Monday, June 22, 2009

More on ABC's Upcoming Lack of Journalistic integrtity

ABC's Diane Sawyer: 'We don't do infomercials'

Posted by Bobby Eberle
June 22, 2009 at 7:20 am


This is the week that we get our full dose of health care "news" on ABC. The special which airs on Wednesday is a townhall format in which Barack Obama will answer "tough" questions from the audience as picked by ABC News.

Conservatives and other media critics have been up in arms ever since ABC News announced the format. Diane Sawyer, co-host of ABC's "Good Morning America" recently went on the air to defend the program and deny that it was a glorified infomercial. She actually said she is proud of the program, because it's important to have a debate on this serious issue. Note to Dianne... it might just be me, but I thought it takes two opposing sides to have a debate. Right?

First a little background. The health care issue is heating up, and the Democrats in Washington, because of their success over the last two election cycles, are seeing this as their golden opportunity to move for more government control over health care. Here's just a sampling of what Obama's plan would do according to analysis by the Heritage Foundation:

* It Undermines Parental Authority: Instead of empowering parents, President Obama's health care plan will chip away at the fundamental rights parents have in key health care decisions for their family by centralizing crucial health care decision-making over plans and benefits in Washington.

* It Puts Federal Bureaucrats in Control of Health Care Decisions: The President's health agenda would result in a major transfer of regulatory authority over health insurance and the kinds of benefits and medical treatments that families get in their health coverage. This could also compromise the rights of families to secure the kind of health coverage that is compatible with their ethical, moral, or religious convictions.

* It Shackles Families with Unknown Costs: President Obama promised American families that under his health plan the average family would save $2,500. But independent analysis shows that less than 11 percent of American families would actually see that level of savings with the reforms proposed by the Administration.

As noted in a story from The Hill, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released a report "estimating the cost of a leading healthcare reform proposal at more than $1 trillion, but that figure looked only at a portion of the bill."

As The Hill explains, "The analysis falls just within the most expensive cost scenario sketched out by Democratic leaders in recent days, but does not include an estimate for a highly contentious government-run insurance plan that would compete with private insurers." So, even without the Democrats' dream of government controlled insurance, the plan is unbelievably expensive. And yet, they are pushing this even as our debt soars and spending skyrockets.

Republicans are finally fighting back on this issue. Sen. Mitch McConnell said this week:

"Throughout this debate, the administration's central argument has been that America needs health care reform for the sake of the economy," McConnell said. "Yet according to independent estimates, every health care proposal Democrats on Capitol Hill have offered would only hurt the economy."

In addition, Democrats are looking at forcing every American to purchase health insurance. This is where their idea of a government-run insurance provider comes in. I thought this was a free country, where we can make our own choices. The federal government is going to force us to buy health insurance? Is that something the Founding Fathers consider a core role of government? What about those who can't afford this forced insurance? Oh right, other people will pay for that in the form of higher taxes. Got it.

So, now along comes ABC News with its interest in helping educate Americans on the health care debate. Here is their promo:

So, ABC News is taking us into "his house." Interesting. It almost sounds as if I should use a capital H for "his."

Even in this short promo, there is obvious bias. The fact that the promo says Obama will "answer all your tough questions about your health care" is not significant. What is important is the fact that Obama is the only one talking. This promo advances the idea that there is only one solution to health care: the Obama plan. Now, Americans may or may not understand the plan, but that's ok, because good President Obama will answer your questions and all will be clarified.

Here's what Diane Sawyer has to say:

So proud? Tackle a serious issue in a serious way? By giving only one side of the story? By assuming that Obama's plan is the right plan and giving him an hour to defend it?

Yes, the audience can ask questions from "every single vantage point," but the responses are just coming from Obama. There are no alternative voices being heard.

I do agree with Sawyer that there should be a "great debate" on health care. Too bad ABC News isn't giving that to the American people.

Here's what John of AllFaith has to say:

Shame on ABC-Disney!

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