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India is in Grave Danger From the Islamic Ummah and from the New World Order A response by John of AllFaith, 03.09.09 |
Hi John
I feel a rage toward Islam. It's not I hate Muslims, but more I read their acts, more I feel that this cult needs to end. You name the countries and you will get them especially Asians and Africans. The followers will not send their kids to modern school system and will not plan their family. At the end, the kids will be the part of ‘slumdogs' army and later pals of criminals and terrorists. Stories of Darfur can shake any woman. Ignoring the poor and developing countries, Islamic hard core countries such as Saudi Arabia- women suffer a lot. I don't know how they think that they can create a paradise in desert. The last place on this planet to live will be these countries.
Most of Hindu philosophers especially of mainstream, sound very supportive of Islam (those who don't - are generally referred as 'fundamentalists' in media). I can't bear Mohammad's name on any list of prophets and whenever a Hindu preacher (Deepak Chopra or Prabhus) refers him, I felt like it's our 1400 years old slavery or what they call us 'Dhimmis'. I never felt this way when I was in India though every year thousands of people die because of terrorism. My own state ‘Punjab’ and neighboring state ‘Kashmir’ suffer most. But now I understand the world politics and don't see any end to it. I wonder – should we bring kid in this going to be 'Taliban' or 'Wahabbism' or 'Islamic' world?
You have translated Gita; Krishna told Arjun to move forward and fight with enemy and not to refer US or sign ‘never followed’ peace pacts (Pandavas tried but Kauravas refused). Similar to Duryodhna, who was never able to understand the language of peace, countries like Pakistan or Islam in general, can’t get it. So why should even we talk to these people or bow in front of these? Though nuclear bombs are the biggest concern, especially in the hands of stupids - Is there any end?
Namaskar Deep,
This is a rather difficult question to answer on a public forum because as is so often the case there are many points that should be considered.
First, rage will never produce positive results. Sri Krsna tells Arjuna to fight but to do so without attachment, fight because it is his duty to defend his people and his way of life.
Bhagavad Gita: 3:30: Renounce all types of activities unto Me [God] in complete consciousness of Me free from desire or possessiveness. Being thus free, fight [do your duty] without mental pain or anxiety.3:31: Those who practice My eternal doctrine with faith and who are devoid of envy are freed from all karmic reactions.
3:32: But those who are envious, who do not practice My doctrine and whose knowledge is deluded: know them to be ruined and devoid of consciousness.
That being said, what is the duty of Indians, Americans, Israelis, Europeans and the others who are currently confronting the awakening and expanding ummah of Islam (the united Muslim political movements)? I believe our joint duty is clear: we must resist them. We can not allow our people and nations to be enslaved by Sharia law and our religious traditions to be destroyed.
But it isn't quite as simple as this.
Most Muslims are good people who want peace just like the rest of us. However they are not confronting the growing ummah and so due to apathy or tacit support they can not be counted among our comrades.
However understand that the global threat to our survival is far more serious and pervasive than just the reawakening ummah. Of greater danger is Globalism and the powers behind Globalization that is manipulating the ummah. Sadly the Indian government (like all European, North American and other world governments) have completely embraced the New World Order movement towards One World Government. Globalization is currently a much greater threat to India than the Islamic Ummah.
Islamofascism is being used as a distraction from the far more serious enemy.
HOWEVER, this does NOT lessen their threat to India and the rest of the planet. The Elite, the rulers of the New World Order, are working with al Ikhwan (the Muslim Brotherhood) and ALL other major Muslim Ummah sects -- including those that recently attacked Mumbai -- just as New World Order leader Adolf Hitler did during his reign.
This can be easily demonstrated. For instance consider the evidence found in the following video:
Hitler and the Grand Mufti: The Ummah of Islam is being used to spread chaos across the globe: The Third Jihad: Wake Up! Wake up America!
The imams tell their followers they are in jihad to create a global caliphate but in reality the leaders believe they will be awarded all of the Eastern world, including all of Israel and India for their service.
Great Hindu masters like Srila Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and too many others understand Islam according to their Vedantic views. They are all being naive -- I'm am sorry to say this and no offense to such great pundits is intended. But India needs Kshatriyas (warriors) right now as much as it needs brahmanas (spiritual teachers)!
The ummah of Islam does not view al Qur'an and al Hadith as metaphor but as literal fact. Failing to understand this many countries, including India, are falling before them.
Vedantists reading the Bhagavad Gita and similar scriptures rightly see a deeper, spiritual teaching: Arjuna's chariot represents the body, Arjuna is the conditioned soul (atman), Sri Krsna is the Higher Soul (Paramatman) and so on, but they too often fail to understand that the War of Kuruksetra literally happened and that Arjuna literally sought a literal Sri Krsna about the war and was literally told to literally fight... Too many Indians have "spiritualized" Islam in ways Muslims never would. Hence they are naive and India, like my country, the U.S. is facing imminent destruction (but to two different though related Globalist enemies.
