Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is Al-Qaeda making headway in in Brazil?

Is Al-Qaeda making headway in Brazil?
Looks like it may be!
... But then that sort of makes sense doesn't it?

After World War Two many of the most significant NAZI leaders (including Hitler himself according to some) fled to and settled in Argentina and Brazil. When I was in Argentina a few years back I was amazed by not only how many Germans were there but how openly they celebrated Hitler's birthday (I was there at the time and witnessed the celebrations myself), spoke of their continuing Nazi beliefs, etc. I was also warned not to venture into certain areas unless I was known by the locals to be pro-Nazi because there were known Nazi enclaves.

What has this got to do al Ikhwan, al Qaeda etc. and the recent al Qaeda arrest in San Palo? Maybe lots!

Consider this short video on the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Third Reich. Now that the far more dangerous Fourth Reich is almost established would we expect the Ummah to not be involved?

History of Hitler and Muslim Waffen SS
Short Version

Hitler and the Mufti Of Jerusalem/Nazi-Muslim Connection
Longer Version

SOURCE The following news story is a translated version of this story, the original is below.
Thanks to my friend Fabio for turning me onto this!

S�O PAULO - Brazil [has] arrested under strict secrecy, one of the high-ranking Al-Qaeda. The arrest was made by the Federal Police in Sao Paulo, where the terrorist was set and in the international operations. The information is the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo "this Tuesday.

According to the publication, does not appear, however, to develop any activity related to the actions of terror in Brazil.

According to the newspaper, for five days, the FBI arrested by anticipating the imminent task of several attacks in the United States, including in New York.

A caution to preserve the secrecy did give the Federal Police to prison, even for internal purposes, the research on cells neonazistas. According to the "Film", only the U.S. government's information has occurred in S�o Paulo, since the FBI and agents have anti-American group in Brazil in joint action with the Federal Police.

The newspaper also highlights that the choice of Sao Paulo by Al-Qaeda seems to arise, at least in part, a combination of "friendly neutrality" of the Brazilian government before the Islamic countries and exist here, obsession (and reasons to take it ) terrorism.

The Original story is in Portuguese:

S�O PAULO - Est� preso no Brasil, sob sigilo rigoroso, um integrante da alta hierarquia da Al- Qaeda. A pris�o foi feita pela Pol�cia Federal em S�o Paulo, onde o terrorista estava fixado e em opera��es de �mbito internacional. As informa��es s�o do jornal "Folha de S. Paulo" desta ter�a-feira.

Segundo a publica��o, n�o consta, por�m, que desenvolvesse alguma atividade relacionada a a��es de terror no Brasil.

Ainda de acordo com o jornal, h� cinco dias, o FBI prendeu por antecipa��o os incumbidos de v�rios atentados iminentes nos Estados Unidos, inclusive em Nova York.

A cautela para preserva��o do sigilo fez a Pol�cia Federal atribuir a pris�o, at� mesmo para efeito interno, a investiga��es sobre c�lulas de neonazistas. Segundo a "Folha", s� o governo dos Estados Unidos tem informa��es do ocorrido em S�o Paulo, mesmo porque o FBI e o grupo americano antiterrorismo t�m agentes no Brasil em a��o conjunta com a Pol�cia Federal.

O jornal destaca ainda que a escolha de S�o Paulo pela Al-Qaeda parece decorrer, ao menos em parte, da conjun��o de "neutralidade simp�tica" do governo brasileiro ante os pa�ses isl�micos e de inexistir, aqui, obsess�o (e motivos para t�-la) antiterrorista.

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