age Movement in general and about Oprah Winfrey in particular and the connection he shows between the three of them is at the least interesting.

I have often written that in my opinion the essential concepts of the New Age will doubtless be incorporated into the global religion fostered by the man the prophets call the False Prophet. Just as there are many antichrists and only Rex Mundi, so too there are countless false prophets but there will arise one in particular who will lead the world in the worship of Rex Mundi. I offer some information on him in my study of Babylon the Great. We will recognize both the Antichrist and his False Prophet as they begin to fulfill the prophecies.

In brief, the Pastor believes that:
    Oprah Winfrey is the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama is the False Messiah/Prophet and Rev. Jeremiah Wright is the third person of a most unholy Trinity.
This video message comes from "The Antichrist Has Come" preached by Rev. Manning on 18, October 2008:

The Antichrist Has Come (10 min).

The New Earth: The New Age Church Of Oprah
This video is made a Christian and is biased in that direction
As most of my regular readers will know, my AllFaith Spirituality falls between these views.

Obama Announces the End of Judeo-Christian America

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