Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let's All Shop at Trader's Joes!

If there is a Trader's Joe's near you this would be
A GREAT TIME to stop by and spend some money!

Trader Joe's is currently facing a boycott because they sell Israeli items!

Let's all shop there and let them know we stand behind them!

Anti-Israel Activists Target Trader Joe's

Source: The ADL

June 23, 2009 ... Anti-Israel activists are waging a campaign against Trader Joe's, demanding the company remove Israeli products from its store shelves.

Trader Joe's has assured the Anti-Defamation League that they will not acquiesce to this boycott demand and will continue to sell Israeli products.

They issued the following statement:

"Our response is that we sell products, and do not use our products as political tools or to make any statements about any political causes. We have no intention of removing any products based on pressure from any group, no matter what they support or don't support. As always, we believe our customers are smart, and they are capable of making decisions about what they purchase."

In the face of the boycott effort, Trader Joe's has acted commendably by standing up against this organized campaign and in responding quickly to concerns from ADL and others in the Jewish community.

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