In a word: NO!
In the following reply I explain why it is impossible that Obama might be either of these two foretold men, and touch on related topics.
I begin with a brief update on the fires that are still currently raging near my home. Thanks for the notes of concern and the prayers. We're fine.
After that, I include the unedited Cal Thomas piece. What are your thoughts? Do you believe he is/might be the False Prophet or Antichrist? If so, why?
Howdy Bro,
Our power came back on much earlier than they expected (yay!).
20,000 plus acres have burned here so far. Dozens of homes are gone, more are threatened. The fires came to the parking lot of Joe's school (Butte College) but were stopped before burning the buildings. The fire line is about 5 miles away, we were not evacuated (so far). They just announced the fire is 16% contained now but continues to rage... The main concern now is that around 2:00 this afternoon the south winds are expected to start and that could blow the flames into the town of Paradise itself up the canyons.
As for this post...
Cal can say whatever he wants, there is absolutely, unequivocally NO WAY Obama could possibly be the False Prophet OR the AntiChrist. No Way.
The prophecies tell us more than enough to know this.
Obama COULD theoretically be the "closet Muslim" some still suspect, he could be part of the Muslim Brotherhood Project: See my for my article on the brotherhood... BUT I no longer think this is at all likely of him. I believe this was important to careful check out but in my opinion no evidence exists for this concern.
BUT if the prophets are correct, he could not possibly be the False Prophet. He does not fulfill the essential prophecies.
The False Prophet will be the head of "Babylon the Great" (the Vatican -- the "City of Seven Hills" -- ie the Pope at that point in future-history). The present Pope was a "Hitler Youth" and that understandably makes some folks suspicious, but he is not, at least not at this point, the False Prophet either. Babylon the Great will not and can not exist as "Mystery Babylon" until the rise of the Rex Mundi (Antichrist/Dijal) and the False Prophet will lead the Vatican and her "daughters" (ie the Anglican, Protestant and heterodox denominations) in the embrace of the Rex Mundi/Antichrist. Obama would have to be elected Pope to meet this essential prophetic requirement and that's not likely ;-).
One reason so people are sneering at the biblical prophecies today is that whenever some leader rises or some event happens so many Christians proclaim "This is the Antichrist!" or "This is the False Prophet!" etc. We see an example of this here. Cal cites a verse about "antichrists" and the artical asks whether Obama might be "The Antichrist." There are many "antichrists" but only one Antichrist according to the Bible.
As you know, I am 110% convinced that these are the Last Days and that THE Antichrist (Rex Mundi, Dijal, Little Horn, Son of Perdition) and his False Prophet will soon rise, BUT it is vital to base everything carefully on the Scriptures and the Prophets lest we be viewed as "Chicken Littles." There is absolutely no way Obama is the False Prophet and Cal Thomas knows better than to scare people with such lies. He knows better.
At this point I'm not sure who if either of them I will support in the general election, if it happens. Neither of them is qualified in my opinion and neither are trustworthy enough for this important job. This will absolutely be a lesser of two evils election.
Obama is putridly pro-abortion
McCain is disturbingly wishy washy on abortion.
Obama's views about Israel are unclear. He just said he opposes dividing Jerusalem which is good, but he also a history of supporting the so-called Palestinians which could be problematic. We simply don't know his views on Israel or his real views on how the US should deal with them.
Obama promises to end the war in Iraq as soon as possible, which is too open ended.
McCain says the same but seems content to leave them there indefinitely. His 100 year war comment was taken out of context.
Obama supposedly will order the biggest tax increase since WW 2 at a time when many Americans are suffering like we haven't since the Depression.
McCain supposedly will slash social programs and services leaving millions of people, probably including us, in much worse shape then we are already in while allowing the rich to become even richer. Many more people would be homeless and the divide between and poor would become even more pronounced.
NEITHER of them have a viable answer to the gas or energy emergency.
NEITHER of them has presented a viable solution to health care.
NEITHER of them has offered a viable solution to global warming.
NEITHER of them has promised to seal the southern border to protect the US
NEITHER of them has promised to fight the outsources of US jobs (McCain is emphatic in his support for "the global economy").
NEITHER of them has stated any intention of restoring Habeas Corpus.
NEITHER of them have stated any intention of doing away with the Nazi-style Department of Homeland Security.
NEITHER of them has shown any intention of beefing up the privacy rights and protections of the American people.
NEITHER of them has even hinted at doing away with or even limiting the power of the Federal Reserve that is destroying our economy and pushing for the North American Union.
