The news looks potentially rosy this morning. MAYBE we won this one!!!
MAYBE Hillary is going to admit defeat tonight....Maybe...
Notice in the following piece how her "adviser" says she will not "formally withdraw" from the race in order to "pressure" Obama to follow her leadership...
IF he appoints her as his VP he is an idiot!
AND Obama is no idiot!
Whatever else he may be.
MANY serious questions remain about Obama and IF he is the Democratic nominee you can be sure the heat will be turned up to undercover more of the answers.
Lots of mud and muck yet to come!
As for now however...
IF Obama appoints a running mate who is NOT Hillary and who is not patently offensive (I suggest John Edwards), I plan to support his bid for the White House in November.
Previously I said that were the race between Obama and McCain I would probably support McCain. In part to show the Democratic Party we remember their treason in the '04 election when Nancy the Traitor Pelosi refused to allow Bush to be impeached.
Seeing how the Democratic Party at first refused to recognized the votes of the Democrats in Fla and Mich, and then flip flopped and gave them half of their delegates, even after Obama honored the unjust DNC ruling and did not place himself on the ballots in those states, and then gave Hillary 50% of their delegates that Obama didn't go for as per their agreement, in an attempt to push her into the White House, this need to unseat the Democrat Party leadership is all the stronger. BUT there is a lot at stake in this election.
IF Hillary is now out of the race, in my opinion, the wisest course of action is to further dis-empower the Bush/Clinton Dynasty by electing Obama rather than McCain who has, from the beginning, been a staunch Bush supporter.
Knowing that Obama spent 20 years under the righteous teachings of Reverend Wright is one of the things that changed my mind. I am very disappointed that he left the church but I understand why he did it. At least he was graceful about it. His involvement in this church has largely quelled my concerns about his possible association with the Muslim Brotherhood Project. Largely.
I don't like several of Obama's stated positions, on abortion for instance, but Bush, who is supposedly anti-abortion has allowed this holocaust to continue and McCain shows no signs of stopping it if elected either. A firm pro-life position and promise to stop this evil would move me back into the McCain camp. I'm not expecting it.
McCain has backed down on too many critical issues, including torture and privacy rights for me to support him now. His condemnation and then embrace of Liberty University etc. is also problematic for me.
On Israel McCain does not seem solid to me. He seems to plan on following the Bush/Clinton/Carter plans to divide the Holy City as per the "Shelf agreement" and to pressure Israel into ever more concessions.
Obama is not much if any better on Israel than McCain, but I don't think he is any worse... at least if he keeps Hillary and Bill out of his administration. He needs to make a clear if diplomatic statement of his intents here soon.
What is his position on the desecration/division of Jerusalem?
What is his intention for Clinton involvement in his administration?
We need clear answers not vague statements about "keeping hope alive."
All things are fluid, but as of now I plan to formally leave the Democratic Party after I vote today (we're having a largely irrelevant mid-term election today) and to support Obama for President as the lesser of the two remaining undesirables.
I (as many others) am still expecting, no matter how this turns out, a VERY interesting Summer and Autumn in which the US (probably Southern Ca. Chicago and/or New York) MAY suffer a 9-11 but worse style attack that will provide the justification for Bush staying in office, the establishment of a North American Cordon of Defense, and the development officially of the North American Union signed into being by the countries in 2005. Time will tell on this but my "hit" is only getting stronger about this.
Anyway... Here's this news report about Hillary POSSIBLY throwing in the towel tonight.
Clinton set to concede delegate race to Obama
By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer 4 minutes ago
Hillary Rodham Clinton will concede Tuesday night that Barack Obama has the delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, campaign officials said, effectively ending her bid to be the nation's first female president.
Obama is 40 delegates shy of clinching the nomination, but he is widely expected to make up the difference Tuesday with superdelegate support and votes in South Dakota and Montana. Once he reaches the magic number of 2,118, Clinton will acknowledge that he has secured the necessary delegates to be the nominee.
The former first lady will stop short of formally suspending or ending her race in her speech in New York City.
She will pledge to continue to speak out on issues like health care. But for all intents and purposes, the two senior officials said, the campaign is over.
Most campaign staff will be let go and will be paid through June 15, said the officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to divulge her plans.
The advisers said Clinton has made a strategic decision to not formally end her campaign, giving her leverage to negotiate with Obama on various matters including a possible vice presidential nomination for her. She also wants to press him on issues he should focus on in the fall, such as health care.
Universal health care, Clinton's signature issue as first lady in the 1990s, was a point of dispute between Obama and the New York senator during their epic nomination fight.
Clinton was at home in Chappaqua, N.Y., with her husband, former President Clinton, and was placing calls to friends and supporters.
On NBC's "Today Show," Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe said that once Obama gets the majority of convention delegates, "I think Hillary Clinton will congratulate him and call him the nominee."
In a formal statement, the campaign made clear the limits of how far she would go in Tuesday night's speech. "Senator Clinton will not concede the nomination," the statement said.
Clinton field hands who worked in key battlegrounds said they were told to stand down, without pay, and await instructions. Speaking not for attribution because they didn't want to jeopardize their jobs searches, many said they were peddling resumes, returning to their hometowns or seeking out former employers.
Clinton officials have said they would not contest the seating of Michigan delegates at the convention in Denver this August. The campaign was angry this past weekend when a Democratic National Committee panel awarded Obama delegates it thought Clinton deserved.
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