LAW to carry a "National ID" card.
Big Brother has officially arrived in the United States of America.
The Real ID Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-13, 119 Stat 392) will go into effect on May 11, 2011, requiring the federalization of State-issued driver's licenses.
The REAL ID card is the type of card the Nazis and the communists in the Soviet Union made people carry.

States have to meet whatever standards the Department of Homeland Security deems acceptable... and the cards will be required to include "machine-readable technology," which means an RFID chip will be attached that can hold personal data and a GPS tracker.
The government will know where you are at all times.
PLEASE HELP US STOP THIS REAL ID CARD! Congress needs to hear from you right now so they can STOP THIS before it takes effect! CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the U.S. Congress and REMIND THEM that the creation of a uniform, federal drivers' license/ID card exceeds the financial limits established by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4, 2 USC 1501). Tell them to STOP any form of a National I.D. card or National Drivers' license. The Real ID Act goes beyond Constitutional limits, and that the American people will not be subjected to what amounts to an internal passport. Please help us fight this usurpation of YOUR privacy rights---and CHALLENGE an unlawful demand on the States. OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS must be preserved.
The Constitution of the United States of America does not allow the federal government to compel the states into a "uniform" method of personal identification for its citizens.
It also means DECREASED IDENTIFICATION SECURITY! Now, to steal someone's identity, thieves only have to know how to replicate ONE identification card, not 50 different ones like we have now... and with all of your information being stored in one place, every bit of your personal data will be at increased risk if someone gets access to your card!
And, YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SHOULDN'T BE CONNECTED TO YOUR IDENTIFICATION! There is no federal law that requires an American citizen to have a Social Security Number (SSN!) Federal law makes it a crime to use this number for identification purposes... yet the REAL ID Act would REQUIRE your SSN to be a part of your national ID!
The United States of America is not Nazi Germany---but Barack Obama's America is quickly resembling something like that. Did you ever think you would experience invasive, Big Brother tactics here in the U.S. in which uniformed officers ask: "Let me see your papers?"
PLEASE HELP US STOP THIS REAL ID CARD! Congress needs to hear from you right now so they can STOP THIS before it takes effect! CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the U.S. Congress and REMIND THEM that the creation of a uniform, federal drivers' license/ID card exceeds the financial limits established by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4, 2 USC 1501). Tell them to STOP any form of a National I.D. card or National Drivers' license. The Real ID Act goes beyond Constitutional limits, and that the American people will not be subjected to what amounts to an internal passport. Please help us fight this usurpation of YOUR privacy rights---and CHALLENGE an unlawful demand on the States. OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS must be preserved.
If this battle is not waged---and won---by May 11, 2011, the American people will be carrying a federal ID card that will double as a State-issued drivers' license. You will need it to vote. You will need it to enter a federal building. You will need it to buy a plane ticket.
And, believe it or not, you will need it if you are stopped while jogging in the park or sitting on your front porch. Oh, yes... and because it will be your drivers' license as well, you will need it to drive your car.
You will need it for whatever the Department of Homeland Security determines you need it for!
PLEASE HELP US STOP THIS REAL ID CARD! Congress needs to hear from you right now so they can STOP THIS before it takes effect! CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the U.S. Congress and REMIND THEM that the creation of a uniform, federal drivers' license/ID card exceeds the financial limits established by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4, 2 USC 1501). Tell them to STOP any form of a National I.D. card or National Drivers' license. The Real ID Act goes beyond Constitutional limits, and that the American people will not be subjected to what amounts to an internal passport. Please help us fight this usurpation of YOUR privacy rights---and CHALLENGE an unlawful demand on the States. OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS must be preserved.
George Orwell's "1984" has finally arrived---27 years late.
Before a REAL ID can be issued, the applicant must provide the following documentation:
1. A photo ID, or a non-photo ID that includes his or her full legal name and birth date
2. Documentation of birth date (i.e., your birth certificate)
3. Documentation of legal status and Social Security number
4. Third party documentation showing name and place of residence.
No big deal, if you're trying to keep terrorists out of the country.
But the liberties we will give up in order to accept this government control and intrusion on our privacy are monumental.
As Benjamin Franklin warned, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
You may be wondering how in the world we could have allowed this to happen. We "allowed it" to happen because we were more concerned about terrorists than civil liberties. REAL ID requires State driver's license authorities to use more stringent measures to verify Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, proof of citizenship and immigration status. The act prescribes 18 SEPARATE SECURITY CONTROLS that States are now required to use when issuing driver's licenses.
The REAL ID program has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with control.
If this battle is not waged---and won---by May 11, 2011, "Real ID" will go into effect.
You will have to carry your card to vote.
You will have to carry your card to enter a federal building.
You will have to carry your card to buy a plane ticket.
You will have to keep your "national driver's license" on your person at all times, whether you are driving or not---you will need it whether you are playing tennis, sitting on your front porch, or walking up to the corner to catch a taxi.
Ultimately, just as Social Security Cards were never supposed to be used for ID purposes, Real ID drivers' license will, very quickly, become de facto national ID cards, which is why people who don't drive will still need to carry one.
Congress needs to hear from you right now so they can STOP THIS before it takes effect! CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the U.S. Congress and REMIND THEM that the creation of a uniform, federal drivers' license/ID card exceeds the financial limits established by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4, 2 USC 1501). Tell them to STOP any form of a National I.D. card or National Drivers' license. The Real ID Act goes beyond Constitutional limits, and that the American people will not be subjected to what amounts to an internal passport. Please help us fight this usurpation of YOUR privacy rights---and CHALLENGE an unlawful demand on the States. OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS must be preserved.
Personal data about you has already been taken and it has been stored in a dossier about you.
This information will be available to law enforcement officials in all other States. That means the presumptions of "unreasonable search" are void, because if you are stopped in any State for speeding, the police in that State can "read" the database assigned to your card and virtually "share your information" over the Internet with any other government agency in any State.
The REAL ID Act violates the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, because a State driver's license should be under the control of individual U.S.States---NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. A federal drivers' license violates the Tenth Amendment with respect to State power, and obliterates the states' dual sovereignty with the federal government.
We must do everything that we can to invalidate this Act by May 11, 2011.
REAL ID is REAL intrusive! We must make sure this doesn't happen in America. Please send your faxes now.

Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts
P. S. The REAL ID Act implementation will make it much easier for the federal government to track every American---which is its purpose under the REAL ID Act. This is an outright act of control on the part of the Obama administration, only one of the many agenda items they are implementing in order to have power over every American citizen. We must speak up, quickly, and make sure a National I.D. card NEVER becomes reality in the United States of America.
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