Monday, June 30, 2008

Medicare, the NWO and You

The Coming Medicare Cuts: Some Good News, At Least For Now...Jun 30, '08 10:55 AM
for everyone
While most of the world looks for ways to improve health care for its citizens the United States is continuing to look for ways to cut our quality and the availability of services. Wonder why? Read On:

I've discussed why the Democratic and Republican traitors who rule our government are doing this often enough: In a nutshell:

In order to establish the Novus Ordo Seclorum (the New Secular Order, acknowledged on the back of the one dollar Federal Reserve note) they are first creating the Novus Ordo Mundi (the New World Order). In order to so this, the Powers-That-Be are replacing the United States, Canada and Mexico with the North American Union. To achieve this step, Canada and the United States must have their standards of living drastically lowered while Mexico is being somewhat elevated (which is why Ford and other formerly US companies are preparing to leave the US for Mexico). The previous and remaining disparity between the US and Canada with Mexico with regards to personal freedom, health care, income, housing etc. was huge. Was.

The US and Canada are therefore being "downsized." We see this at work everywhere (including in the recent deceptive Court ruling granting the government the right to redefine the 2nd Amendment as they wish. And we see this shift at play with the still soon-coming Medicare cuts.

At the same time as the playing field between the three North American countries are being leveled, the balance between North America and Europa (the EU) is also underway. About the time the North American Union is formally declared (it was signed into law in 2005 in Waco), the NAU and the EU will be about ready to merge into the Novus Ordo Seclorum.

From the New Secular Age Economic Unions the Rex Mundi or "World King," known by many names including: Antichrist, Dijal, Little Horn, Son of Perdition, Great Leader etc will emerge and sign his fateful treaty with Israel that will signal the beginning of the final seven years of this age.

The same globalist work is going on with economic unions all over the world.

As Henry Kissenger acknowledged openly:

"[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United
States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether
World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the
United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the
United World Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through
James' brother Max, banker to the German government.

Perhaps you will disagree, "No way! This is just conspiracy theory! Were this true the media would have reported it!" We might think this is so, however:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries"--David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991.

BUT many of us believe these globalists are in for a surprise! We do not believe the United States of America will pass silently into this dark night of the Novus Ordo Seclorum! We are expecting serious resistance from the now awakening American patriots, who at the last moment will surely rise in opposition to the Democratic and Republican party traitors in an (unsuccessful) attempt to save the nation. Also we expect serious attacks on US soil by anti-NWO factions including the Muslim Ummah, the People's Republic of China, and US victims throughout Central and South America perhaps beginning already (with the Ummah-conducted bank robberies and food poisonings -- as I warned of two years ago on my 360 blogs -- that are occurring around the US right now -- THOROUGHLY WASH THE LIDS OF YOUR CANNED FOODS PRIOR TO OPENING THEM!) or as early as this coming October with direct attacks (possibly on SoCal, New York and Chicago). The result being the fall and general destruction of North America and US/NWO global authority/tyranny.

As I say, I've discussed this many many times before here and elsewhere.

BUT what has this got to do with Medicare?

As you probably don't know but may, the Democrats AND Republicans in Congress (the only US institution more despised than the White House and from which the next and probably last US president will be appointed) has been planning to gut Medicare later this year.

Why would they do this?

See above (see it is relevant!).

Twice unelected US Junta Leader Bush announced today that he is going to suspend the Medicare cuts for now. This is, in the very short term, good news for those who depend on Medicare. Doctors and hospitals across the country had already announced their intention to drop many, most or even all of their Medical customers if these cuts are made (we aren't "patients" anymore since the Hippocratic Oath ceased to be taken by US medical professionals in order to allow them to kill children the disabled and elderly). For the rest of this year health care in the US, as bad as it is for those with low incomes, should continue to limp along as before.

No matter which unqualified Congressman wins or is given the election or who is given the throne in November -- IF Bush decides to leave -- if you are poor, disabled, elderly, on a fixed income or if you lose your job, you MAY NOT have health care after that other than the "emergency room" and more bills you can't possibly pay.

So here's an AP story on Bush's postponement of this coming disaster:

Bush administration freezing cuts in Medicare fees

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer 4 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration said Monday it is freezing a scheduled 10 percent fee cut for doctors who treat Medicare patients, giving Congress time to act to prevent the cuts when lawmakers return from a July 4 recess.

Physicians have been running ads hinting that as a result of the cuts, patients may find doctors less willing to treat them. The administration's delay in implementing the cuts, which had been scheduled to go into effect Tuesday, spares lawmakers from having to use the recess to explain to seniors why they didn't do the job before leaving town.

Kevin Schweers, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, said Monday the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will hold doctors' Medicare claims for services delivered on or after July 1. Claims for services received on before June 30 will be processed as usual, he said.

Congress, not willing to face millions of angry seniors at the polls in November, will almost certainly act quickly when it returns to Washington the week of July 7 to prevent the cuts in payments for some 600,000 doctors who treat Medicare patients. The cuts were scheduled because of a formula that requires fee cuts when spending exceeds established goals.

HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt had promised Friday that his agency "will take all steps available to the department under the law to minimize the impact on providers and beneficiaries." On Monday, the department used its administrative tools to delay implementing the scheduled 10.6 percent cuts.

"By holding claims for health care services that are delivered on or after July 1, CMS will not be making any payments on the 10.6 percent reduction until July 15 at the earliest," Schweers said.

Almost every year, Congress finds a way to block such cuts. But last week the Senate fell just one vote short of the 60 needed to proceed to legislation that would have stopped the cut.

In a particularly vitriolic exchange, Democrats and Republicans blamed each other for what Dr. Nancy H. Nielsen, president of the American Medical Association, said has put the country "at the brink of a Medicare meltdown."

"Seniors need continued access to the doctors they trust. It's urgent that Congress make that happen," the AMA said in ads taken out in Capitol Hill newspapers read by members of Congress and their aides.

Doctors have complained for years that Medicare payments have failed to cover rising costs.

This year majority Democrats homed in on cutting the Medicare Advantage program, which is an ideological issue for both parties. The Bush administration and Republicans like Medicare Advantage because it lets the elderly and disabled choose to get their health benefits through private insurers rather than through traditional Medicare. Democrats argued that government payments to the insurers are too generous.

The White House warned that President Bush would be urged to veto a bill that contained cuts to Medicare Advantage.

That didn't stop the House last Tuesday from approving the legislation 355-59, well above the margin needed to override a veto. Every Democrat supported it, and Republicans, bucking their president, voted 129-59 for it.


Associated Press Writer Kevin Freking contributed to this report.


The bill is H.R. 6331.


On the Net:


The Coming Medicare Cuts: Some Good News, At Least For Now...

While most of the world looks for ways to improve health care for its citizens the United States is continuing to look for ways to cut our quality and the availability of services. Wonder why? Read On:

I've discussed why the Democratic and Republican traitors who rule our government are doing this often enough: In a nutshell:

In order to establish the Novus Ordo Seclorum (the New Secular Order, acknowledged on the back of the one dollar Federal Reserve note) they are first creating the Novus Ordo Mundi (the New World Order). In order to so this, the Powers-That-Be are replacing the United States, Canada and Mexico with the North American Union. To achieve this step, Canada and the United States must have their standards of living drastically lowered while Mexico is being somewhat elevated (which is why Ford and other formerly US companies are preparing to leave the US for Mexico). The previous and remaining disparity between the US and Canada with Mexico with regards to personal freedom, health care, income, housing etc. was huge. Was.

The US and Canada are therefore being "downsized." We see this at work everywhere (including in the recent deceptive Court ruling granting the government the right to redefine the 2nd Amendment as they wish. And we see this shift at play with the still soon-coming Medicare cuts.

At the same time as the playing field between the three North American countries are being leveled, the balance between North America and Europa (the EU) is also underway. About the time the North American Union is formally declared (it was signed into law in 2005 in Waco), the NAU and the EU will be about ready to merge into the Novus Ordo Seclorum.

From the New Secular Age Economic Unions the Rex Mundi or "World King," known by many names including: Antichrist, Dijal, Little Horn, Son of Perdition, Great Leader etc will emerge and sign his fateful treaty with Israel that will signal the beginning of the final seven years of this age.

The same globalist work is going on with economic unions all over the world.

As Henry Kissenger acknowledged openly:

"[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United
States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether
World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the
United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the
United World Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through
James' brother Max, banker to the German government.

Perhaps you will disagree, "No way! This is just conspiracy theory! Were this true the media would have reported it!" We might think this is so, however:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries"--David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991.

BUT many of us believe these globalists are in for a surprise! We do not believe the United States of America will pass silently into this dark night of the Novus Ordo Seclorum! We are expecting serious resistance from the now awakening American patriots, who at the last moment will surely rise in opposition to the Democratic and Republican party traitors in an (unsuccessful) attempt to save the nation. Also we expect serious attacks on US soil by anti-NWO factions including the Muslim Ummah, the People's Republic of China, and US victims throughout Central and South America perhaps beginning already (with the Ummah-conducted bank robberies and food poisonings -- as I warned of two years ago on my 360 blogs -- that are occurring around the US right now -- THOROUGHLY WASH THE LIDS OF YOUR CANNED FOODS PRIOR TO OPENING THEM!) or as early as this coming October with direct attacks (possibly on SoCal, New York and Chicago). The result being the fall and general destruction of North America and US/NWO global authority/tyranny.

As I say, I've discussed this many many times before here and elsewhere.

BUT what has this got to do with Medicare?

As you probably don't know but may, the Democrats AND Republicans in Congress (the only US institution more despised than the White House and from which the next and probably last US president will be appointed) has been planning to gut Medicare later this year.

Why would they do this?

See above (see it is relevant!).

Twice unelected US Junta Leader Bush announced today that he is going to suspend the Medicare cuts for now. This is, in the very short term, good news for those who depend on Medicare. Doctors and hospitals across the country had already announced their intention to drop many, most or even all of their Medical customers if these cuts are made (we aren't "patients" anymore since the Hippocratic Oath ceased to be taken by US medical professionals in order to allow them to kill children the disabled and elderly). For the rest of this year health care in the US, as bad as it is for those with low incomes, should continue to limp along as before.

No matter which unqualified Congressman wins or is given the election or who is given the throne in November -- IF Bush decides to leave -- if you are poor, disabled, elderly, on a fixed income or if you lose your job, you MAY NOT have health care after that other than the "emergency room" and more bills you can't possibly pay.

So here's an AP story on Bush's postponement of this coming disaster:

Bush administration freezing cuts in Medicare fees

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer 4 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration said Monday it is freezing a scheduled 10 percent fee cut for doctors who treat Medicare patients, giving Congress time to act to prevent the cuts when lawmakers return from a July 4 recess.

Physicians have been running ads hinting that as a result of the cuts, patients may find doctors less willing to treat them. The administration's delay in implementing the cuts, which had been scheduled to go into effect Tuesday, spares lawmakers from having to use the recess to explain to seniors why they didn't do the job before leaving town.