When reading al Qur'an these pundits fail to take the text literally. Muslims are a very literal people. When al Qur'an says to slay ALL polytheists it is literally referring to the Hindus of whatever school. For instance:
002.096 -- SHAKIR: And you will most certainly find them [Jews] the greediest of men for life (greedier) than even those who are polytheists [Hindus]; every one of them loves that he should be granted a life of a thousand years, and his being granted a long life will in no way remove him further off from the chastisement, and Allah sees what they do.
003.085 -- YUSUFALI: If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).
Following is a video showing a selection of verses from Al Qur'an demanding such actions and declaring them righteous:
Selections From al Qur'an Vedantists may not be polytheists but devout Muslims lump all Hindus together in this category and they will slaughter all who refuse to revert to Islam when (not if) the time comes.
Gandhiji gave India the way out. India SHOULD have listened to him instead of to the Globalists. Unfortunately they did not and they are now seeing the result. Hinduism is dying and both the ummah and the New World Globalists are just waiting for the opportunity to destroy India in their own fashion.
This reply could get very long, my apologies... Let's skip to the end question...
"Is there any end?"
Not a pleasant one, no.
Islam will never stop until all of Bharata Varsa (India) is Muslim (and under Sharia law) and all murtis, mandirs, holy places of all kinds are utterly destroyed -- even as they destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan and as the Moghuls largely laid India to waste last time Muslims ruled India....
UNLESS India rises and successfully opposes them. Time is running out.
Likewise the Globalists will never stop until the have control of the entire world and have replaced the religious faith of all people (Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Buddhists etc) with their Secular Humanism Globalist religion.
The Muslim Ummah has already fundamentally altered the face of Europe under the rulership of the Globalist European Union and their presence and control of the Continent is growing more entrenched everyday. The Europeans are doing next to nothing to stop the Ummah. Nor is India, the U.S. or any other country.
The United States seems to be falling now and many knowledgeable observers think my nation will completely fall within a few months to a few years and be joined with a global union dictatorship.
On April 2-5 the G 20 will meet in London and MAY announce a global currency, a world Bank and a world Court shortly thereafter thus establishing the one world government sooner than most would believe possible.
Understand that none of us know exactly what is happening nor do we know the exact time table the Globalists are following, but what we can say for certain is that the world we all thought we grew up in (whether in America, India or wherever) will soon cease to exist (if it has not already in any given area -- my birthplace in North Georgia U.S. now looks much more like Cambodia than U.S. South land). This includes India that will fall before a Muslim invasion soon if Indians don't arise.
What can be done? Many things!
Fight Globalism in any way you can.
Educate yourself about what is really happening in your village, your city, your state, your country, your region and throughout the world.
Warn Hindus and others that they are being sold out.
Get political and demand your government withdraw from ALL aspects of globalism.
In India, outlaw ALL non-Indigenous missions and missionary activities (especially Islamic and Christian -- most Christian missions are funded directly by the Globalists and are Christian in name only).
Warn everyone you meet about what is going on!
Sources of information:
Infowars.com: Alex Jones is not correct on everything in my opinion (especially on matters of Israel and Hinduism) but he IS the most important voice out there. Listen to his daily show (there are many ways to do this offered on his website). Read the articles on his websites including the Prison Planet Forums
Go to YouTube and enter Alex Jones into the search feature and watch his movies and interviews. Enter: New World Order, Globalism, Islamic Ummah, al Ikhwan, Muslim Brotherhood, Eugenics, World Governance, Lindsey Williams and other keywords. There is a LOT of information available (much of it good, some not).
There are also many bloggers who present good information on a regular basis.
My main blog is at http://johnofallfaith.multiply.com. You can read my posts, visit my friends blogs and others there.
My website is http://allfaith.com and I have information there.
Many resisters, including myself, frequently use the biblical prophets to underpin our views however being a Christian is not required to participate in the discussions and research in most blogs (certainly not in mine). Find blogs where you feel comfortable and read learn and post and star you own.
My prophecy web site is at http://allfaith.com/prophecy and has many studies on this topic.
In any case, Dark days are on the horizon.
As much as I love India, the Sanatana Dharma and the Indian people, the sad truth is, based on my many conversations with many Hindus, with Vaisnavas, Saivites, Vedantists... with so many... India will fall easily to the Ummah once they invade. Their missionaries are already making MAJOR headway in India and meeting little resistance from the people. Most Indians I speak with seem oblivious of the threats currently facing India and Hinduism both from Islam and the New World Order Globalists. They have been convinced that Hinduism is dying. As a result, it seems to be so.
I'm sorry if this sounds bleak, but I believe this is accurate and I will never share anything but my honest views with people:
I am convinced that the world is now entering into the darkest period in its history since the dawning of Kali Yuga 5000 plus years ago.
We ALL need to prepare what lies ahead.
There is a biblical verse that we would all do well to heed:
Having done everything one can to stand... STAND!
Hope this helps,
Om Santi,
Feel free to write back if you wish,
~ Jagannatha Prakasa adhikari
~ John of AllFaith
Jai Jagannatha!Sri Jagannatha.com Home Page Bhagavad Gita translated by Jagannatha Prakasa Gitabhasya of Jagannatha Prakasa
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Article Posted By :manisha singh
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