NEITHER of them have commented on the North American Union to my knowledge nor their support OR opposition to it.
NEITHER of them to my knowledge have taken a position on the REAL ID propgram.
NEITHER of them shows ANY interest in stopping foreign companies from buying up the US. including our highway systems, ports, railroads and other infrastructure.
NEITHER of them shows ANY interest in checking cargo coming into our harbors. Right now only 5% is checked!
This list could go on and on...
The point is, NEITHER of these men is qualified to be president in my opinion and neither of them is demonstratively committed to restoring the independence or security of the US and neither of them will, in all likelihood, do ANYTHING to halt the advance of the coming Rex Mundi.
BUT/AND NEITHER of them is mentioned in ANY biblical prophecy, for good OR ill.
For the Rex Mundi and his False Prophet we must look elsewhere.
The good news is, it APPEARS that Hillary will not become Queen, at least not this time. Hopefully she not become the VP. It appears this isn't going to happen thank God.
The bad news MAY BE that Bush will refuse to leave office. Legally he doesn't have to now if he or any one of five cabinet members SAYS there is a "danger of terrorism." No evidence is needed, just the statement.
MANY people, including me, are having dreams and getting "hits" that something very serious MAY happen this Fall, perhaps in October, and that Bush will use this event as the justification to remain in office. My second most recent dream about this is retold here: if you are interested.
In light of the fires raging throughout my state right now one has to wonder... hehe.
Thanks for sharing this piece,
~ John
My brother forwarded:
Sent: 12/06/08 4:05:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Obama, the false prophet on the ballot
6/12/2008 12:01:00 AM
Obama, the false prophet on the ballot
By Cal Thomas
Barack Obama's presidential campaign plans to strike at the heart of the Republican base by attempting to woo Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics to his side.
The Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody first broke the story on his blog "The Brody File." Obama's campaign for the conservative Christian vote, which has largely gone to the Republican presidential candidate in recent elections, has been dubbed the "Joshua Generation Project." Joshua, Moses' successor, led the Israelites into the Promised Land. It wasn't the group that fled Egypt in the Exodus, though. They died in the wilderness, lacking faith in God's promise. It was the next generation that Joshua led into Canaan. Apparently, if we have enough faith in Obama, he will lead us all into a new America, but if we vote for John McCain, we will demonstrate a lack of faith (in Obama) and die in the political badlands.
Obama is better at biblical language and imagery than any Democrat in modern times. He certainly beats Howard Dean, now the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who once offered Job as his favorite New Testament book. This is cynical manipulation of the devout and it is no better when Democrats do it than when Republicans use religious language for partisan advantage.
Obama has declared himself a committed Christian. He can call himself anything he likes, but there are certain markers among the evangelicals he is courting that one must meet in order to qualify for that label.
Some insight into Obama's "Christianity" comes from an interview he gave in 2004 to Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani for her book, "The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People."
"I'm rooted in the Christian tradition," said Obama. He then adds something most Christians will see as universalism: "I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people."
Falsani correctly brings up John 14:6 (and how many journalists would know such a verse, much less ask a question based on it?) in which Jesus says of Himself, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That sounds exclusive, but Obama says it depends on how this verse is heard. According to Falsani, Obama thinks that "all people of faith - Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone - know the same God." (Her words.)
Evangelicals and serious Catholics might ask if this is so, why did Jesus waste His time coming to Earth, suffering pain, rejection and crucifixion? If there are many ways to God, He might have sent down a spiritual version of table manners and avoided the rest.
Here's Obama telling Falsani, "The difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and proselytize. There's the belief, certainly in some quarters, that if people haven't embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior, they're going to hell." Falsani adds, "Obama doesn't believe he, or anyone else, will go to hell. But he's not sure he'll be going to heaven, either." Again, that is contrary to what Evangelicals and most Catholics believe.
Here's Obama again: "I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. When I tuck in my daughters at night and I feel like I've been a good father to them, and I see that I am transferring values that I got from my mother and that they're kind people and that they're honest people, and they're curious people, that's a little piece of heaven."
Any first-year seminary student could deconstruct such "works salvation" and wishful thinking. Obama either hasn't read the Bible, or if he has, doesn't believe it if he embraces such thin theological wisps.
Obama can call himself anything he likes, but there is a clear requirement for one to qualify as a Christian and Obama doesn't meet that requirement. One cannot deny central tenets of the Christian faith, including the deity and uniqueness of Christ as the sole mediator between God and man and be a Christian. Such people do have a label applied to them in Scripture. They are called "false prophets."
E-mail nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas at
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