Kevin Schweers, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, said Monday the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will hold doctors' Medicare claims for services delivered on or after July 1. Claims for services received on before June 30 will be processed as usual, he said.

Congress, not willing to face millions of angry seniors at the polls in November, will almost certainly act quickly when it returns to Washington the week of July 7 to prevent the cuts in payments for some 600,000 doctors who treat Medicare patients. The cuts were scheduled because of a formula that requires fee cuts when spending exceeds established goals.

HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt had promised Friday that his agency "will take all steps available to the department under the law to minimize the impact on providers and beneficiaries." On Monday, the department used its administrative tools to delay implementing the scheduled 10.6 percent cuts.

"By holding claims for health care services that are delivered on or after July 1, CMS will not be making any payments on the 10.6 percent reduction until July 15 at the earliest," Schweers said.

Almost every year, Congress finds a way to block such cuts. But last week the Senate fell just one vote short of the 60 needed to proceed to legislation that would have stopped the cut.

In a particularly vitriolic exchange, Democrats and Republicans blamed each other for what Dr. Nancy H. Nielsen, president of the American Medical Association, said has put the country "at the brink of a Medicare meltdown."

"Seniors need continued access to the doctors they trust. It's urgent that Congress make that happen," the AMA said in ads taken out in Capitol Hill newspapers read by members of Congress and their aides.

Doctors have complained for years that Medicare payments have failed to cover rising costs.

This year majority Democrats homed in on cutting the Medicare Advantage program, which is an ideological issue for both parties. The Bush administration and Republicans like Medicare Advantage because it lets the elderly and disabled choose to get their health benefits through private insurers rather than through traditional Medicare. Democrats argued that government payments to the insurers are too generous.

The White House warned that President Bush would be urged to veto a bill that contained cuts to Medicare Advantage.

That didn't stop the House last Tuesday from approving the legislation 355-59, well above the margin needed to override a veto. Every Democrat supported it, and Republicans, bucking their president, voted 129-59 for it.


Associated Press Writer Kevin Freking contributed to this report.


The bill is H.R. 6331.


On the Net:


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Federal Emergency Declared For California

When I woke up this morning I saw something VERY strange!

There was a broad smoke defined shaft of brilliant clear light shining in through the window! It looked sort of like common fire-born light in that it emitted light and heat, but it was clear, like an electric light. It seemed to come from above the house and even the trees! It looked pristine and pure, a natural goodness.

I got up and went to the window for a better look and then I could see it! Joyful memories flooded my consciousness and I smiled. Removing my C-PAP face mask and donning my small particle air mask I headed onto the deck but as I opened the door the light again faded into smoky darkness.

For a moment the sun had broken through the smoke, but then it was gone. No matter how dark things get, the sun is always there and we can take solace from the fact that this too will pass.

This will become progressively more important to remember in the weeks and months ahead of us all.

Areas hardest hit by the lightning fires include Butte County, where 31 fires have charred 17 square miles and threatened 1,200 homes

Thus far:

Total Fires: 1,345
Total Acres Burned: 333,858

Personnel Committed: 18,039
Fire Engines: 1,356
Hand Crews: 466
Dozers: 310
Water Tenders: 368
Helicopters: 92

And its not over yet.
These numbers are totals from state, local and federal firefighting agencies. Updated 6/28 at 9:00 p.m. (Source

Butte (my county) : The Butte Lightning Complex has burned 16,000 acres and is 20% contained. The Butte Fire Information Number is (530) 538-7826. Click Here for more information.

Mendocino: The Mendocino Lightning Complex has burned 35,700 acres and is 20% contained. The Mendocino Fire Information Number is (707)-467-6426. Click Here for more information.

Shasta & Trinity: The Shasta and Trinity Lightning has burned 40,000 acres and is 10% contained. The Shasta-Trinity Unit Information Number is (530) 225-2510. Click Here for more information.

Lassen, Modoc: The Corral Fire has burned 10,000 acres and is 5% contained. The Peterson Complex has burned 7,824 acres and is 90% contained. The Lassen-Modoc Fire Information Number is (530) 257-9553.

Humboldt: The Humboldt Complex has burned for 1,275 acres and is 50% contained. The Paradise Fire is north of Shelter Cove and is 925 acres and 40% contained. The Humboldt-Del Norte Fire Information Number is (707) 726-1225.

Tehama & Glenn: The Tehama-Glenn Lightning Complex has burned 17,541 acres and is 55% contained. The Tehama-Glenn Unit Information Number is (530) 528-5193. Click Here for more information.

Mariposa: The Oliver Fire is located in the Ponderosa Basin and is 2,603 acres and 45% contained. The Oliver Fire Information Number is (209) 966-4784. Click Here for more information.

Lake: The Walker Fire has burned 14,500 acres and is now 100% contained. The Walker Fire Information Number is (707) 967-1456. Click Here for more information.

Napa & Solano: The Wild Fire burned 40,000 acres and is now 100% contained. Click Here for more information.

Santa Clara: The Whitehurst and Hummingbird Fires burned a combined 994 acres and are both now 100% contained. Click Here for more information.

Fire Threatens Homes in Big Sur

BIG SUR, Calif. (KCBS) -- On Saturday, President Bush issued an emergency declaration for California and ordered federal agencies to assist in firefighting efforts in Butte, Mendocino, Monterey, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, and Trinity.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger had made the request on Friday, saying that fires had burned more than 400 square miles.

Areas hardest hit by the lightning fires include Butte County, where 31 fires have charred 17 square miles and threatened 1,200 homes; Mendocino County, with 121 fires that have covered 42 square miles and threatened 900 homes; and Shasta-Trinity counties, where 230 homes were threatened and 55 square miles of forest was charred by about 160 fires.

Voluntary evacuations have been ordered communities near the Indians Fire burning in the Los Padres National Forest in Monterey County.

The evacuation advisory affects these areas:

  • Carmel Valley Road from Arroyo Seco Road to Tassajara Road
  • Tassajara Road from Carmel Valley Road to the national forest boundary
  • Cachagua Road from Tassajara Road to the Nason Road turnoff

    According to fire officials, there is the possibility of southeast winds accompanied by thunder storms with lightning over the weekend. Barring any new fires, the Indians Fire is expected to be completely contained by Thursday.

    Meanwhile, many of the rustic inns, restaurants and art galleries that dot the rugged Central Coast are nearly deserted this weekend at the height of the tourist season as a huge wildfire threatens Big Sur.

    Listen KCBS' Mike Colgan reports Mike Colgan

    The blaze had charred nearly 42 square miles as of Friday in the Los Padres National Forest and destroyed 16 homes in the Big Sur area, one week after it was started by a lightning storm that also ignited more than 1,000 wildfires from the Central Coast to the Oregon state line.

    Firefighters braced for the possibility of more lightning in Northern California during the weekend.

    The Big Sur fire was only 3 percent contained. Firefighters concentrated on protecting more than 500 homes and other buildings threatened by the blaze and let the wildfire rage virtually unchecked in remote mountain wildernesses.

    A roughly 12-mile stretch of coastal Highway 1 was closed, shutting off access to several popular tourist spots. Thick smoke obscured iconic coastal vistas.

    "Our No. 1 priority is we want to stop any new, small fires," said Jason Kirchner, a spokesman for the U.S. Forest Service.

    The fire threat has already led communities to cancel plans for Fourth of July fireworks displays.

    The blazes also have spread a smoky haze over much of the San Francisco Bay area and Central Valley, prompting air regulators to urge people to stay indoors. Air pollution readings in Northern California and the Central Valley were two to 10 times the federal standard for clean air, said Dimitri Stanich, spokesman for the California Air Resources Board.

    More than 1,000 fires, mostly caused by lightning, burned from the Central Coast to the Oregon border. (Source:

  • Friday, June 27, 2008

    Good Morning, Fire update

    We're still here.
    No major changes over night for our fires thank God. Our local fire is about a mile away now. Here is a map of California smoke. The red spots are a few of the bigger active fires. Currently there are around 550 still burning in Northern California and around 30 in our county as I understand it. The news says more lightening strikes are likely beginning today through the weekend.

    There is a good fire map at this site It is dynamic so you can scroll in and out. If you'd like to see exactly where we are, look for Yankee Hill. There is a dark black line, that's highway 70. We live close to Skycrest on that map.

    The latest offical news is from last night:

    6/26/08 7:20 PM

    Predicted Weather Event May Cause Increased Fire Activity

    The National Weather Service is predicting significant winds in the Jarbo Gap area of Butte County throughout the night. The strongest winds are predicted from 11:00 p.m. (Thursday, June 26) through - 4:00 a.m. (Friday, June 27th).

    The change in weather may cause a significant increase in fire activity. Residents in the communities of Concow and Big Bend [where we are] should be especially vigilant and monitor local media outlets for updates and advisories.

    Fire officials will monitor the situation and coordinate with the Butte County Sherriff's Office to initiate an evacuation notification should one be warranted. Residents preparing for a possible evacuation are reminded to collect important documents, medications, pets and cherished belongings. Remember to park your vehicle headed outward toward the street, filled with fuel and have the keys easily accessible. If an evacuation is ordered do not delay, evacuate immediately and proceed to safety.

    Due to the high number of actively burning fires within Butte County ALL residents should be aware of current fire conditions by monitoring local TV and radio, or the CAL FIRE website at, or, and react accordingly. EDITORS NOTE: LOCALNEWS1.NET IS ALSO A GOOD SITE TO CHECK!

    Your continued prayers and well-wishes are appreciated.
    For those living in and near the other disaster areas in California, the Midwest and elsewhere, know that you are in our prayers.

    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    Prayer request. Fire May Be Heading This Way

    Hi friends,

    We were just notified that beginning around 11 PM tonight Pac time to 5 Am or so there is a likelihood that the winds will be driving the fires towards us. We are to be ready to evacuate at any moment after 11 PM, although at this time we are not under an evacuation order.

    Prayers that the winds stay calm would be most appreciated.

    I'll post and update in the morning if we're still here. If we have to go, I'll post as soon as possible.


    God's best,
    ~John of AllFaith

    Today Court Decision Against the 2nd Ammendment

    Today's decision is NOT a strike for freedom. If you read what the court actually said, the government has the right to regulate guns to the point where they are virtually impossible to get and use, they simply cant directly ban them according to the 2nd Amendment.

    No prior court has ever ruled that the court and government has the power to restrict gun ownership. This court just did it.

    This is a VERY dark day for America and our freedoms. This decision grants no essential rights and empowers the government to impose far more stringent restrictions and officially dis-empowers the 2nd Amendment.

    Don't accept the head-line hype. We lost big time with this one!

    Today's Court Decision on the 2nd Ammendment

    Today's decision is NOT a strike for freedom. If you read what the court actually said, the government has the right to regulate guns to the point where they are virtually impossible to get and use, they simply cant directly ban them according to the 2nd Amendment.

