I have been having a nice conversation via my AllExperts service with a person about the prophets and related topics. Like so many others, this person has been having dreams of massive destruction and the coming fall of the US. I'm not going to post it all here, but I thought this extract of my reply might encourage some interesting conversation. As all thoughtful and awakening people, this person is seeking more info:
Hi again,
There are countless sources of good information. Consider for instance:
"Infowars" and the work of Alex Jones: http://www.infowars.com
This site features links to countless topics and investigations with solid evidence as well as a link to Alex's radio program.
America: Freedom to Fascism: http://www.freedomtofascism.com
This is the now deceased Aaron Russo's movie and the website/movement it spawned. Lots of good info here.
Another solid source of info is the book: The Creature from Jekyll Island. This book details the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank that, since 1913, has been controlling our currency and guiding the nation into the NWO. It can be found at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble and elsewhere.
Do web searches on related terms including:
Bilderberg group
Mark of the Beast
Federal Reserve
North American Union
And so on. There is a vast wealth of information still available on line even though much has been pulled and more disappears every day.
Be aware that without accepting the "Mark" it will be impossible to pay property taxes etc. and so those who refuse it will lose their homes once we get to that point. Part of your preparation might be camping excursions into the remaining forests and research on ways to avoid tracking devises etc. once there. This way you can lead people away from the cities if that's your decision when the time comes.
Also, just to be clear, I am NOT saying these things are going to happen in earnest this Autumn. My point is that many many people, including me, are receiving dreams, visions and other "hits" that it MIGHT begin that early.
The REAL ID system was planned to begin in 2004 but due to opposition still has not been released/required and when it is it may not include the RFID chip as originally intended. There are many people working hard to postpone the rise of the Rex Mundi with some successes, as the prophets said:
II Thess 2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
These "hinderers" will continue to hinder him as long as possible (contrast my piece here: http://www.allfaith.com/Religions/Noahide/sheep.html). We can not stop his coming to power but we are slowing it. This adds to the uncertainty but is a vital work, allowing more people to understand the importance of resisting/rejecting the NWO, the coming Mark/implant and the global ruler.
This is not a topic that can be fully presented in a single reply or even a book. It is a constantly unfolding series of not always obvious or even related events that requires a lot of "reading between the lines," prayers and deductive logic.
There is a LOT we don't know.
There are many possibilities, far too many for them all to be true.
For instance, are you familiar with Benjamin Fulford? For info on him see my: http://www.allfaith.com/Religions/Noahide/fulford.html
The Japan and Greek Quakes:
Fulford claims -- and has the background and connections to be taken seriously -- that he is part of a group of Asian co-conspirators who plan to take down the Fed, the Bilderbergs and the entire New World Order very soon. He is from Canada (which is still a British Commonwealth and the UK is part of the EU), a Jew that dislikes Judaism and Israel, from an Elite (ie Bilderberg connected) family and who now lives in Japan and who, along with this secret society has declared war on the Novus Ordo Mundi (the New World Order).
Months ago he claimed the NWO has an "earthquake machine." He publicly threatened a frontal info-assault on the NWO early this summer. MANY PEOPLE find the recent devastating Japan earthquake to be more than coincidental. Today's earthquake in Greece COULD BE a retaliation by Fulford to show that his group also has access to an earthquake machine (or the ability to cause similar destruction by other means).
Greece is where many believe the Rex Mundi will be from (via the Merovingian House) because it was also part of the Assyrian Empire and the coming Son of Perdition is referenced as "The Assyrian."
Now, Mr. Fulford sounds like he is in opposition to the NWO but consider: the Rex Mundi will first be hailed as the bringer of peace and global unity and stability according to the prophets. This is precisely what Fulford claims to be doing and "good cop/bad cop" is not a new method for deceiving the gullible.
Again, there are MANY possibilities and very few facts at this level of possibility/consideration.
It is not only easy to err, but impossible to avoid wrong assumptions. We are, as I said before, 'gazing into a glass darkly'. Anyone who claims to have all the answers is being disingenuous at best. NONE OF US DO.
The links I included above should give you a LOT of solid evidence to work with.
Write back any time,
~ John of AllFaith
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