Sunday, January 25, 2009

What About the Hare Krsna Movement?

May Lord Nrsimhadev Protect Us All!

What About the Hare Krsna Movement?
Part Five

By Jagannatha Prakasa (John of AllFaith) © 01.24.2009

The editor of the above two videos believes Srila Prabhupada was murdered. This certainty comes through on the videos, but that certainty aside, the one just above this (Srila Prabhupada Departs: His Passing) offers rare footage of the passing a true saint.

While most Hindus are cremated those who are deemed Mahatmas (great souls) are often buried.
These Vedic burials are NOT what Westerners are used to!
Parents should watch this first and decide whether or not it is appropriate for their kids.

Srila Prabhupada's Burial

Night kirtan and offerings in Prabhupada Samadhi Mandir

Now for the allegations that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. Later on this page I will demonstrate that his doctors did not accept this now common accusation. They maintain to this day that his death was due to microangiopathy, high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetic nephropathy (severe kidney damage).

Srila Prabhupada: "Someone has poisoned me."

The GBC likes to point out that Prabhupada is quoted as saying, "Someone said someone is trying to kill me" but here you will see and hear for yourself that he said both. Prabhupada said someone was trying to kill him and it was confirmed by others. Srila Prabhupada was convinced that one or more of his disciples was poisoning him. He was so certain that toward the end he only allowed his sister to cook for him. There is no serious question that at the very least Srila Prabhupada was convinced that his life was jeopardy and that certain of his disciples were orchestrating the murder.

Did the Illuminati Poison Srila Prabhupada?
Hear the Whispered instructions

Frankly, the evidence seeking to incriminate the Bavarian Illuminati that I have seen is questionable at best. While living at the ISKCON farm community Mount Kailasa however I did encounter a group of German devotees of Hansadutta dasa who were engaged in many illegal activities at the farm community and elsewhere. Certain of these devotees -- who were in a position to know what they were talking about -- assured me that this allegation was true: i.e. that the Bavarian Illuminati had infiltrated certain ISKCON communities in Germany and the U.S. at the highest levels and were directing several German devotees to engage in various nefarious activities. This information came to me well after Srila Prabhupada's disappearance and I can not verify this information. But I believed them then and now.

Part Six Coming soon or read it all at my!

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