    No prior court has ever ruled that the court and government has the power to restrict gun ownership. This court just did it.

    This is a VERY dark day for America and our freedoms. This decision grants no essential rights and empowers the government to impose far more stringent restrictions and officially dis-empowers the 2nd Amendment.

    Don't accept the head-line hype. We lost big time with this one!

    Is Obama Scary: Drybones

    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    Another Update on Our Fires

    Hi friends,
    Thanks for all the prayers and notes. Please keep them coming! Here's a brief update on what we're facing as of now.

    In the mid days the air clears a little but in the mornings and nights it is very heavy. Right now, looking out the window by my desk, the mountains across from us are completely concealed, the neighbor's yard, a half acre away, is barely visible. The smoke is VERY thick.

    According to the scanner, a big concern is that beginning this evening into the weekend more of these bizarre thunder storms are expected to move in. This COULD produce more lightening strikes. According to what I'm hearing, it is believed that all the fires in our area were caused by lightening though arson is suspected in some areas. The news is saying very little about this. The investigations will come later no doubt.

    Andy and I were standing on our deck as they were hitting this past weekend. As a Georgia boy (seems like another life!) I grew up with lightening and I noted that these were bad. Instead of skittering along the clouds which can be pretty, these were solid bolts that were going straight down. That's not good.

    Estimates have been that around 7000 lightening strikes over this period sparked over 800 fires in California, mostly in the North. There are still around 700 burning, many, like ours, without any containment.

    Yesterday the "air quality" here was moved to "unhealthy," it has now been upgraded to "very unhealthy" for the entire area. The only rating that is higher is "hazardous" and in the Sierra foothills it is now there. Our area is rather remote and we don't have the recording stations of other areas, but appears that our area is also in this hazardous range. My lungs attest to the accuracy of this rating.

    We've been joking about what is worse, since that's where the scale ends, and we figure after hazardous you're dead so it doesn't matter (just kidding...).

    The humidly is getting higher now, which might be good for the fire fighters but bad news for those with lung and other health problems. I've heard fire fighters say though that this level of humidity only makes their suits more uncomfortable. Much higher humidity would be required to have any real impact with the fires.

    There's a possibility that the smoke will keep the temperatures down but it is expected that we will return to the triple digits by this weekend. That will only make everything worse. Can you imagine being in those heavy duty fire fighting suits in 110 degree heat and smoke for hours and days on end! I tell you, I have some problem with the police and a lot of problems with the military, but I respect and appreciate the fire fighters! Moreso because our local fire fighters are volunteers! May God bless and protect these fearless men and women!

    Here in Butte County we currently have 30 fires burning with over 6000 acres destroyed so far according to the news coverage. All the counties adjacent to us has similar or worse numbers. The Empire and related fires, which are the ones close to us, are considered to be among the most serious/threatening in the state right now. Hundreds of homes are still threatened, including the Orthodox Monastery it appears.

    Let's see, what else... Where we are:

    We're on the side of Yankee Hill, sort of between Paradise and Concow in Butte County by road, just off highway 70, but between Cherokee and across from Concow as the crow flies. If your news is showing the highway 70 closures at Big Bend, that's about a mile away.
    The Pine/Yankee Hill Hardware store, which is a key fire fighting staging area, is the closet store (along with the "Dome Store") to us.

    It still appears that our home is not being threatened by the fires and we are not under any of the evacuation orders. We connect to the Internet through a digital tower-to tower system and the smoke has slowed our connection quite a bit but for now we still have both power and Net.

    Here a news update report with more info:

    Fires Cause Evacuations In Concow

    For those who may be interested, this is updated fairly regularly:

    8:20 Update: The Butte Lightning Complex of fires have burned about 5 thousand acres, with containment still estimated at 5%.

    6:50 Update: Boy scouts spending the night at a Chico evacuation shelter. Butte County officials say 79 scouts from five separate troops were staying at the Neighborhood Church overnight after evacuating the Mt. Lassen Boy Scout Camp Tuesday. The original evacuation impacted 400 camp attendees. County officials say the scouts remaining at the Chico shelter are expected to leave today.

    6:40 Update: Local air quality officials are expecting poor air quality to remain in Butte County until the wildfires are extinguished. Health Officials and the Air Quality Management District issued an alert Tuesday that called conditions “VERY UNHEALTHY.”

    Click for Audio: bad-air

    Air Quality spokesperson Gail Williams says smoke from wildfires contain significant quantities of irritating chemicals. Smoke exposure could cause eye or throat irritation or coughing.

    6:30 Update (Wed): Fire crews are paying close attention to 7 FIRES burning in OR NEAR Butte County. The Rim and Empire Fires continue to threaten the community of Concow. As of Tuesday night, the Rim Fire was 330 acres…the Empire Fire remained at 1000 acres.

    Precautionary evacuation advisories remain in effect for the Butte Meadows area East of Chico and Jonesville due to the Smokey Fire. Evacuations remain in effect for most of Concow due to the Empire and Rim Fires burning to the North and South of the community.

    Fire Information Officer John Buchanan says dozers are on the scene of the West Fire, which is on the east side of the West Branch of the Feather River drainage. The Breakneck Fire has burned about 150 acres north and east of Stirling City.

    Buchanan says crews are monitoring the fire activity in Tehama County west of Highway 32. The Frey Fire is burning north of La Porte Road near Jackson Ranch…it has torched 1500 acres but is not an immediate threat to populated areas.


    6:15 PM Update: The Immediate Threat Evacuation Advisory to Butte Meadows and Jonesville has been downgraded to a Precautionary evacuation advisory, which means residents don’t have to evacuate, but should be prepared to do so in the even another Immediate Threat Advisory is issued. Officials say the Boys Scouts will still be taken to the Neighborhood Church, which the Red Cross has established as an evacuation center.

    For current fire information statewide click here.

    5:15 PM Update: Officials say the campers and adults should be arriving at the Neighborhood Church by 7:30 PM.

    4:20 PM Update: An Immediate Threat Evacuation Advisory has been issued in the areas of Butte Meadows and Jonesville. The area includes the Boys Scout Camp known as Camp Lassen. Officials say the evacuation effects approximately 400 campers that will be taken to the Neighborhood Church in Chico at 2801 Notre dame Blvd. The phone number for the Neighborhood Church is 343-6006. Parents can also call the Golden Empire Council at 342-7460. Road closures are also in effect for Highway 32 at Humboldt all the way to Highway 36. This is due to the Smoky Fire which has jumped Highway 32. Officials say the communities aren’t threatened, but the escape route along Highway 32 could be compromised.

    1:45 PM Update: Butte County Officials are sending two buses to a makeshift camp set up in Concow . There are about 50 people, including young children and pets at a private resident located on Skycrest Dr behind the dome store in Concow. Some say they don’t have fuel or transportation to evacuate the area. Officials tell KPAY News the group will be transported the shelter set up at Las Plumas High School.

    1:00 PM Update: Emergency officials in Butte County have established two information centers. They are the Pines Yankee Hill Hardware Store on Highway 70 and the Holiday Market on Lakeridge Circle in Magalia. The centers are to give residents information on fire fighting efforts, evacuation centers and road closures. Those of you in Paradise who are concerned about the Saw Mill Peak should know that Cal-Fire officials say there is no threat from the fire. The town of Paradise is keeping an eye on all fires and will notify the public and media immediately if the situation changes, but according to fire officials the fire is burning AWAY from the Paradise Magalia area. The West Branch Fire is the one officials are keeping an eye on, but so far it has stayed on the east side of the drainage area and hasn’t posed a threat.

    11:10 AM Update: Heavy smoke has caused Butte County Air Quality Management District officials to issue the highest ever air quality forecast. Officials say the 200-plus forecast for ozone and particulate matter is unhealthy for EVERYONE, and you should limit going outdoors, exercise and exertion.

    10:15 AM Update: The Frey Fire, which is the largest blaze in Butte County, has grown to 1,300 acres. Crews continue to focus efforts on the fires in the Concow area. Crews continue to hold the line on the West Branch Fire which is burning in near the Feather River.

    7 am Update: The shelter at Spring Valley Elementary School has 150 beds, with 50 of them being occupied. However, the parking area has reached capacity due to the number of RV’s and trailers that evacuated. A new shelter has been opened up at Las Plumas High School, 2380 Las Plumas Ave, Oroville. Staff is redirecting vehicle traffic from the Spring Valley shelter to the Las Plumas shelter. Las Plumas High School shelter has 300 beds, and a large parking area to accommodate the overflow traffic.

    6:30 am Update: (AP) - Firefighters from Nevada and Oregon are lending a hand in Northern California, where more than 840 lightning-sparked wildfires are burning. Oregon and Nevada are assisting in the battle, mostly with firefighting aircraft. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger requested the extra help because he says “you can never prepare” for so many fires at the same time.

    5 am Update: Flames continue to burn in Butte County…causing people to leave their homes in the Concow area.

    Click for Audio: julie-hutichison-1

    Cal-Fire Captain Julie Hutchison says the latest evacuations were caused by the Rim Fire. Again, there is an Immediate Threat Evacuation in the area of Concow between Jeffery Pine Lane to Hoffman Road along Concow Road. Some of the roads include Tweedy Lane, Cribbage Lane, Ishi Trail, Yellow Wood Road, and Shandoney Lane.

    The immediate threat evacuation remains this morning for all residents in the area of Concow Road north of Hoffman and all side roads in the area due to the Butte County blaze known as the Empire Fire. There is also an immediate threat evacuation on Andy Mountain Road and Crain Ridge Road to approximately one mile up Rim Mountain Road.

    The Empire Fire is also near Concow. It has burned an estimated 1000 acres. At last report, the Butte Lightning Complex, which includes all 27 blazes, has burned about 37 hundred acres overall. Cal-Fire is expecting to have updated numbers on the size of the fire later this morning. Cal-Fire is expecting more additional resources to arrive today to help local fire crews.

    3:45 am Update: Another road closure put in place this morning. The CHP says a closure was enacted at Concow and Nelson Bar due to the fire activity.

    3:30 am Update on Tehama-Glenn Fires: Over 37 fires for a total of 3,146 acres. 35 fires are contained. EAST SIDE (Paynes Creek Area)- The Antelope Fire is 900 acres and 10% contained, the Mill Creek Fire is 900 acres with no containment.

    1:30 AM Tuesday Update: An Immediate Threat Evacuation advisory is in effect for residents in the area of Jefferey Pine Lane to Hoffman Road and all roads in between. This is due to the spread of the Rim Fire. Residents can find shelter at Spring Valley School at 2771 Pentz Road off of Highway 70.


    5:50 PM Update: Cal-Fire’s Janet Upton says the south (bottom) end of the Rim Fire has been giving fire crews trouble all day. Spot fires were reported earlier. The Rim Fire remains about 100 acres.

