Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Third Presidential Debate And John McCain Failure to Speak the Truth

The Third Presidential Debate
And John McCain Failure to Speak the Truth

As long as the current corrupt Congress remains in power changing presidents will only do so much. What this nation seriously needs to do is clean house and not reelect ANYONE from either party.

Bush is not a Conservative nor is McCain (I think Palin may be), Obama is not a liberal (Biden is only out for Biden and will embrace anyone who furthers his career IMHO). Republicans and Democrats who honestly want to save this nation should focus their efforts on the "Reelect Noone" strategy (of course the Democrats have to be on board too or the Republicans would loose too many seats of power).

The US Congress has less turn-over than the Soviet Politburo did! This is disgraceful!

The Republicans in Congress held Bush and Cheney's coats as they stole two US elections (ACORN is just using the Republican playbook), they did NOTHING as Bush nullified the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, as they illegally and immorally invaded two plus countries that did nothing to us (IF 9-11 was not an inside job -- which I believe it was -- Saudi Arabia did it), they supported the treasonous Patriot and Military Commissions Acts, NAFTA and all the rest. They said NOTHING as the army was deployed to US soil October 1st of this year in violation of Posse Comitatus (Latin for: power of the county), The senators of BOTH parties watched silently or supported with legislation as spy cameras were (are being increasingly) placed throughout this once home of the free, they winked as the US openly justified torture etc. etc.

IF Barack Husein Obama wins this election (or appointment) it will be because the American people are so utterly disgusted by Bush/Cheney that they would vote for Hitler if he ran as a Democrat (which MAY be what's happening!)! What's REALLY amazing is that in light of how utterly loathed Bush is the election is even close! the Democrats should have a 75% plus margin in their favor by now! This is a sign that a lot of Americans have grave doubts about electing Obama, but McCain keeps wimping out!

McCain had a golden opportunity in the last debate to address the issues of Obama association with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Weather Underground, infanticide, his plan to create a conscripted Youth Security Force, etc etc. After the 2nd debate McCain CLAIMED he hadn't brought it up because it wasn't asked!!! (what a cop out that was!) SO the moderator of the 3rd debate put it right in his hands... and McCain threw it away!!! THAT was his moment for a grand slam in this election but McCain deliberately struck out!

One has to wonder why!

Maybe McCain knows he has to throw the election. MAYBE the means he's not the maverick he claims to be... MAYBE that means we were playing good-cop bad-cop this whole time! I hope not but McCain's showing in the third debate was way too weak to not have been intentional.

We are left with the question: Why?

One of my good friends has been e-mailing me almost daily since finding out that I plan to vote Republican for the first time in my life. Last night she said, and I quote, "I don't care what Obama has ever said, I don't care what Obama has ever done or will ever do, Nancy Pelosi for some reason kept us from impeaching Bush and if we vote for McCain it will look like we supported Bush. Obama has to win!"

It is ABUNDANTLY obvious why Traitor Pelosi "took impeachment off the table." She, Reed and Bush are following the same Dark lords who created the Bush/Clinton Junta: Bush 1 (R), the Clintons (D), Bush 2(R) and now its the Democrats turn again with Barrack Hussein Osama unless We the People stop the Elite!

It may be too late already but martial law is preferable to not trying!

The ONLY prayer to stop the Bush/Clinton Junta left is to vote for McCain! The fact that so many Republican leaders didn't want him to win the nomination is a very encouraging sign!

Its ain't over till its over.

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