Friday, March 28, 2008

What does AllFaith Mean?

What Does "AllFaith" Mean?

Reverend Peter M. Semadeni of the Churchlight School of All-Faith Spirituality (His Website) has posted a chapter from new book and asked for my thoughts on it. As I read the chapter it became obvious that the essential question is: What does AllFaith mean?

Here is my reply in its unedited entirety. I would post his chapter here but as it is rather long it will be best I think for those interested to go there (Click Here).

Hi Reverend Peter,

Thanks for the invitation to comment on this important issue.

There is an innate difficulty with "AllFaith spirituality" (which I have practiced for many years according the Light I have thus far received). And that is, what does "all faith" actually mean?

There's a trap that far too many folks are snared by. Its sort of like those who say:

    "I am open minded and I hate those who are not! Such people need to be stopped! Outlawed! Rejected as extremists!"

    "Behead those who say Islam is violent! Islam means peace!" (Islam means "submission," it only means peace for those who submit to the deen and ummah of Islam)

    "Jesus accepts everyone, all you have to do is become a heterosexual, Bible Believing, Creation affirming, evolution denying, anti-abortion... member of one the denominations I approve of..."

    "All religions are equal and anyone who does not believe this is intolerant and should be silenced!"


No accusation is intended here.

If one is truly "AllFaith" or "All-Faith" then it seems to me one honors all faiths as they are. But how can this even be possible? How can one honor polytheists, monotheists, pantheists, panenthists, advaitins, dvaitins, atheists, scientists, nihilists, transcendentalists... etc. etc. when their views are so diverse?

How can one support Judaism while also supporting Christianity (as I do), without opposing Islam (which I do not). How can one believe in the God of the Bible and Qu'ran and yet believe in Sri Visnu? In Mahadev Siva? In Srimati Durga? In Ahura Mazda? In Ek Noir? in Tao? in Tat Tvam Asi? etc.

Its a tough question.

Does "AllFaith" mean all religions need to be compacted or distilled into a single belief system, like many New Agers and Secular Humanists seek to do? Is it our view that only by merging all religions will we at last discover the truth of any?

But... what is Christianity without Jesus? What is Islam without Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? What is Judaism without Moses? What is Hinduism with Sri Krsna? Lord Siva? What is Buddhism with Tatagata and the Bodhisattvas or Taoism without Lao Tsu and Chuang Tzu? How many particulars can we take away from the religions without fundamentally altering what they are? Paul said, "If Jesus be not raised from the death, your faith is vain."

Does "AllFaith" mean that we today are somehow "higher" and ready to "transcend" the old religions and embrace Quantum theory and the other new insights we are now being offered? This view flies in the face of practically all religions east and west (though it is foretold to happen by the prophets of many religions).

Any answer, it seems to me, denies the very premise of being truly AllFaith.

    Is "God" a "Person"?
    Is "God" an "Energy"?
    Is God a "Presence"?
    Is "God" the accumulation of our conceptions of goodness? ("god" is German for the goot, the good).

Who or what (if anything) is "God"?

    Some Jews tell us that God is En Soff ("No thing")
    Some Advaitans tells us that God is Neti Neti ("Not this Not that")
    Some Vaisnavas tell us that God is Acintya Bheda Abheda Tattva ("the very Formless Form of Inconceivable Oneness AND Diversity").

Whenever we seek to define God or say what God is not, I believe we have limited God (or tried to). "Ek Devata" defies all definition, description and limitation.

God is more.

      God is also that.

You say, "My God makes mistakes just as everyone else does and has bad days and good days and deals with them accordingly. The only reason my God is everywhere at once is because we are within God."

This clearly is not the God (and/or faith) of Israel, of the Christians, of the Muslims, or of most other Theists. The standard theistic view of God is of an eternal, utterly perfect "Person" or "Individual" (however conceived) who never makes mistakes (other than the Mormons who say, "As man now is God once was, as God now is man will become" but they are an anomaly). Even among the "Personalist Hindus" who celebrate the Rasa Lila and other earthly "past times" of God Incarnate, the Holy One appears in order to "play a role" as a limited being, but is never consumed or even influenced by Maya (illusion) except by divine choice.

God is more.

      God is also that.

So, my point is, it seems to me that you are teaching yet "another god," yet "another faith" -- AS DO I arguably -- no insult is intended here, but your description of God excludes the beliefs of practically all existing faiths and would be viewed as blasphemy by several of them. How then is it All-Faith?

So, what is AllFaith?

As I define the term, AllFaith means to honor all faith traditions as legitimate Paths to the One (Ek Devata: the One God however conceived) while holding to ones own views and revelations according to the Light one has received thus far.

When all is said and done:

"Truth is One, the Sages describe it diverse ways."

To accept this is to be AllFaith in my opinion.

Best of success on your project.

1 comment:

oldawareone said...

God said in His Word, The Holy Bible; " And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."(Jeremiah 29:13) The Bible is an unique book, that carries with it the Divine power, authority, and prophecy like no other "holy book". You have been searching and are not far from the truth. That truth is Jesus! He stated: I am the Way the Truth and the Light, no man comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6) Either He was a liar, a lunatic, or by the many proofs of His life, ministry and the fulfilled prophecy of Him, the Person whom he said he was, God incarnet. Believe Him when He says he is the only way to the exclusion of all others. To neglect this great salvation is to be lost eternaly in seperation of God and condemned to eternal hell. John 3:18 "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begoten Son of God."