    Fire crews are battling the lightning sparked blazes as a “complex,” so overall containment is about 5% as of 6 PM.

    A Cal-Fire Command Team has arrived in Butte County from Southern California. That team will take command of the fire tomorrow to help relieve local resources.

    5:45 PM Update: (AP) According to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger hundreds of fires are burning in at least ten California counties. Some 4,000 firefighters are battling the blazes. One of the bigger fires was in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, about 160 miles north of Sacramento. Wildfires have destroyed more than 175 homes in Northern California so far this year.

    5:20 Update on Fires in Tehama-Glenn Unit: 75 fires for a total of 2,146 acres. EAST SIDE (Paynes Creek Area)- The Antelope Fire is 600 acres and 20% contained, the Ishi Fire is 60 acres and 50% contained and the Mill Creek Fire is 417 acres with no containment. WEST SIDE (36W) - The Salt Creek Fire is 40 acres with no containment and the Vestal Fire 181 acres and 25% contained.

    5 PM Update from the Town of Paradise:

    There is an immediate threat to all residents in the area of Concow Road north of Hoffman and all side roads in the area due to the fire known as the Empire Fire.

    There is an immediate threat evacuation on Andy Mountain Road and Crain Ridge Road to approximately one mile up Rim Mountain Road. Also, residents on Highway 70 between Fire Station 36 and Pulga are under immediate threat evacuation.

    Road Closures: Highway 70 is closed at Big Bend.

    Shelter: Residents and animals are being evacuated to Spring Valley School at 2771 Pentz Road off of Highway 70.

    There is also a fire burning in the West Branch of the Feather River drainage on the east side of the river. All situations are being very closely monitored by fire personnel. The Town is standing by to assist the County and Cal-Fire.

    3:00 PM Update: An Immediate Threat Evacuation Advisory is in effect for Andy Mt. Road and Crane Ridge Road in Concow, and the first mile of Rim Road due to the Rim Fire.

    1:45 PM Update:

    Current information reported by Cal-Fire

    Butte County: 24 fires burning for a total of more than 1,397 acres.

    Tehama-Glen Unit: Over 36 fires for a total of 2,146 acres.

    Shasta-Trinity Unit: Over 130 fires for a total of 5,000 acres.

    1:00 PM Update: Lack of Winds are working as a double edged sword as the fires in the Concow area aren’t spreading fast, but heavy smoke is hindering efforts from air support.

    11:05 AM Update: Cal-Fire says a four acre spot fire has broken out near Bardy’s Bar Road at Big Bend Road. This has caused a precautionary evacuation advisory for Big Bend Road and all of its cross streets.

    9:55 AM Update: Tehama County has released its own AIR QUALITY advisory due to the smoky conditions. The Air Pollution Control District says the Tehama County air quality is in the moderate to unhealthy range this morning. But officials expect conditions to worsen as wildland fires continue to burn in Shasta, Butte, and Tehama Counties. People could experience coughing, a scratchy throat, watery or itchy eyes, or difficulty breathing from the smoky conditions.

    9:10 AM Update: Cal-Fire providing updated numbers about lightning related fires in Butte County, which is reported as 23 fires for a total of more than 1,397 acres.

    8:20 AM Update: Due to the growth of the Empire Fire north of Concow, an Immediate Threat Evacuation remains for the north Concow area, for the area north of Hoffman Road. For additional information the public can call the Cal-Fire hotline at 538-7826.

    7:15 AM Update: AN IMMEDIATE THREAT EVACUATION ADVISORY is in place for the Hoffman Road area near Concow. Cal-Fire’s Janet Upton says the Empire Fire is on the north side of that community.

    Click for Audio: jan-jan

    A fire evacuation center has been set up at Spring Valley School at 2771 Pentz Road off of Highway 70.

    6 AM Update: Fire Crews are continuing to battle the Rim Fire in Butte County, which is one of hundreds that started from weekend lightning strikes in Northern California. As of Sunday, Cal-Fire was reporting 23 fires in Butte County, 36 blazes in the Tehama-Glenn County area, and 130 fires in the Shasta-Trinity area. More than 12 hundred acres have been burned in Butte County. One blaze, the Rim Fire near Concow, has prompted precautionary evacuation notifications in the area. It appears the CHP is working to close down part of Highway 70 because of the wildfire. At last report, a hard closure was in place at Hwy 70 at Big Bend Road.

    Butte County officials say Supervisor Curt Josiassen signed a Proclamation of a Local Emergency Sunday night as a result of the “June Lightning Fire 2008″ event. Officials say the emergency proclamation was sent to the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. The full Board is expected to ratify the proclamation tomorrow.

    Butte County health officials calling attention to the smoky air conditions today. The Health Department has issued a public health advisory for Butte County residents, telling people to stay inside with doors and windows closed to help minimize the effects of the smoke. Other tips include not running swamp coolers or whole house fans, and changing your air conditioner to the “re-circulate” setting.


    11:40 AM-Fire Officials have named the fire burning along Rim Road the “Rim Fire”. It’s estimated to be 100 acres in size, and heavy resources are fighting the fire including air support. Crews are also keeping an eye on a fire in the West Branch Drainage Area burning along the East Side.

    11:05 AM- The American Red Cross is setting up an evacuation center at the Spring Valley School at 2771 Pentz Road off of Highway 70. The center is available for residents who choose to evacuate, and will be open in the event an Immediate Threat Advisory occurs.

    10:40 AM- A precautionary evacuation advisory is in place for homes in the Concow Lake area due to a fire burning along Rim Road. This is ONLY a precautionary evacuation, which means you should be prepared to evacuate in the event you are advised to do so. Road closures are also in effect at Concow Road to Yellow Wood Road North to the end of the pavement. Rim Road, which is also Andy Mt. Road is closed from Highway 70 to the end. Concow road is also closed from Nelson Bar to the end of the pavement, and Deadwood Road is closed from Highway 70 to Concow road. The Red Cross is working to establish an evacuation center if needed, and when that is opened, we will bring it to you. A fire information line has been established for residents. The number is 538-7826. You are asked to ONLY call the line if you are in the affected area of the fire.

    7:50 PM-Butte County Cal-Fire crews are working several small fires this evening. The largest fire burning currently is in the Jarbo Gap area. There are also small fires burning in Stirling City/Magalia, Concow, and Butte Creek. No structures are threatened, but Upton says crews will keep an eye on the Concow fire because of winds.

    Crews have stayed busy with spot fires today which have burned nearly 60 acres in the county. Upton says the Northstate and Oregon have been hit hard by lightning today with up to 100 fires starting from the strikes.

    She says crews fight lightning fires differently than they would a typical fire, with crews divided to fight all fires at once, rather than leaving the rest of the county vulnerable.

    Tuesday, June 24, 2008

    Empire Fire Update

    Just an update on what's happening here:

    Thanks for all your prayers and kind notes.

    I am now wearing my sleep apnea/air filtration machine mask all the time now when I'm not moving around the house because of the thick smoke in the air. My lungs are not happy campers. Our nearest fire is now being called the Empire fire now and the air is being listed as "Unhealthy" throughout the region. Our fire just dropped from 5 % controlled to uncontrolled.

    If it was just me I would have left here yesterday, but in case of evacuation I want to stay to help get us and our pets out and to safety. We have over 60 gheckos, 2 bearded dragons and the three dogs. We are monitoring the scanner and the news.

    The fires keep combining and growing stronger. As of now the fire line is still about 2 miles away and it looks as though its heading to the less populated north and away from us.

    Pray for us and for everyone who experiencing these tough times,
    ~John of AllFaith

    Monday, June 23, 2008

    The Air is Thick With Smoke, George Carlin Dies, Worship and Extremism

    Lots happening today.

    The air is thick with gray smoke and the sun is blood red when you can see it (the moon was positively eerie last night!) as the fires continue to rage through Northern California. The Concow fire (called the Oroville fire on the national news) is about 2 1/2 miles away and as of right now highway 70 to the north is shut down at Big Bend, leaving us but one way out of the area in the event of emergency. Our house is not under any evacuation notices or orders and unless the winds really stir up we should be should be fine here. The firefights say that if the wind cooperates they may have this fire under control by tonight. We're praying.

    But if the smoke gets much worse I'll have to leave as the smoke is beginning hurt my already weak lungs. If that happens, I may not be at a computer for a while.

    Also, a fond farewell to George Carlin, a truly unique and fascinating entertainer. I will always remember him as will my son (but he remembers him as Mr. Conductor on Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends hehe).

    "The Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On TV"
    (Note this video contains a LOT of profanity. Don't watch it if this will offend you)

    And finally...

    Another of my replies to an AllExperts question in the Bible Studies Category: On Worship and Religious Extremism

    How important is "worship" to "faith," and how does it define a religious or spiritual person? What does it matter who or what a person worships? How does one keep worship reasonable?

    My reply:

    Hi Sara,

    I believe this is a homework question and as I explain on my info page, I don't usually answer such question due to requests by several teachers.

    I will say though that one must first define what "worship" is. Is worship attending services, reciting prayers, performing rites, submitting to rules, etc.

    As I define the word, worship is the natural byproduct of faith. For one who truly believes, worship is life. Life is the "sacrifice of praise" as the Bible puts it.

    Most people, the vast majority, are not "religious" in the sense that religion makes any practical impact on their daily lives. Most people are not irreligious, but most are non-religious. They "do" church, temple, etc. but religion has little meaning in their daily life (Rev. 3:15-20).

    What or who one worships is all important, on one hand, but on another it doesn't matter much. It depends on what one is considering important.

    For a true believer it is all important. Worship should be exclusively applied to God (as conceived). Worshiping a tree is nothing... unless one is a Druid.... and that's the point. Worship is the natural reaction to the spiritual realization of divinity however concieved and so the object of that worship is vital and automatic. For most Christians worshiping HaShem or Allah or Jesus is essential, but for the Jew or Muslim worshiping Jesus is sinful (even idolatry) and so on. Who is worshiped (and who is not) is vital. Most Christians will say they don't worship Allah, most Muslims will say they don't worship HaShem and so on but Allah and HaShem are bother merely titles of the God of Abraham.

    On the other hand, faith and worship promotes morality, social stability and a sense of community that is beneficial regardless of the object of worship. If we are one, due to shared belief etc. we are community and will naturally support one another.

    What is "reasonable?" The current war against "religious extremism" (I'm not talking about the US war against Islam here but the concept of opposing "religious extremism") is really an attack on religious faith in general. Those who sincerely follow any religious teaching will be viewed as "extremists" by those who don't. The move today is toward Secular Humanism and anyone who rejects this "new" religion and maintains devotion to the older religions (be it Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, etc.) will be branded as a "religious extremist" by the growing Secular Humanist majority, just as many Christians regard Hindus as "heathens" and Islam views most Christians and Jews as "infidels" and so on. Most religions (not all) have this trait and Secular Humanism has it in spades.

