Sunday, February 15, 2009

An Inconvenient Debt: The Collapsing of the U.S. Economy

An Inconvenient Debt

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Let's begin with this video by Glen Beck Al Gore Impersonation.

First, note the numbers on the chart. There IS an obvious problem here. He starts his Al Goreesque presentation with the Stock Market Crash as $0.00. Obviously even during that bleak period there was money in circulation. Despite this problem with his illustration, this should get everyone's attention!

The obvious question is: how can this not destroy our economy?

And, WHY are the powers-that-be doing this?

The ONLY feasible answer I can see is that this nation is being deliberately destroyed!

Nah... That's just paranoia John!! Surely our leaders know what their doing!

Oh really! Listen carefully to this! Congressman Paul KanJorski, D-Penn 11th District, Chair of Capital Markets Subcommittee admits to a few very interesting things in this 6 minute video!

He admits that he has very little knowledge in finances and he's the guy we're counting on!

But most importantly at the very end he says (at 5:56):

Somebody threw us in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft and we're trying to determine what is the closest shore and whether there is any chance to swim that far. WE DON"T KNOW [his emphasis]

The $550 Billion Dollar Bank Run

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