Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Religion, Denomination, Sect do you most closely relate to?

Just curios.

Do you regularly attend religious services?

Do you regularly pray, meditate, chant.... study the Scriptures...

Do you believe in God as a personal Being? A Life Force? The Great Totality?

Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe he is God? A prophet? A teacher?

If you are closest to a particular denomination of sect (Christian: Baptist etc. Islam: Sunni: Wahabi etc) within your religion what is it?

Are you an Atheist or Agnostic?

Do you believe there are many ways to God or just one?

Do you believe only members of your religion will be saved?

Do you believe God accepts people of all religious beliefs?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable being. Long posts are fine too. There are no wrong answers here. I'm really just curious.

What do YOU believe?

Why do YOU believe it?

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