    For instance, for a Christian to say that "Jesus is the only way to God" and that all others are destined to go to Hell is an "extremist" view according most non-Christians. For most Christians however it is an essential article of faith.

    All religions are "reasonable" if one accepts the paradigm upon which they are based. This is why I converted into so many different religions rather than studying them exclusively from without.

    Hope this helps,

    ~John of AllFaith

    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    California Burning

    As I walked out onto my deck this morning I greeted another glorious day.
    Its already in the 90's and will probably pass 104 again.

    The sun is bright and the sky is blue... well actually, blue-gray and smoky and heavy with the smell of smoke and and soot...

    I'm not sure where this particular fire is, but it seems to be in the direction of the Plumas National forest in the nearby canyons. The fire department says we're safe here....

    Paradise has new fires, their phones are out. Nearby Magalia has a large fire too I'm told....

    The "cake" seems to be bubbling in anticipation of this October. Lucifer cracks his knuckles in preparation and the Grim Reaper is sharpening his Sickle.

    I have gotten a lot of emails from people saying they also sense major devastation is coming this Autumn and I concur. Its becoming a popular topic on websites and blogs... time will tell.

    I have also heard from people suggesting that this is God's wrath for California's decision to legalize same gender marriage -- I wonder why He hit the conservative Christian Midwest so hard too! -- I wish I could say this surprises me, but it doesn't.

    California is burning.

    True enough...

    But why?

    God's wrath?
    Climate change?
    Intentional NWO wrought destruction?

    Who knows?

    Not I!

    God has COUNTLESS reasons to be disgusted with my state and nation! If Sodom deserved to be destroyed we deserve to be destroyed for our sins and crimes as well because we have FAR surpassed them in evil and wickedness!!

    Pick a reason! Pick a thousand! BUT thus far The Holy One has not explained His actions to the likes of us!

    In the Torah He destroyed nations for far less unrighteousness than is common here in the US! Indeed, one almost feels that if God does not act against this nation He owes Sodom an apology! Seriously!

    BUT Sodom and Gomorrah were NOT destroyed for homosexuality according the Master Y'shua, the prophets who reference it, nor according to the text itself as I demonstrated in my previous blog entry on Sodom! BUT many misinformed Christians and others believe it was!

    We have many fire bugs in California. We know this. These sick people start fires every year here.

    We also have many disenfranchised and disillusioned people who believe homosexuality is a terrible sin. Such people recently traveled to California from across the US to protest the same gender marriages that just became legal here.

    One has to wonder if they all went back home!

    We also have a lot of locals who feel the same way and who support people like Fred Phelps!

    When legal recognition of same gender marriage rights was on the ballot here it lost big.

    The bigots won.

    Then the state supreme court overturned the clearly unconstitutional proposition and here we are.

    BUT... there are a LOT of people, especially Christians, who believe God will punish our state for this decision to recognize the civil rights of our millions of LGBT fellow citizens.

    Might some of these misguided people be "helping God kindle His alleged wrath?"

    Seems quite likely to me. I believe many of these fires are arson. I believe it is likely that many were started by bigots hoping to show that God's judgment is on California and the nation due to our many sins...

    And I tend to agree... I think it's obvious that God is removing His blessings from the US... but not due to this ruling, which is one of the few just court decisions we've had lately.

    Following is an AP story of our latest bout with fires followed by a re-post of my dream, "Last Night I dreamt of Melting Cake."
    Don't Fear the Reaper
    He's On His Way

    Calif. firefighters wrestle with hundreds of blazes
    By DON THOMPSON Associated Press Writer
    Article Launched: 06/22/2008 12:17:10 AM PDT

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Lightning sparked as many as 400 fires that burned around Northern California on Sunday, as officials farther south were close to containing a blaze that had destroyed more than a dozen homes and forced thousands to evacuate.

    The largest had spread across 4.7 square miles of grassy woodland by early Sunday. It began Saturday afternoon in Napa County and quickly spread into a mostly rural area of Solano County.

    The fire threatened 66 homes and two commercial properties as it burned in grassy woodland about 40 miles southeast of Sacramento, said Wayne Connor, a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

    It was 10 percent contained Sunday morning and had destroyed one empty building, Connor said. A mandatory evacuation had been ordered for some residents, said agency spokeswoman Nancy Carniglia.

    Storms were responsible for more than 60 fires in Shasta-Trinity National Forest, near Redding. Those fires ranged in size from less than an acre to more than 750 acres.

    None immediately threatened homes, said Forest Service spokesman Michael Odle. Teams moved in Saturday on the two largest fires.

    Other fires were scattered throughout Northern California, with another 90 fires ranging from one acre to 125 acres in size burning in the Mendocino County area alone, Cal Fire officials said.

    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office said Saturday that lightning had sparked nearly 400 fires from Monterey County to the California-Oregon border. The governor ordered the California National Guard to assist in firefighting efforts.

    South of San Francisco, a fire that burned homes and closed a stretch of highway was 90 percent contained.

    Officials had expected full containment on Saturday, but hot weather and new fires kept fire crews in the area busy. Cal Fire now expects the fire to be fully contained on Sunday. So far, it had charred 630 acres, or less than a square mile.

    Evacuation orders were lifted Saturday, a day after roughly 2,000 people fled their homes.

    The cause of the fire was still under investigation, Van Gerwen said.

    It was the third major blaze to hit Santa Cruz County in the past month. A 520-acre blaze charred destroyed 11 buildings in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and a fire near Corralitos covered more than 4,200 acres and destroyed about 100 buildings.

    To the south along the coast, firefighters worked against a nearly 80-square-mile fire in a remote part of the Los Padres National Forest in Monterey County. It was about 55 percent contained.

    Last Night I Dreamt Of Melting Cake

    By John of AllFaith © May 10, 2008

    I have mentioned several times on my blogs and elsewhere that while I am not making a "prophecy" that this Autumn will see major destruction in the US and elsewhere, I as many others believe it is coming. Over the past two or so years I have received word from several people telling me they are having "hits" similar to mine.

    Some people seem to think I am negative in my posts at times, seeing the "glass" as half empty rather than half full. I fear this retelling of my dream last night will only support this inaccurate assessment of my views, still I feel compelled to share this. I want to say first however that in my opinion the "glass" is about to be refilled!

    I see a most glorious and joyous future ahead of us. A time that 'eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into our grandest contemplations the wondrous world that lies ahead of us...'

    But first...

    First we as a planet are going to go through hellish times whether we like it not. At this point we may be able to minimize the troubles of these times if we act now (which frankly seems very unlikely), but we can not stop the overall events from occurring.

    Last night's dream concerned events that may precede these times, or that may be among the opening salvos.

    Sometimes my dreams are very clear, set in real world, real time events and circumstances, but sometimes they are more symbolic. This dream was of the later type. I believe its meaning speaks for itself however and so with one in-line exception I will not try and interpret or explain it. It is what it is.

    Again, and I want to be clear on this point, despite the several dreams and "hits" I and others have been getting for the past two years or so of events coming this Autumn (perhaps this October), I am not making a prophecy here, I'm merely sharing this information. As of yet I can not say that God has told me these things are going to occur. He has not.

    My Dream of 5.10.08:

    I was at home, doing something irrelevant (maybe playing "World of Warcraft" which I do from time to time), when I heard George Bush on the radio, I assume. I heard his voice clearly. There were no visuals at this point in the dream but my assumption was that everyone heard his words whether on TV, Radio, etc.

    Bush was speaking to people, maybe giving a national/international address or possibly just talking with a select few, I don't know for sure. But what he said made my blood run cold. At this hour I can still almost quote his words.

    "Knowing what we now know, and our intelligence is certain on this, I will not dishonor the American people's trust in me nor shirk my duty as your commander and chief by allowing this deception to happen. I have spoken with key members of the Congress and justices of the Court and we are in agreement that I can not step down until this danger is past. Once this crisis passes I assure the American people that I will step down and that our Republic will be preserved secure for our children and future generations of Americans."

    This is very close to what I heard if not his exact words.


    The context of his announcement runs counter to what I believe is going to happen. I also want to be clear about this.

    In my opinion the Democratic Party voters have already determined their nominee: Obama. While I don't completely trust him frankly, I do agree with his choice as nominee if the only other option is a continuation of the Bush/Clinton Dynasty. But as I said at the beginning of the races for the nominations before either party selected their nominee, I expect the contest will be between McCain and Hillary and that Hillary will "win" (possibly by another rigged election and now we hear of these super delegates etc).

    However in this dream, Obama won the Democratic nomination and prior to the November elections the powers-that-be determined he would win the White House if the elections were not stopped. This puts us around October, the time frame many of us have been getting hits about for the past couple of years.

    In the dream, the Bush/Clinton NWO junta formally charges Obama with treason against the US citing his alleged "deep and provable connections with the Islamic Ummah's Muslim Brotherhood Project."

    No solid evidence for or against this charge is actually presented.

    As Bush's voice fades away, I hear a whistling sound. I look out of a window and everything seems normal. I 'focus my gaze' however and realize I am looking at Southern California. There are many elements of this dream that can not be literally accurate. This is the first of them, I live in Northern California, an 8 hour or so drive north of LA.

    As I look at the LA skyline (from the "Grapevine" side) things 'feel' wrong. There is a blanket of green mist hanging over the city that looks like smog but isn't, and I get the sense that there is something seriously wrong with the air, "don't breath it..."

    I look beyond LA with no particular volition on my part, further south and I approach San Diego, then a bit to the east there is an explosion and I "go there" to see what's happened. The Black Water torture and training camp is being attacked. I look up and out across the eastern horizon and I see plumes of smoke rising, billowing in the distance and I know that several of the other US concentration camps are likewise burning. I have the sense that bands of soldiers have entered the US across the Mexican border in part to rescue their comrades from the internment camps. I then hear the whistling sound again, I look back to the west, and San Diego... is melting.

    Bubbling lava-like fingers are creeping outward from some uncertain point and soon the ground is literally bubbling, churning. For a while my gaze stays on this anomaly, as the reddish black smoke rises from cracks in the now becoming molten ground. As the air becomes darkened with soot I look at the buildings and they are collapsing, cascading down with the grace of intentional demolition as the ground beneath them weakens, gives way to molten lava as the earth quakes... I wonder what caused this. I know its not a natural earthquake, its something different... but what? I have no idea. There seems to be several things happening at once.

    While I maintained an awareness in the dream that I am not really present in San Diego, I was in my home in NorCal, I sense that my face is beginning to blister from the heat and so I back away northward. As I do the heat subsides and from above I see the creeping devastation below me as if I were flying in the astral, or perhaps on a flying carpet of sorts viewing this from above.

    Below me I beheld as the tendrils of flame lit more and more of the land. I watched as freeways crumbled into chasms of open flames where there had been firm ground moments before. I heard the screaming, the blaring of horns, the crashes of vehicles, a school bus filled with kids headed to Disneyland careened into a crevasse and I heard someone laughing -- it angered me that "he" would laugh ---- The crackling of flames and cracking of the earth, the rumbling of the buildings as they toppled... the silence ... the utter silence... that followed...

