Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thus Says The Prophets: Its Clearer Than You May Think!

Thus Says the Prophets!
For Your Consideration:
What Happens After The Great Tribulation?
    This is a more concise presentation of this material
    Also see my Aftergeddon study
The Foretold Laodecian Doom
    And the Restoration of Israel is Now at Hand
New World Order Quotes
    The New World Order in the words of the Elite themselves!
May Day
    May Day is historically the most important of all religious dates
    This includes the Luciferians!
Understanding Revelations Chapter 12
    Rex Mundi's Coming Attacks on:
    Jews, Noahides and Christians
A Most Damnable Doctrine!
    The Doctrine That Will Lead Millions of Christians to Accept the Antichrist
Questions About the End Times
    Who, What, Where, Why and When Types of Issues
The Watchmen
    A Hollywood Presentation Of Illuminati Plans!
The Amusement Park
    My March 5, 2009 Dream
Ruby Ridge:
    Never Forget What The US Government Did At Ruby Ridge!
The Waco Massacre:
    Never Forget What Hillary Clinton and The US Government Did At Mount Carmel
Romans 13:
    Demanding Resistance Not Apathy!
The Georgia Guidestones
    And the dawning Brave New World
The Future in Brief
    This is a fun pseudo-Bollywood overview of our future
Information About Armageddon
    Where and what is Armageddon? An Introduction
Middle East History
    How we got to this point
    Jewish Israel in Prophecy
Political Wisdom
    Yes there is some! Quotable Quotes
The Image of the Beast
    And the Four World Empires
The Image of the Beast
    And the Future of United States.
An Isaiah 66 question
    This is an important section of Israeli prophecy!
Will 2012 Bring the Perfect Storm?
    Some Scientist say maybe!
    What are they and what are they doing to us?
Is there REALLY a New World Order?
    Good points by Chuck Baldwin!
The Rex Mundi and Obama
    Is Caliph B. Hussein Obama the Rex Mundi? Some think so!
How the Peace Movement Was Co-opted
    How the Peace Movement Became a Fascist Front

Great Days are Ahead!

The Will and the Word
    How Consciousness Shapes Reality
    Instructions for the Hinderers
Islam and Merovingians
    The historic and modern connections between Islam and the New World Order
    In light of the election of Barack Hussein Obama
Code Pink, Ahmadinejad and Lady Europa
    Code Pink meets with Ahmadinejad and publicly worships Goddess Europa
    Setting the stage for the religion of the False Prophet!
    Time defines our reality and manipulates our perceptions of reality.
    Understanding Time is essential in part because the coming despot is even now altering time for his own ends!
Dragons and the Merovingian Bloodline
    My Q & A about dragons east and west and an excellent video on dragons and the Merovingian bloodline.
Jews on the Moon
    A future without Jews
An interesting what-if scenario
The Coming Rex Mundi in Brief
    A Brief, "just the facts" presentation of the coming Merovingian King
For a much more detailed presentation see the study below
Meet the Antichrist
  • Who is he?
  • Where is he from?
  • What will he do?
The Study:
The Merovingians
    The origins and future of the Elite
Meet The Bilderbergs
    Meet the Elite
The Arrival of 666
    The actual Mark of the Beast can not be issued before the coming of the Rex Mundi but everything is place right now!
Last Night I Dreamt of Melting Cake!
    A disturbing dream for the Autumn of 2008
Is the Rapture a biblical teaching?
    Learn what the Bible predicts for the Christian Church and the world!
Identifying Babylon the Great
    Who is the Whore of Babylon?"
The Sheep and the Goats
    Are you a Sheep or a Goat??
The 144,000
    Who are these End Time preachers of Righteousness?
The Sheep and the Goats
    The parable and its relevance today
    Take the Pledge: "I Wont Back Down!"
The Two Witnesses
    Information about these End Time prophets
Labor Pangs of the Kingdom
    Prepare for the Coming Kingdom of HaShem!
When Will These Things Be?
    Is it possible to know when Moshiach will come?
    Is there any reason to believe this is the generation?
Did the Jews Kill Master Y'shua
    This is the ages old accusation
    Is it true?
Is Israel forcing HaShem's Hand?
    This is a look at current events, the role of Israel and the coming of Moshiach.
The Chosen People of HaShem
Understanding Israel and the Nations

Who is Benjamin Fulford?
And Why You Should Care

Updated 6.3.08 with a bold prophecy.
    Could this be the appearance of the Rex Mundi?"
Russia Will Dominate the World
    A Russian Prophecy
The Main Home Page

Thus Say the Prophets

Welcome to Thus Says the Prophets!

