A new television ad focusing on Sen. Barack Obama's support for radical Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga has been produced by a political action committee called Freedom's Defense Fund.
The ad refers to the Kenyan government's decision Oct. 7 to prevent WND reporter and author Jerome Corsi from holding a press conference in Nairobi. Corsi had planned to present the result of a week's research in Kenya further documenting the ties between Obama and Odinga first disclosed in Chapter 4 of his No. 1 New York Times best-selling book, "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality."
Freedom's Defense Fund plans to run the television spot, along with others it has produced, in battleground states during the last two weeks of the campaign.
The video can be seen here:
As WND reported, Obama fundraisers and donors raised in the U.S. almost $1 million for Odinga in the three visits the Democratic presidential candidate arranged for Odinga to make to the U.S. An additional $1 million was raised for Odinga by Saif el-Islam Gadhafi, the Libyan dictator's second oldest son.
WND also reported Obama campaigned for Odinga during a Senate "fact-finding" trip, with the arrangements made by Obama Senate staff member Mark Lippert, who Obama designated as the official "go-between" to coordinate strategy.
Sen. Barack Obama with Raila Odinga |
WND has obtained a copy of an agreement Odinga signed in August 2007 with Sheik Abdullahi Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, that included plans for wide-ranging attacks on Christians.
In the document, Odinga promised that within six months of becoming president he would "rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Shariah as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared religions."
Odinga took over the office of prime minister in Kenya after his campaign called for protests of an election he lost by more than 200,000 votes to incumbent Mwai Kibaki. The resulting violence by marauding Muslim mobs left 1,000 people dead, hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes and 800 Christian churches damaged or destroyed. No Islamic mosques were damaged, however.
Freedom's Defense Fund is also running television ads on William Ayers, the radical Weather Underground bomber with whom Obama served on the Annenberg Challenge board and Woods Fund for several years; Tony Rezko, the convicted federal felon who funded Obama's political campaigns for 17 years; and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the radical black liberation theology preacher who was Obama's pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years.
The DNC has used its corrupt influence to block the several pending court cases calling on Barack Hussein Obama to answer the charges of his birth and eligibility for office and so it appears that yet again we will have four to eight years with a president who large segments of the country believe is not our Comsitutionally elected president... IF Obama wins.
As I posted previously:
For more AllFaith Comix go HERE In his own words: My readers and I discussed these video here. Feel free to share your thoughts as well! The quote was widely recorded inaccurately as:
Because of the way the quote was re-worded some have dismissed it as politics as usual. Following is the complete quote. In context the meaning is identical. The edited version merely identified who Obama was speaking about. The quote merely tried to make it into a better sound bite:
Note that Obama is clearly referring to Muslims in the context and that he does say that if the United States turns against Muslims in this country (as the US turned against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor) he will side with the Ummah against the United States! Considering this comment from his own book, considering his slip of the tongue where he does in fact admit that he is a Muslim of faith, this should disqualify him from the presidency of the United States! What leader of ANY country has EVER stated that he will, if push comes to shove, side with the enemies of his country! On a related topic, from Dreams from my Father Obama says:
What does this tell us? A lot! Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was an American anthropologist from Kansas who moved to Seattle as a child, then onto Hawaii. She was proud of her Globalist commitments and upon arriving in Hawaii had several short term sexual encounters with various people of other races before becoming pregnant with Obama. We hear they divorced shortly thereafter but to date no marriage certificate of Obama's parents has surfaced that I've been able to find. Obama's mother reportedly dreamed of a day when all races would be merged into one race through the birthing and raising of interracial children. As he came of age however Obama became ashamed of his White heritage:
In time however Obama decided that he was not beholden to any race, nation or creed "whose fates didn’t speak to my own." On the CNN program Obama Revealed Obama acknowledges that he never felt like part of any group of people. This is confirmed by his wife Michele's comment in February that:
From what we now know there is good reason to believe that at some point in his development Obama was taken into a Secret Society. This group got him into Harvard and they have been guiding his meteoric rise. That Secret Society is the Muslim Brotherhood Project part of whose plans: - Involve ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions; - Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam; - Drafting Islamic constitutions, laws and policies for eventual implementation; - Instituting alliances with Western “progressive” organizations that share similar goals; - Creating autonomous “security forces” to protect Muslims in the West; - Inflaming violence and keeping Muslims living in the West “in a jihad frame of mind”; It now seems all but certain that the Muslim Brotherhood Project is that Secret Society AND that the Youth Security Force is the power he plans to utilize to this end! Obama says, "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." These people do not feel beholdened to traditional Americans who, "...cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations..." as Obama put it. Obama is committed to change! This change includes making us all global citizens, unarmed, non-religious and homogenized in a global Muslim Caliphate just as his mother wanted all along!. As I showed above, when he was younger Obama was ashamed of the Caucasian side of his multi-racial heritage, but he has come around. Now he is ashamed of his black culture as well! He is committed only to Islam and the global Caliphate. |
Will America wake up in time to stop this grave error?
Vote McCain-Palin!
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