    Then, as my consciousness moved me on towards LA I was at the beach, south and heading north towards Venice Beach and Culver City where I lived for a while in the early 80's. As Muscle Beach came into view my sense of despair passed. The beach was filled with contented people. Nothing seemed amiss here and in my dream I had the thought that 'I'm just dreaming, there is no devastating occurring....' I watched as people sunned themselves on the beach, as kids played at the water's edge, as topless women lying on their stomachs soaked in the warm sun as others messaged their backs with oils, as weight lifters flexed their muscles for the cameras and onlookers... But then... then I heard the sound again, the whirring noise and the cracking of the earth and the white sand was suddenly ablaze. I beheld as many of the people laying on beach towels were... instantly consumed in flames... as people ran to and fro in all directions. But there was nowhere to go.

    And I cried out: Into the water!

    But no one could hear me no doubt, even though several people did just that. And as I watched, a group of extreme muscled weigh lifters, slowed by their grotesquely enlarged physiques, made their way like slow motion golems in a video game to the water's edge. As they rushed in slow motion toward the water their skimpy bathing suits that highlighted more than they concealed 'poofed' into flames like bugs hitting a bug zapper and soon everyone on the beach was naked and blistered, many had become human torches, and several were now desperately rushing to the water...

    But as they entered into what should have been the cooling waters of the Pacific, they screamed in unimaginable anguish as the waters burned them as if the ocean had become a vat of boiling acid. Yet still the people came like moths to a flame, climbing over the fallen bodies of their peers, diving into the roiling waters that should have cooled them but that instead incinerated them in unimaginable if thankfully brief agony...

    I cried out in horror and withdrew my consciousness inland, towards McArthur Park (where I used to hang out to chant my japa mala -- Hindu prayers). As I did so, I heard the Richard Harris' song McArthur Park
    playing in the background (see video below). As the park came into view my sense of peace momentarily returned, but then, again, as Richard Harris lamented that the sweet green icing was running down the cake, the people in the park began to melt and I saw the City, its tall buildings melting with green rivulets that flowed down into Wilshire Boulevard as though it was a deep canyon that was becoming a veritable river of death and into the other city streets as though they were the tributaries of Dante's vision of Hell.

    I screamed; I was frantic to escape this horror but I suddenly found myself at Disney Land where the devastation had already begun. I wanted to flee but could not. Instead I watched helplessly as children on cartoon character rides melted, as tall swinging structures filled with lamenting vacationers crumbled and crashed onto and into the glowing molten ground, as they burned, as they cried out in abject terror... as parents held their young ones close, as lovers embraced one final time and as in shock countless people both alone and in groups stared in abject confusion and disbelief as millions were... liquidated... evaporated... extinguished... turned into dust and blown away into the darkly expanding void that consumed Southern California -- which had become an oven in which McArthur's "Cake" was being meted, its sweet green icing running down.

    Then I heard, or sensed -- I didn't really hear the words but I knew the order had been given -- as fierce missiles were set into motion and the skies were filled with death, like the seemingly infinite flocks of birds that once filled our skies in the before times the bombs now flew toward their various targets. I suddenly realized -- and the realization made me nauseous due to its suddenness -- that I was now in Middle East and that Iraq and Iran were melting, like LA and San Diego... but there in these lands, instead of running in terrified chaos, everywhere I looked these people were kneeling on the ground in prayer and it dawned on me that I hadn't seen anyone praying here....

    The whistling became intense in its volume and the ground shook violently and the thought struck me, how was Israel faring in all this madness? I turned my head and looked toward the Holy City and saw what seemed to be a dome, like a giant cake dish top, descending over the Holy City protectively, several bombs were ricocheting off of this covering like bugs on a car windshield, and I knew Israel would survive...

    Next I heard dogs barking, packs of them it seemed... The night was filled with them and their distress and alarm and hunger was deafening... it made my skin crawl and I flashed momentarily into my recurring past life dream where dogs are an element, where they were searching for us... and I bolted up in bed distraught and dazed (as often happens when I have that dream).

    Whether awake or asleep at that moment I wasn't sure but I arose quickly from my bed and hurried through our darkened house in Northern California to the sound of our dogs barking, and those of our neighbors' dogs as well. I opened the door and stepped out into the freezing night air (it probably wasn't really that cold being that its May, but the coolness shivered me to the bone nonetheless and I quickly went back inside and dressed).

    As I again walked into the yard the dogs stopped barking, curious no doubt about what I was doing up so late. It was around 3:30 AM.

    I stood there for a few minutes breathing in the cool night air wide awake yet utterly fatigued. There was no way I would be getting back to sleep any time soon...

    What does this dream mean?

    Time will tell perhaps. Maybe it means nothing... I can hope...

    But my best advise is to prepare for the days and years ahead as best you can.

    The future of the earth is incredibly promising, but the near future will be harder that most people imagine possible.

    The biggest storm in human history is coming soon. Will it begin in earnest this October? Time will tell, but its coming.

    McArthur Park

    Return to Sodom: Why Were The Towns Destroyed?

    John of AllFaith's
    Biblical Questions
    Biblical Answers

    Return to Sodom
    What Was the Sin of Sodom?

    The Story

      To begin with, please read Genesis chapters 18 and 19. I'll be using the Authorized King James Version throughout. As editions do vary, I'd recommend using the KJV now. Later you can check the newer paraphrases if you'd like.

    Setting the Stage

    Genesis 13:1 tells us that Abram (he was not yet renamed Abraham) and his family, including his nephew Lot, left Egypt and went into the Ne'gev. As time passed both men became very successful. In time, Abram's servants and Lot's servants began having arguments over the ownership of their respective master's cattle (13:7). In order to resolve this growing conflict, the two men separated (13:5-13). Lot chose the Jordan Valley while Abram and his company settled in the Land of Canaan.

    The description of the people of the Jordan Valley as "wicked," ra' in Hebrew, tells us nothing more than our English equivalent. The word translated as "sinners" is chatta' and more accurately translated as "criminals." In either case, these were bad people whose towns were populated by outlaws and gangsters.

    Thus far nothing in the text suggests the presence of homosexuality. People who use this account as a proof-text to condemn the homosexual orientation usually refer to "the men of Sodom" as if it were the males who were evil. One must ask however, what about the females of the towns? No one ever mentions them. Please note for now that it was the 'enowsh or "mortals" of Sodom who were criminals or sinners; gender is not specified but we can correctly imagine a place of equal opportunity sin. In other words, the abominable actions of the people of the towns, not just the men but the women also, are being discussed. Enowsh includes men, women and even children. It is only logical then to try and understand what it was about these people was so sinful and how they came to be this way. This will be made clear shortly.

    So it was among these wicked outlaws that Lot "pitched his tent." He did so because the land was fertile "like the Garden of Eden" before the cities of the plain were destroyed. Shortly after Lot and Abram separated, God instituted the Abrahamic Covenant (by which Jews throughout history have claimed their rightful possession of the Jewish homeland known as Palestine or Israel). After this, Abram moved his company to the Oaks of Mamre in Hebron. (13:10).

    Some indefinite time later, a bitter war broke out in the plains (14:1-). This was a long and bloody series of attacks and counterattacks. When it was over, Sodom had been overthrown and Lot, among others, was taken prisoner. One of Lot's servants managed to escape however and fled to Abram seeking military aid.

    Abram was outraged by the report and quickly gathered an army and went to Lot's rescue. Note what happened next!

    As Abram was approaching Sodom after winning the war, Sodom's king came out to meet him. This was an act of showing respect and gratitude for the aid. It was the least he could have done. This is not surprising, but along with the king went Melchizedek, the high priest of God (El Elyon). I must resist the urge to go into a study of Melchizedek here, but suffice it to say that he is one of the most mysterious and spiritually powerful figures in the Bible (consider Ps. 110:4; Heb 5:5,6; Heb 6:20; Heb 7:23,24 etc). What is of note here, is that he came out of Sodom along with the king to greet the hero. Now please consider this: If Sodom was such an evil place at this point, its hard to understand why this great personage would have gone there from (Jeru)salem to welcome Abram and his victorious troops. It would seem obvious that Melchizedek did not consider Sodom such a horrid den of iniquity. Doesn't prove anything, but it is an interesting question. I think we can infer from this that Sodom and the other towns of the plains were not, at this point, evil places.

    Indeed, the holy master Melchizedek says at Genesis 14:20 that it was God who delivered the enemies into Abram's hands.

    See this? God destroyed the enemies of Sodom and even restored everything they had lost! Where in Holy Scripture do we find God defending people who are deemed an "abomination"? God not only defeated Sodom's enemies, through Abram and his armies, and restored what they had lost, but even sent High Priest Melchizedek to sanctify the event! Whatever it was that turned the folks of Sodom into people so evil that God Himself felt the need to personally intervene and destroy them is not yet clear as we make our through the text. That they were not such criminals prior to this event is however certain, and so we look to later events for the source of their evil ways.

    After his victory, Abram returned home and God promised to give him children (15:1-6). In context it is clear that one of the reasons why God gave this blessing to Abram (which resulted in the birth of Judaism, Christianity and Islam), was because of his willingness to fight the enemies of Sodom. At 15:1 God specifically says "fear not... I am thy shield and thy exceedingly great reward."

    Chapters 15-17 deals with the births of Isaac and Ishmael and does not directly concern our current interests, so I'll leave these important chapters for another study.

    The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

    Beginning with 18:1 the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah begins. Abram was still living in Hebron (by the great oaks of Mamre), when the "Lord" (YHVH) appeared to him. Again, I will resist the urge to delve into how it was that "the Lord" (singular) appeared and Abram saw "three men" (difficult is the work of a biblical expositor!). The important point for our current purposes is what happened next.

    After welcoming the "men" and acknowledging his unworthiness for their visit, Abram gives them water to drink, offers to wash their feet and invites the mysteriously holy guests to rest under his shade tree (18:4). Abram himself then rushes off to get them a bite to eat (18:5, 6). Now, a person in Abram's position had plenty of servants, but he showed his respect to these important visitors by personally getting them some food; he even "rushed" to do so. He gave Sarah his wife detailed instructions on preparing the best possible cakes for their guests. He next "ran" into the herds and took the best calf he could find and had it killed and dressed (18:7,8). When all was ready, he took some butter and milk and served the calf to his honored guests. As a humble servant, this powerful man stood by them as they ate in case they should want something more (18:8). It was partially a result of this hospitality that they informed Abram that Sarah his wife would have a child even though she was very old and believed to be incapable of it conceiving. This promise of course led to the births of Ishmael (by Sara's maid Hagar) and Issac (by Sara), both fathered by Abram, and gave rise to the three great religions (Judaism through Sara and later Moses, Christianity through Issac and later Jesus, and Islam through Hagar and later Muhammad).