This website is a bit different from most of the prophecy sites you are likely to find on the internet because my beliefs are a bit different.

    As others, I am convinced that we are living just prior to the final seven years of this age. I am also convinced that much of what is now taking place is the near culmination of a very long process. In the various studies I present here (to the left) these convictions will be explained in some detail through a series of studies, answered questions etc.

    Part of what makes my views unique is that I practice what I call AllFaith Spirituality (for lack of a better name). While my views are often eclectic (i.e. including the strengths and wisdom of diverse traditions) they are not "New Age," Interfaith, Universalist, Globalist etc. Simply stated they are the accumulation of my 40 plus years of study, prayer and meditation. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind.

    If my religious beliefs have to categorized they are closest to a combination of non-Nicean Christianity (i.e. Noahide Nazarene) and Vaisnava Hinduism, and yet they are more diverse than this implies. It would be misleading to assume I agree with either tradition in all respects). However these traditions and others are in main harmonious with my views when understood from an "AllFaith" perspective.

    A core belief of mine is that the Jewish people are "the Chosen of G-d" and are KEY to understanding all prophecy, past, present and future. I am a committed Zionist (i.e. I believe Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel was granted to the Jewish people -- all the Jews -- as an eternal inheritance). I oppose the so-called two state solution and believe that ALL the Land decreed as Eretz Israel belongs to the Jews, should be retaken by them and never again allowed to be trod underfoot by non-Jews. This is one of the things that is somewhat unique about these teachings. Many of the people who study these topics -- both the religious and non-religious -- and who otherwise accurately point to the existence of a Globalist Elite who are, even now, establishing the Global Union over which the Rex Mundi (Antichrist/Dijal) will rule are committed anti-Zionists (many are unabashedly antisemitic as well). In my opinion these people have been deceived by the Elite who, as their forebears the Nazis and Soviets sought to genocide the Elect of G-d. In a word, I stand with Israel and the Jewish People.

    Genesis 12:
    1 Now HaShem had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee:
    2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
    3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

    I am not Jewish. G-d has not given me that blessing in this life.

    In some cases you may agree with my views, in some cases you may disagree. I have no problems with this. We should all be seeking greater Light. You may have questions, suggestions or other comments to share with me. I sincerely invite you to contact me! I always reply as soon as possible, usually within hours or at least the same day.

    Contact John of AllFaith

    Contact John of AllFaith

    Or join me on my main Multiply Blog

    In order to post to my blog Multiply requires you to have a free account. Their rules not mine.

    If you are a Multiply user drop me an add request!

    For a fairly updated list of my posts join my Twitter site:

    Please note:

      This prophecy website is not a "Messianic Jewish" site nor any other form of missionary attempt to convert Jews to any other religion.

      This prophecy website is not a Nicene Christian site and differs from those beliefs in certain key areas. I have no desire to convert Nicene Christians to any other religion.

      This prophecy website is not a Jewish site and its contents differs from all forms of Judaism in certain aspects while holding Judaism in the deepest of respect.

      This prophecy website is not a traditional Noahide site. I accept the teachings and prophecies of Master Y'shua (Jesus of Nazareth) and most Noahides do not. I consider Master Moishe (Moses) and Y'shua (Jesus) to be the greatest prophets sent to the human race during this age (which I belief is the fourth of four). In my opinion Master Y'shua is of singular importance however I do not accept the Nicean Creed. In this context my beliefs embrace a conception of the Noahide Nazarene Way.

      This prophecy website is not an attempt to convert anyone into anything. It exists solely to share what I believe the prophets are telling us about our present and future. It exists to encourage everyone who reads these studies to seriously consider what lies just ahead of us all. Seek and ye shall find. Don't seek and you'll be in the dark as these things come to pass.

      Please don't make assumptions. This site is different!

      The Prophecies can be loosely divided into two camps: Prophecies of Light and Prophecies of Dark. I look into both sets of prophecies as held by the diverse traditions.

      The age that has existed for the past 6000 some odd years is now drawing to a close. This is the fourth of fourth ages according to the beliefs of the Sanatana Dharma. Such information is also included in my teachings. God is One and, as is said in the East, "Truth often grows in the mire." I accept the Truth wherever I find it. God is the God of the whole world.

      Again this site is something... different.

    If you receive nothing else from this website please hear this:

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