I've discussed why the Democratic and Republican traitors who rule our government are doing this often enough: In a nutshell:
In order to establish the Novus Ordo Seclorum (the New Secular Order, acknowledged on the back of the one dollar Federal Reserve note) they are first creating the Novus Ordo Mundi (the New World Order). In order to so this, the Powers-That-Be are replacing the United States, Canada and Mexico with the North American Union. To achieve this step, Canada and the United States must have their standards of living drastically lowered while Mexico is being somewhat elevated (which is why Ford and other formerly US companies are preparing to leave the US for Mexico). The previous and remaining disparity between the US and Canada with Mexico with regards to personal freedom, health care, income, housing etc. was huge. Was.
The US and Canada are therefore being "downsized." We see this at work everywhere (including in the recent deceptive Court ruling granting the government the right to redefine the 2nd Amendment as they wish. And we see this shift at play with the still soon-coming Medicare cuts.
At the same time as the playing field between the three North American countries are being leveled, the balance between North America and Europa (the EU) is also underway. About the time the North American Union is formally declared (it was signed into law in 2005 in Waco), the NAU and the EU will be about ready to merge into the Novus Ordo Seclorum.
From the New Secular Age Economic Unions the Rex Mundi or "World King," known by many names including: Antichrist, Dijal, Little Horn, Son of Perdition, Great Leader etc will emerge and sign his fateful treaty with Israel that will signal the beginning of the final seven years of this age.
The same globalist work is going on with economic unions all over the world.
As Henry Kissenger acknowledged openly:
States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994
World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the
United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the
United World Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through
James' brother Max, banker to the German government.
Perhaps you will disagree, "No way! This is just conspiracy theory! Were this true the media would have reported it!" We might think this is so, however:
BUT many of us believe these globalists are in for a surprise! We do not believe the United States of America will pass silently into this dark night of the Novus Ordo Seclorum! We are expecting serious resistance from the now awakening American patriots, who at the last moment will surely rise in opposition to the Democratic and Republican party traitors in an (unsuccessful) attempt to save the nation. Also we expect serious attacks on US soil by anti-NWO factions including the Muslim Ummah, the People's Republic of China, and US victims throughout Central and South America perhaps beginning already (with the Ummah-conducted bank robberies and food poisonings -- as I warned of two years ago on my 360 blogs -- that are occurring around the US right now -- THOROUGHLY WASH THE LIDS OF YOUR CANNED FOODS PRIOR TO OPENING THEM!) or as early as this coming October with direct attacks (possibly on SoCal, New York and Chicago). The result being the fall and general destruction of North America and US/NWO global authority/tyranny.
As I say, I've discussed this many many times before here and elsewhere.
BUT what has this got to do with Medicare?
As you probably don't know but may, the Democrats AND Republicans in Congress (the only US institution more despised than the White House and from which the next and probably last US president will be appointed) has been planning to gut Medicare later this year.
Why would they do this?
See above (see it is relevant!).
Twice unelected US Junta Leader Bush announced today that he is going to suspend the Medicare cuts for now. This is, in the very short term, good news for those who depend on Medicare. Doctors and hospitals across the country had already announced their intention to drop many, most or even all of their Medical customers if these cuts are made (we aren't "patients" anymore since the Hippocratic Oath ceased to be taken by US medical professionals in order to allow them to kill children the disabled and elderly). For the rest of this year health care in the US, as bad as it is for those with low incomes, should continue to limp along as before.
No matter which unqualified Congressman wins or is given the election or who is given the throne in November -- IF Bush decides to leave -- if you are poor, disabled, elderly, on a fixed income or if you lose your job, you MAY NOT have health care after that other than the "emergency room" and more bills you can't possibly pay.
So here's an AP story on Bush's postponement of this coming disaster:
Bush administration freezing cuts in Medicare fees
By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer 4 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration said Monday it is freezing a scheduled 10 percent fee cut for doctors who treat Medicare patients, giving Congress time to act to prevent the cuts when lawmakers return from a July 4 recess.
Physicians have been running ads hinting that as a result of the cuts, patients may find doctors less willing to treat them. The administration's delay in implementing the cuts, which had been scheduled to go into effect Tuesday, spares lawmakers from having to use the recess to explain to seniors why they didn't do the job before leaving town.
Kevin Schweers, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, said Monday the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will hold doctors' Medicare claims for services delivered on or after July 1. Claims for services received on before June 30 will be processed as usual, he said.
Congress, not willing to face millions of angry seniors at the polls in November, will almost certainly act quickly when it returns to Washington the week of July 7 to prevent the cuts in payments for some 600,000 doctors who treat Medicare patients. The cuts were scheduled because of a formula that requires fee cuts when spending exceeds established goals.
HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt had promised Friday that his agency "will take all steps available to the department under the law to minimize the impact on providers and beneficiaries." On Monday, the department used its administrative tools to delay implementing the scheduled 10.6 percent cuts.
"By holding claims for health care services that are delivered on or after July 1, CMS will not be making any payments on the 10.6 percent reduction until July 15 at the earliest," Schweers said.
Almost every year, Congress finds a way to block such cuts. But last week the Senate fell just one vote short of the 60 needed to proceed to legislation that would have stopped the cut.
In a particularly vitriolic exchange, Democrats and Republicans blamed each other for what Dr. Nancy H. Nielsen, president of the American Medical Association, said has put the country "at the brink of a Medicare meltdown."
"Seniors need continued access to the doctors they trust. It's urgent that Congress make that happen," the AMA said in ads taken out in Capitol Hill newspapers read by members of Congress and their aides.
Doctors have complained for years that Medicare payments have failed to cover rising costs.
This year majority Democrats homed in on cutting the Medicare Advantage program, which is an ideological issue for both parties. The Bush administration and Republicans like Medicare Advantage because it lets the elderly and disabled choose to get their health benefits through private insurers rather than through traditional Medicare. Democrats argued that government payments to the insurers are too generous.
The White House warned that President Bush would be urged to veto a bill that contained cuts to Medicare Advantage.
That didn't stop the House last Tuesday from approving the legislation 355-59, well above the margin needed to override a veto. Every Democrat supported it, and Republicans, bucking their president, voted 129-59 for it.
Associated Press Writer Kevin Freking contributed to this report.
The bill is H.R. 6331.
On the Net:
Congress: http://thomas.loc.gov
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