Friday, March 06, 2009

Dear Glenn Beck, Do You Plan To Keep Your Word? ASK HIM!

Read More AllFaith Comix!

As most of you know, Glenn Beck said outright and directly that he investigated the Fema Concentration Camps in order to disprove them but that in his investigations he discovered they are real. He PROMISED he would release his findings on his show... Then he was obviously pressured by the globalists at Fox to recant. See this in the videos below.

Write Glenn and demand he air his proof!

Here's the letter I just sent him:

You promised to reveal your findings on the FEMA concentration camps.
We all know they exist and you admitted it on TV on that morning show before you knuckled under.

Are you really going to allow the powers-that-be to make you into a liar?
Are you really going to allow them to make you an accomplice to treason by silence?
Are you really going to allow them to discredit you as a journalist?

I hope you decide to stand for our country.

A viewer,
~ John of AllFaith

Glenn Beck Confirms FEMA Camps on Fox & Friends (part1)

Glenn Beck Backs Off On FEMA Camp Report: He Obviously yielded to Pressure

And as usual Ron Paul approaches revealing the truth but then he too backs off. Ron Paul COULD be far MORE effective if he would get over his anti-Antisemitism and tell everything he knows. He often comes right to edge but then he keeps backing off...

Glenn Beck scares Fox host into hiding under table

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