Saturday, November 03, 2007

Welcome to the group!

Welcome to Politics and Religion MatterNov 3, 2007

I'm glad you've joined "Politics and Religion Matter."

The propose of this group is to provide a forum for frank and open conversation about the issues of the day, be they religion, politics or whatever.

You are encouraged to post and comment your thoughts here.

In the comment sections please don't include any images. They will be deleted to make it easier to read the replies.

If you post a blog or "note" feel free to use images in your posts of course.

You are welcome here regardless of your views. Everyone is welcome to debate your views.

Flaming is not acceptable. Debate is. Keep it civil and everything will be cool.

Do be considerate as to the length of your post and so on.

If group moderation becomes necessary it will be done, but I'd prefer to keep things as free and open as possible.

~John of AllFaith

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