    Later in the day, the "angels" revealed their mission of destroying the towns of the valley, including Sodom and Gomorrah, to Abram saying it would happen "because their sin is very grievous." The word translated here as "sin" is chatta'ah and simply means "offense." Chatta'ah refers to anything which is offensive. Again, no reference to homosexuality is even implied in this word. There is however the first hint of why the cities were destroyed and the events that led to their abominable ways.

    At 18:19 the "Lord" says:
      "For I know him [Abraham], that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him."

    The word translated as "justice" is tsedaqah and it means more specifically "righteousness." This righteousness is more concerned with inner goodness than outer behavior, though of course they are two sides of the same coin, righteousness being recognized through external conduct. The "Lord" is saying that unlike the people of the towns in the valley, Abraham is a righteous person who acts from that quality. This is a trait the Holy One approves of.

    Note that the word translated as "judgment" ( mishpat -- Scofield #4941 --) however does refer to outward deeds and 38 times specifically to manners and customs. What does this tell us? A lot! What did Father Abraham do that demonstrated to the "men" or "angels" that he was a righteous person who would do justice? This question is the key to understanding what happened next!

    The Law of Hospitality or Good Manners

    Exodus 22:
      21 Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
      22 Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child.
      23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry;
      24 And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.

    Deuteronomy 10:
      18 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment.
      19 Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.

    There are scores of such commands. I've taken two at random. In the first quote above, note the phrase: "I will surely hear their cry; And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword..." Now consider the amount of sacred writ devoted to showing how Abram offered hospitality to his divine guests. God heard the cries of Sodom's victims and responded accordingly. These victims were not locals of the city however, but strangers. The sins of Sodom were not activities carried out among themselves such as homosexuality but sins done against "strangers." Which strangers? Let's continue with the story.

    Entering Sodom

    After Abraham's unsuccessful attempt at negotiating an amnesty for the people of the cities, two of the three "men" go on down into the city where they met Lot.

    The two remaining "angels" arrived in Sodom about sunset. Scripture says that Lot "sat in the gate" as they entered. This doesn't mean he was hanging out around some literal gate, but that he had become a person of some importance in the town (compare Dt. 21:19-21). Lot's friendship with Abraham had saved the town and everyone knew that Lot was a very wealthy and powerful individual. He had become at the very least a city elder, perhaps something more.

    Recall how Abraham greeted the "men" when they arrived at his home. Now consider Lot's attitude. When Lot first saw the "strangers" he also offered his respects to them by bowing low before them and welcoming them to his city. This was the proper form of showing respect and was commanded by the God of Abraham and Lot as we saw in the above cited verses (i.e. Exodus 22 and Deuteronomy 10).

    As an elder of the city, Lot would be responsible for offering the noble visitors an official welcome. Under normal circumstances, he would have welcomed them in the name of the city, washed their feet, fed them, introduced them to the leading citizens and politicians etc. He did not do this however. Rather, Lot immediately warned them of the peril of their situation and urged them to enter his own home, stay the night, and leave early the next morning, presumably before anyone caught wind of their presence. Why should they "...rise up early, and go on [their] ways"? Because from the instant Lot saw them, he knew there would be trouble, but if he could quickly get them indoors and then rush them out of Sodom by daybreak, maybe no one would discover their presence. Lot would thus have performed his duty as an elder of the city under the laws of God. Now we are beginning to understand the underlying sin of the cities of the plains!

    The Plot Thickens!

    Little does Lot know however that trouble has only just begun! He had no idea at this point of the "angel's" mission to bring judgment upon the wicked city. He does know however that because of this wickedness the two "men" will not be safe until they are far away from Sodom!

    The "angels" reject his proposal, explaining that they would prefer to sleep in the streets! Now, doesn't this sound a bit odd? Not when you consider why they had come. Lot's city had broken the Hebrew laws of hospitality:

    Deuteronomy 23:7:
      "Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land
    And again,

    Deuteronomy 24:17:

      "Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger, nor of the fatherless; nor take a widow's raiment to pledge."
    This "judgment" (again Mishpat, manner or custom) which was not to be perverted is the righteous welcoming and protection of strangers. The people of Sodom not only failed to offer the visitors a proper welcome as commanded by God (and as exemplified in the way Abram had honored them and Lot sought to protect them), they even threatened them with brutal torture and death! That this was the sin of Sodom and that its penalty was in harmony with what happened throughout the Jordan Valley when God's wrath was revealed is abundantly clear from Scripture. Conversely there is no biblical reference to homosexuality existing in Sodom nor to it being a factor in the city's destruction.

    II Chronicles 6:

      32 Moreover concerning the stranger, which is not of thy people Israel, but is come from a far country for thy great name's sake, and thy mighty hand, and thy stretched out arm; if they come and pray in this house;
      33 Then hear thou from the heavens, even from thy dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for; that all people of the earth may know thy name, and fear thee, as doth thy people Israel, and may know that this house which I have built is called by thy name.

    This biblical required custom, this law of hospitality, was not observed in Sodom! The inhabitants of the Jordan Valley in these days utterly violated the judgment or Mishpat of God. By so doing they slandered God's reputation. The penalty for such offenses was death and Sodom and Gomorrah paid this sin dearly (Exodus 22:21-24).

    Lot insisted that the two "men" spend the night in his house. As an elder of the city and a righteous man it may be safely assumed that he knew the hospitality laws of God and feared that Sodom might be judged and punished for the way its people treated their guests with foolish secrecy and paranoid isolationism. The two strangers reluctantly agreed, and went into his house where they were fed and shown proper courtesies according to custom. But again, this honor should have been shown by the entire city, not just one of its elders in the secrecy of his own home.

    Before they were ready for sleep the people of Sodom surrounded Lot's house.

    Why is this important?

    As there is no indication that it was only the men of the city out side the house, it seems quite likely that the mob would have included many of the town's women as well. Surely these women would not have supported their husband's sexual frenzy (if indeed that is what this was), be it homo or hetero sexual. Also, if the women of Sodom were also demanding to "know these men" sexually we would have to assume that the so-called sin of Sodom was bisexuality or perhaps sexual hedonism rather than homosexuality (an idea I am NOT suggesting!). That it was not only the men who surrounded the house is said directly in this verse, "...both old and young, all the people from every quarter." Some people argue that the offenders were from a homosexual district or ghetto and not necessarily representative of the entire populous. Were this the case, then the strangers could surely have found more than the required ten righteous persons which, they promised Abraham, would have caused them to spare the city (18:23-33). And besides, this verse says specifically that they were a broad cross section of the populous.

    So then, what was this angry mob shouting? Did they yell, "You've got a couple of hot studs in there, let us join your party?" No, they cried out: "Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them." They were asking to interrogate the strangers that Lot had sought to hide from them.

    The single phrase "that we may know them" is were the entire argument is based. The word translated "to know" is yada. Its primary meaning is "to ascertain some information," just as we use it today. There is a very rare usage of the word where it refers to "knowing someone in the Biblical sense" as the saying goes, but of the approximately 953 times this word is used in the Bible, less that a half dozen uses refers to sexual congress. In virtually every instance it simply means "to know something." As there is no evidence that it means anything else here, there is no justification for reading anything else into this account.

    We discussed the war that had recently decimated Sodom above (chapter 14 of Genesis). Taken in its literal biblical context, we see here that two strangers arrived in war scarred Sodom under the cover of night. Lot, a person who was a town elder but who himself was not a native of Sodom, hurried them into his house attempting to conceal their presence from the local authorities. Given the paranoid nature of locals following such a war, the people of Sodom were understandably concerned about who these men might be. Were they spies? They didn't know. When the context is considered, it makes far more sense to take the word yada in its normal and almost universal application. They wanted to know who these two men were and whether or not the posed a threat to their town.

    Someone had obviously seen Lot sneaking the strangers into his house, reported it to the authorities, and the people of the town, suspecting the worst, demanded to question the strangers: "to know them." Lot, knowing the town folk, knew that the strangers would not receive a fair hearing and so sought to rescue them from certain death. This was a righteous thing for Lot to do, one that was in keeping with what we know about him as a person. This literal interpretation of the story makes far more contextual sense than assuming, with no scriptural support, that the entire Jordan Valley had been overrun by homosexual rapists who, men, women and children, could not bear the thought of missing the opportunity to rape these two men who had taken shelter of the town elder! It is also what the vast majority of Church authorities throughout the ages have taught.

    This also makes the most sense when considering that Lot, the moment he first saw the strangers, executed a plan to save their lives. In such an air of paranoia there would be no hope of the strangers convincing the city folk of their innocence. Lot had doubtless seen other visitors to Sodom in this situation before and determined to rescue the "men." Their questioning would be comparable to a modern day Jewish pilot showing up unannounced in Mecca! Hence, due to his innate sense of justice, Lot sought to conceal their presence, thus making himself suspect.

    Lot next seeks to bribe the citizens for their freedom. He offers his own daughters in exchange for the safety of the strangers. If this mob had gathered out of a 'male homosexual frenzy' this would have been stupid! Why would sexually crazed gay men want to have sex with two women they already knew when a pair of such handsome studs were there? The offer of Lot's daughters itself tells us that this story has nothing to do with homosexuality. It does, however, have interesting reflection elsewhere in scripture. See the account at Judges 19:17-30

    Judges 19:17-30 describes an oddly similar account. Here a stranger arrives in need of help, but the law of hospitality is again broken. An old man invites the stranger into his home (Judges 19:20). The kindly man offers him food, fodder for his animals, washes his feet and so on. In other words, he observes the laws of hospitality.

    As the two men sat speaking with one another, drinking and having a nice time, the people of the town came and began beating on the door and shouting: "Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him."

    As in the Sodom account, the good householder goes out to the crowd and beseeches them: "Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is come into mine house, do not this folly." But the town folk would not accept it. So the house holder says: "Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing."

    There is a vital point to be made here. Note that it says, "...and humble ye them ..."

    This matter of "humbling" is essential to understanding both these passages. Even if one insists on translating "to know" as to have sex with, still there is no indication of homosexuality. It was common practice in ancient times, and still is in jails and prisons worldwide, to anally rape someone in order to establish dominance. It is indeed possible that this would be part or all of the punishment inflicted on someone suspected of spying. If this is the case here, and I see no indication that it is, then it is still not about sex but about power and dominance, as in the case of all rapes. But again, nothing in the context of the Genesis account even suggests what the mob proposed to do to the strangers. It is certain however that they did not intend to engage in mutually consensual sex!

    Unlike the Sodom account, in this case, while the people of the town again refuse to accept the trade, they took the concubine and brutally raped her. When the householder and his guest awoke the next morning they opened the door to find the poor woman badly abused, bleeding, on her hands and knees on the porch.

    The traveler took the unfortunate woman back to his home and:

    Judges 19:29:

      "...when he was come into his house, he took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her remains into all the coasts of Israel."

