Monday, October 16, 2006

Well, I was just kicked out of the WebRing RingMaster Forum

Well, I was just kicked out of the
WebRing RingMaster Forum.

Here's why: I posted the following two e-mails that they apparently didn't like:

From: allfaith

Here is a fundamental issue:

"You wrote:
...With respect to ring memberships... consider that if you were to sign up with an ad service to promote your site you could expect to pay a minimum of 10 cents PER CLICK to get traffic.
if a membership gets you just 1 click PER YEAR it is cheap. If not,
why have it?"

When WebRing began it was not a for-profit program. A LOT of us who use(d) the WebRing System don't make any money from our sites.
We do it for the joy of community, for sharing our beliefs, for sharing our lives etc. We would never pay anything for clicks.
In my case, I usually show up near the top of the search engines using free services but get very few clicks through the WebRing system. I join (and used to own) many rings as way of sharing with like minded people. WebRing was the ALTERNATIVE to money grubbing ad companies. THIS is what you folks have stolen from us. If you sense anger in our responses this is why! At least for many of us.

The Internet is becoming just another capitalist enterprize and many of us are deeply saddened by this. The WebRing, once viewed as a comrade in the struggle for free speech, has betrayed us all.

Of course, you don't care about any of this, you just want our money,
so I'm doubtless just wasting my breath here...

From: allfaith

Why I wont tell others (ref. the poll on the page)

I wont tell others because I think everyone should just abandone their
rings now. If we all do it, Webring will have to listen to us or shut
down. WE make the money for them! WE bring the websites in! We do the
work! With some people accepting this BS and other's not everything is in limbo. If we all refuse enmasse, and if Webring still refuses to return to what it once was, a FREE community building service, then someone else will be in a good place to create a new Web Ring that works.

WebRing is obviously dead, so we should all abandone it and let it go
in peace!

I wonder why this upset them? hehe
If anyone else is still on that board (you must be a ring owner to join it) I'd be interested in A) knowing what if anything they say to the posts and B) whether they just removed it.

Do you own a WebRing?
Did you know that the is becoming a for-profit operation?
Do you belong to any WebRings?
Did you know that around January '07 you'll have to pay for this "priviledge?"
Have you left WebRing?
Do you plan to?
Will you pay
Any thoughts?

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