Sunday, February 15, 2009

In case you haven't seen this...

A personal note to my Muslim friends

مذكرة إلى رسالتي المسلمين الأصدقاء

وقد تلقيت عدة رسائل البريد الإلكتروني ورسائل فورية مؤخرا يطلبون من المسلمين إذا وأنا من المسلمين. وهي تفترض وأنا لي بسبب التعود مع الدين والأمة ، وأنا أتكلم مع اليقين.

أنا لست من المسلمين. هذا ليس لأنني لا تحترم الدين ، وأفعل. الإسلام هو أكثر بكثير متدين المقدسة وممارسة الدين في أكثر من معظم الآخرين. وظائف مختلفة في بلادي لا يعني عدم احترام إلى الدين أو إلى المسلمين.
غير أنني قد تختلف مع بعض الدين ، وخاصة مع الأمة أن تبقي لي من العودة.
ومن بين هذه ، وأعتقد أن الدين يجب أن تكون طوعية ، لا قسرية ، وقال : القرآن يقول بوضوح.
وثانيا أعتقد أن كراهية اليهود والمسيحيين والهندوس وغيرها ليست جيدة. وفي الوقت الذي أعرب فيه احترام الإسلام ، وأنا لست من المسلمين. وأنا على استعداد لمناقشة هذا الأمر مع أحد ، ولكن سوف تكون العودة ولا في الدين.


Muzzammil Hassan came to America to spread the Deen and Ummah of Islam and to help Americans understand that Islam is a loving and peaceful religion we should all embrace...

Feel Inspired and want to revert?


The creed of Islam is one of the five pillars. "Shahada" means 'testimony'.

Shahada is both a testimony of ones belief in Allah and His prophet as well as a legally binding testiment whereby one becomes Muslim or undertakes certain commitments to the deen and Ummah (such as becoming a Jihadi).

Shahada: "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his messenger."
(The Shi'i add "...and Ali is his friend.")

Not inspired by this act to revert? Hmmm....

Muzzammil Hassan is called a "Moderate Muslim." Some people are asking what this means in a real snese.

At my blog entry I explain that there is no such thing as Radical Islam. There also is no such thing as a Moderate Muslim!

So, what is a "Moderate Muslim?"

Islam means Submission [to the deen or religion of Islam].

Can one "moderately submit?"

No. One either submits or one doesn't.

A "Moderate Muslim" is one who does not fully submit.

ALL devout Muslims are "radical" because to submit fully to ones religion is a radical act.

So-called Moderate Muslims are Muslims who do faithfully follow their religion. That says nothing about their views of Islam, nothing about their support of Sharia, jihad etc. All it says is that they do not properly follow their religion. This killing is apparently a case in point.

Here's the story:

American-Islamic TV station owner accused of beheading his wife
By Associated Press | Sunday, February 15, 2009 | | Northeast

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. - A Buffalo-area man who runs an American-Islamic television station is accused of beheading his wife.

Orchard Park police say 44-year-old Muzzammil Hassan told police Thursday evening that his wife was dead at his office. That’s where police found the body of 37-year-old Aasiya Hassan.

Hassan is now charged with second-degree murder and police believe the killing occurred sometime late Thursday afternoon. Authorities say his wife had recently filed for divorce and had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of February 6th.

Hassan is the founder and chief executive of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004 in hopes of portraying Muslims in a better light.

Police didn’t know Friday if Hassan had an attorney.

Article URL:

From Pakistan:

Islamic TV owner charged with beheading wife

Source: SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT submitted 4 hours 19 minutes ago NEW YORK - A Pakistani-American businessman, who founded a television network to improve the image of Muslims in the U.S., has been arrested and charged with murdering his estranged wife �" by beheading her at his company’s office in upstate New York, according to media reports Sunday.
Police in Orchard Park, a town south of Buffalo, identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with murder.
"He came to the police station at 6:20 p.m. [Thursday] and told us that she was dead," Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz was quoted as saying.
He said Hassan's wife had recently filed for divorce and had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of February 6.
The couple had two children, ages 4 and 6, and Muzzammil Hassan had two children, ages 17 and 18, from a previous marriage.
Hassan, who moved to the United States from Pakistan 25 years ago, worked as a banker in Buffalo before quitting to start up the station. He launched Bridges TV in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light. The station was set up with $10 million in backing from more than 50 investors. Two years ago, Hassan told Arab News magazine he needed another $5 million and was reaching out to supporters in Saudi Arabia.
"Obviously, this is the worst form of domestic violence possible," Erie County District Attorney Frank Sedita was quoted as saying.
"He was worried about the station's future," Dr. Khalid Qazi, a friend of the couple and president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western New York, was quoted as saying in media reports. "He was stressed, but this has left me absolutely shocked. I still cannot believe it."
Qazi said the killings went against the teachings of Islam and damaged the image of Muslims that Hassan worked to promote. "Domestic violence is despicable, and Islam condones it in no way whatever," he said.
Police have still not found the weapon used in the killing, an officer said.

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