    Now, to my knowledge no one has ever suggested that these attackers were homosexuals. Are we to therefore understand that God condemns heterosexuality because a group of straight men did this almost identical crime? Of course not! Nor does the Sodom account imply anything about homosexuals, even if there were some present!

    How could such horrible crimes happen? In both instances it was because of the fear which the people of these cities lived with due to the brutal nature of war and the harsh realities of their daily lives. In Sodom it appears this paranoia had gotten so far out of hand that God decided to intervene. Another difference in the Sodom account is that the cities and towns of the Jordan Valley had be the recipients of divine protection and blessings. When they therefore gave in to their paranoia and began abusing those in need of their help, their crimes were all the more abhorrent. Consider Jesus' parable of the king that forgave his servant's debt (Matt 18:21-30). Sodom had been greatly blessed by God's servant Abram, but failed to bless others in need. In Sodom anyone could be a spy and so no one was trusted, especially strangers. As scripture teaches, its easy to love those who love us, but loving people we don't know, showing kindness to "angels unawares" is one of the marks of true spirituality. This quality was utterly lacking in Sodom.

    Using this account to further our understanding of the sin of Sodom, it is obvious that in both cases the people in question failed to demonstrate godly compassion and to show hospitality to those in need. They wanted to harshly interrogate the "others" rather than give aid and comfort. This interrogation process, the householder in both accounts believed, would be the death or at least torture of their guests. As godly people they could not accept this.

    Back to Sodom

    As explained above, Genesis 19 tells us that the people of Sodom distrusted Lot's loyalty. They said: "This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door."

    " we will deal worse with thee..." We now suspect you of being a spy also and will give you the same punishment, and then some! If the sin here is understood as homosexuality, what does this verse even mean? No, the clear meaning is that the sin of Sodom was their habitual violation of the hospitality laws of God.

    The "angels" then pulled Lot back into the relative safety of the house and explained their mission and their willingness to spare Lot and his family. Understanding this passage to be referring to homosexuality simply makes no sense in context.

    This Isn't What My Pastor Says!

    Too bad, then your pastor is mistaken! We have this interpretation from no less an authority than Jesus of Nazareth himself. As Jesus was explaining to his disciples how they were to live as they preached the Gospel throughout Israel, we read the following:

    Matthew 10:
      11 And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence.
      12 And when ye come into an house, salute it.
      13 And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.
      14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
      15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.

    According to both the context of the Torah and to Jesus himself, Sodom and Gomorrah failed to offer hospitality to strangers to an extreme degree. So great was their offense that they were used as examples of how not to treat strangers. Their hard-hearted paranoia was in clear violation of the laws of hospitality and for this they were destroyed.

    Exodus 22:

      21 Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
      22 Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child.
      23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry;
      24 And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.

    This was precisely the penalty paid by the cities of the plains of the Jordan Valley. God's wrath waxed hot and they were utterly destroyed.

    The Prophet Isaiah sheds even more light on the sin of Sodom:

    Isaiah 1:

      9 Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
      [note: Had God not left a remnant the Israelites would have become homosexuals?]
      10 Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.
      11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.
      12 When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?
      13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
      14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
      15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.
      16 Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
      17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
      [note: The sin of Sodom was failure to show compassion to those who needed it, including strangers, orphans and widows.]

    And again, we read at:

      "Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

    Could it possibly any clearer? "This was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom..." Moses says it, Isaiah says it, Jesus says it... but seemingly some people are so filled with prejudice that they don't care. If they can twist such verses to their malicious intents that's good enough for them!

    This Has Been Done Before!

    Genesis 4:15:

      "And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

    Not so many years ago this verse was widely interpreted by many Caucasian Christians as "proof" that the skin tones of Africans was the 'mark of Cain'. As a child I well remember our Missionary Baptist preacher teaching this from his pulpit. Based upon this faulty interpretation such Christians (including the Southern Baptist Convention) justified slavery and the denial of civil rights to African Americans. When this verse was interpreted in conjunction with verses like I Corinthians 7:21-24 it was firmly believed that God blessed the institution of slavery. In view of their interpretation of Genesis 4:11-15, the African race seemed like the ideal people to enslave. Indeed, among such people being a slave owner was often deemed to a righteous act, a visible symbol of God's blessings!

    This misinterpretation of Scripture based on social prejudice and greed is what gave birth to the Southern Baptist Convention, the second largest religious body in the United States!

    I Corinthians 7:21-24:
      21 Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather.
      22 For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant.
      23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
      24 Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.

    Is this what these verses mean? Of course not! One would be hard pressed to find any Christian who still supports slavery or believes the Bible does (at least one hopes!), but for hundreds of years this was viewed as the correct scriptural understanding by a large segment of the Christian Church. To have denied the Scriptural basis of slavery would have been considered liberal bias. It is for this reason, though this is not the best place to go into it, that the literalistic interpretation of Scripture must be tempered by the overall flow of the Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit (compare Acts 10:9-21).

    And again:

    I Timothy 2:

      11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
      12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
      13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
      14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
      15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

    Are modern Christian women really supposed to view themselves as subordinate to men? Is it really sinful for women to hold positions of authority over men? To be pastors and teachers? Does any Christian literally accept the Genesis 3:16 statement that the only reason childbirth is painful is because of the "Fall" and/or this verse which promises women who submit to their husband's authority will have pain free deliveries?

    Friend, it just doesn't happen!

    How many Christians believe that women can not be ministers? Several still do! That one is on its way out but still has a ways to go. But wait! Notice that according to scriptures like these, women are not even allowed to speak in church, let alone preach! Before casting stones ask yourself whether your church requires women to maintain total silence in the church! I seriously doubt it does! Often women like Beverley Lahey of Concerned Women for America are among the most vocal in condemning gays and lesbians, and yet they "shamelessly" violate verses like I Timothy 2:12-15 regularly! To people like Beverley Lahey I say in love: What Jesus did condemn, and in the strongest of terms, was religious hypocrisy! Don't condemn other people for not obeying your interpretation of a handful of verses when you do not obey far clearer commands! That is called hypocrisy.

    Or how about this one?

    Mark 10:11:

      And he [Jesus] saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

    Well yeah, but that doesn't mean... hmm?

    According to this very clear scripture over half of all Christians are living in an adulterous relationships with their wives! Welcome to the club! How does it feel to be shown from the Bible that your so-called marriage is illegitimate and that your children are bastards!

    "Yeah, but that's different...."

    I've heard remarriage justified by using Matt. 5:32, however this verse merely says that the only justifiable reason to divorce is adultery. It doesn't discuss remarriage. Where Jesus does discuss it, he says, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her" (Mark 10:11). That's it. For the cause of adultery one is allowed to divorce, but not to remarry.

    Now, I'm not judging my adulterous sisters and brothers here, but talk about twisting Scripture and hypocrisy! A generation ago this was the almost universal understanding among Christians. "Divorcees" were considered fallen Christians and generally avoided by the more devout. Now that most Christians have been divorced and remarried at least once, the biblical teachings are being re-interpreted!

    I've had Christians respond to this point by saying that they knew I was right, that the Bible does condemn remarriage, but that they and their second (third, fourth...) spouse had prayed and repented of the sin so it was alright! By this logic, a gay couple can marry, repent, and stay together as a legitimate couple right?

    To this blatant hypocrisy Jesus cries out loud and clear: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye" (Matthew 7:5).

    "Well, yeah, but that's different...."

    Of course it is, this time its you!

    In love I say to you,
      Why beholdest thou the mote that is NOT in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that IS in thine own eye?

      Its time we stop using the Bible as a weapon of hate!

        13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
        14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

        Christian friend, when you tell lesbians and gay men that they are an abomination to God, when you tell them that they are destined for eternal damnation due to what is an integral part of their basic natures, as innately a part of who they are as your own heterosexuality is of who you are, you are placing a huge stumbling block in their path and pushing precious souls farther farther away from the One who said, "My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

        Some gay and lesbian Christians know the Bible well. They know that such accusations are un-scriptural lies out of the pits of Hell and they reject them. However most gays, Christian or not, as most heterosexuals, Christians or not, do not know the Bible very well at all. They have never discovered the depths of its loving assurances, the profound nature of its soul refreshing teachings. What they know is that "everybody says God hates me, so forget God! If I'm going to Hell anyway I might as well enjoy my time here!"

        Dear Christian sister or brother, I know this is not what you intend to do. The vast majority of Christians who believe this lie do so in all sincerity not knowing the Bible, but merely taking the word of others. They don't know any lesbians or gay men, or at least don't know that they do, and their understandings come from news clips of leather clad men dancing down San Francisco's Market street during the Gay Pride parades, from the hype used by hate groups like Concerned Women for America, the Christian Coalition, the American Family Association, and so on to raise millions of dollars on the backs of the oppressed. Again, nothing new with this! Most Christians don't know that the largest gay organization on earth is the Christian denomination the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches. They don't realize that there are hundreds of mainly LGBT churches and ministries working tirelessly to reach this battered community with God's love and that hurtful words make it ever more difficult for these people to come to Jesus. They don't know that the vast majority of lesbians and gay men hold down regular jobs where they pay, on average, higher taxes than anyone else due the rejection of GLBT marriages and family units. Most don't understand that it is a contradiction to criticize gays and lesbians for being promiscuous, and then block them from the important legal protections of marriage. Most people don't know that even a couple who have been together for many many years, and there are many more of these than most would expect, when illness strikes are often told that the most important person in their life can not enter their hospital rooms as they are not "next of kin" while blood relatives who have rejected them since they "came out" walk freely in and out, making life and death medical decisions.

        Most people don't seem to understand that by far the vast majority of child molesters and pedophiles are heterosexual males. They don't know what its like to be stared at, ridiculed, and at times beaten severely or even to death because of a good bye kiss at an airport, a simple holding of the hands at a theater. Most people just don't know that one can not be "converted" to homosexuality. Sure, one could be seduced into an act, if the proclivity is already there, but being gay in the straight world is hard work! Gays must constantly come out to people unless they are content to remain in the closet. They must always keep in mind that they are second class citizens due to who they are as individuals. At the office, when co-workers talk about their families, vacations, etc. lesbians and gays often must be careful to remain silent or speak in gender neutral terms lest they be discovered and hence fired, excluded or worse.

        My Christian friend, I urge you to seek God in this matter. God does not condemn gays and lesbians and as Christians we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. If you insist on maintaining your un-biblical prejudice against this community, at least turn down the hateful rhetoric!

        Matthew 23:
          23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
          24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
          25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
          26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
          27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
          28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
          29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous,
          30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
          31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
          32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
          33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

        1 John 4:
          7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
          8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
          9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
          10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
          11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
          12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
          13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
          14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
          15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
          16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
          17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
          18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
          19 We love him, because he first loved us.
          20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
          21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

        Who cares, I'm glad YOU'RE here!

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